A VAD acts like the heart’s ventricle by pumping blood throughout the body. This pamphlet describes the types of VADs, what will happen during surgery, risks, and what to expect after. The French version of this pamphlet 1853, "Dispositifs d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV)", is also available.
This pamphlet explains why you may need a feeding tube and how the tube is put in. It provides details on how to get ready for the procedure, what to expect after the tube has been inserted, and how to care for your PEG tube at home.
This pamphlet explains how to care for your sutures (stitches) with a dressing, with Steri-Strips™, and without a dressing.
This pamphlet explains how to care for yourself at home after your plastic surgery procedure. The French version of this pamphlet 1797, "Soins à dispenser après votre intervention de chirurgie plastique," is also available.
Cette brochure explique comment prendre soin de vous à la maison après votre intervention de chirurgie plastique. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1680, "Care After Your Plastic Surgery Procedure". This pamphlet explains how to care for yourself at home after your plastic surgery procedure.
This pamphlet will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery. The French version of this pamphlet 1537, "Avant et après une chirurgie d'un jour", is also available.
Parathyroidectomy is a surgery that removes your parathyroid glands. Your parathyroid glands are in your neck (usually on the back of the thyroid gland). They help to control your blood calcium and phosporous levels. Hyperparathyroidism is when one or more of the parathyroid glands makes too much parathyroid hormone in your blood. If this happens, you will need a parathyroidectomy. This pamphlet explains what a parathyroidectomy is, the possible complications with this surgery, care after surge…
Your nurse will check your hand and/or foot often for circulation (blood flow). They will check the colour, sensation (feeling), and movement. A list of questions to expect and information about what to do if you notice any changes in the colour, sensation, or movement of your hand and/or foot is included.
This pamphlet gives information about your care before and after surgery. Topics about getting ready for surgery include learning about the time of your surgery, dentures and oral appliances, glasses and contact lenses, hearing aids, personal care items, and valuables. Information about the day of surgery includes what to bring to the hospital, when to arrive, anesthetic, delays, the Same Day Surgery Unit, and surgery. Information about after your surgery includes the recovery area and nursing …
This surgery is called endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). It is needed when your tear duct is blocked and tears cannot drain. This pamphlet explains what to expect before, during, and after surgery. It includes information about pain, cold compresses, dressings, after care, and follow-up. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention is provided.
A spinal anesthetic is a type of anesthesia (freezing medication). It is used for surgeries on the lower part of your body (stomach and below). This pamphlet explains what a spinal anesthetic is, if it will hurt, if you will hear what is happening during your surgery, how a spinal anesthetic is different from a general anesthetic, the benefits and risks, if you can have a spinal anesthetic if you have a back problem, and if you can take pain medications with a spinal anesthetic. Information abo…
It is important to ask any questions you have when you meet with your health care team or any hospital staff. This guide includes some common questions about having surgery. Question topics include: understanding your surgery, getting ready for your surgery, what to expect during and right after your surgery, and what to expect as you recover. Write down your questions, and bring a pen or pencil to make notes when you meet with your surgeon. The French version of this pamphlet 1677, "Questions …
This pamphlet was created by the Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Nova Scotia Health to give you and your support persons information about getting heart surgery. It has information about what you can do before your surgery to help it go well, what will happen during your hospital stay, and what you can do after your surgery to have a good recovery. Topics include discharge (leaving the hospital) planning, your surgery timeline, your health care team, information about the heart and your su…
This pamphlet explains what to do after having urological surgery at Dartmouth General Hospital. Topics include food and drink, using the washroom, activity after surgery, driving, sex, and managing pain. A list of signs of complications is also included.
This guide will help you learn how to care for your child safely after a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include what will happen right after surgery (like where your child will recover, when your child can go home), and care at home (like how to help your child with pain, when they can eat, activities they can do).
The Society for Vascular Surgery's Vascular Quality Initiative was developed by surgeons to improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of surgical care. The program makes hospitals aware of issues you may have during or after surgery. It also uses information from your 1-year follow-up visit to check for long-term complications.
This pamphlet explains how to care for your sutures (stitches) after a minor procedure. Topics include incision (cut) care, pain, bleeding, infection, and activity. There is space at the end of the pamphlet for your health care team to indicate when your sutures will be removed.
This pamphlet answers common questions about care at home after surgery. Topics include: how you will feel, activities, what to eat, managing pain, dressing(s) care, driving, etc. Specific instructions are given for patients with sleep apnea, and patients who use CPAP machines. The pamphlet includes a list of symptoms that need medical attention right away.
This pamphlet provides specific instructions after carpal tunnel surgery for Dr. Pickett's patients. It reviews information about positioning, the dressing, follow-up, managing discomfort, and problems that need medical attention right away.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect as a general surgery, plastic surgery, and burn unit inpatient in Unit 4.2. The pamphlet describes all the members of your health care team. When your family and friends can phone you or the unit, as well as when they can visit, is outlined. The pamphlet explains what a normal day is like, and when meals are served. Other topics described in the pamphlet are TV, personal care items, parking, wheelchairs, and infection control. A list of nearby hotels for fa…