Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives tips to help you eat better and information about protein, energy, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein sample menu are included.
Pulses are dried beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas. This pamphlet explains where to buy pulses and how to lower gas from pulses. It also includes recipes. The French version of this pamphlet 2081, "Légumineuses faciles d’emploi : préparer des lentilles, des haricots et des pois secs", is also available.
This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food choices. Information about reading food labels, making your recipes healthy, safe food handling, and eating out is included. The French translation of this pamphlet 1106, "Manger sainement après une transplantation" is also available.
This pamphlet lists signs that you may have a swallowing problem. It includes Safe Swallow Guidelines everyone should follow, tips for support persons, and oral care tips, as well as symptoms that need medical attention. The French version of this pamphlet 2175, "Lignes directrices pour s’alimenter sans danger", is also available.
Some people have problems swallowing. This means that some food or liquid may go into the airway. This is called aspiration. This pamphlet lists signs that you may have a swallowing problem, foods that can raise your risk of aspiration, and recommendations from your Swallow Team.
For many people with swallowing problems, it can be safer to drink thick liquids. This pamphlet lists the thickness level that is right for you. It also includes examples of commercial thickening products and drinks, and explains how to use a commercial thickener. Other thickening ideas and tips, and information on how much liquid you need each day is included.
This pamphlet explains how to puree foods. Topics include food safety, helpful hints, ways to add calories and protein, what to do if constipation (not being able to poop) is a problem, as well as recipes.
This pamphlet gives guidelines for drinking water safely between meals for people with swallowing problems. The French version of this pamphlet 2196, "Boire de l’eau entre les repas," is also available.
After having surgery, you will need to change the way you eat. You may find that you feel full quickly and are only able to eat small amounts at a time. Some people experience dumping syndrome. This happens when food enters the intestine too quickly. This can cause cramping, diarrhea (loose, watery poop), and other symptoms. This pamphlet offers guidelines to help prevent or lessen dumping syndrome and stay healthy after surgery. Topics include what you should do if you are losing weight and wh…
You may need a low fat eating plan if you have trouble digesting fat. This guide can help you make low fat food choices. Lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid" are given. Tips for reading food labels, cooking methods, and serving sizes are included.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after surgery. Tips to control gas, bloating, and diarrhea are given. Good food choices after surgery are listed as well as a list of foods to stay away from for at least 4 weeks after surgery.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after colostomy surgery. A list of best food choices and those to avoid in the first 4 weeks is provided. Foods to choose and avoid if you have diarrhea, gas, or constipation are listed. Information about going back to a regular diet is included.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives tips to help you eat better and information about protein, energy, high sugar foods to avoid, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein sample menu are i…
All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods that are high in potassium. If you have high blood potassium levels, you should avoid these foods. If you have low blood potassium levels, you should choose more of these foods daily. The French version of this pamphlet 2181, "Aliments riches en potassium," is also available.
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after ileostomy surgery. This pamphlet provides guidelines to help you manage symptoms that may happen after surgery. It lists food that should be avoided and suggests preferred food choices.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This guide will help you choose foods with more energy and protein that are soft and easy to chew. The guide includes tips to help you eat better, tips if you have a sore mouth or throat, tips to help…
Our bodies need fluid to work properly. The kidneys, liver, and heart work to keep fluids in balance. Sometimes, fluid builds up in our bodies. With some medical conditions, you may need to limit your fluid intake. This pamphlet lists signs that fluid may be building up in your body and tips for managing your fluid intake.
This pamphlet is for people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It gives information about protein, sodium (salt), potassium, and phosphorus, as well as reading food labels, adding calories and flavour, and controlling your fluid intake. A sample meal plan and guidelines for measuring portions are included.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives you tips to eat less fat, tips to help you eat better, and information about protein, energy, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein, low fat sample m…
Gastroparesis means stomach paralysis. This means the stomach is slow to empty. The guidelines in this pamphlet may help you to lower your symptoms and keep up good nutrition. A list of suggested food choices and foods to avoid is provided.