This guide explains the info that you were given during your hospital stay. It will help to answer any questions you may have after discharge. Topics include anticoagulation (blood thinners), pain control, dressings and wound care, possible complications, followup, and activity.
The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a 24 hour split urine sample. Locations for drop offs (24 hour access) are included.
For those living outside the HRM. A visual guide with lists of ideas for physical activity, the benefits, and how to exercise safely.
For those living in the HRM. A visual guide with lists of ideas for physical activity, the benefits, and how to exercise safely
What to expect after ear surgery, how to care for yourself at home, and an explanation of the different types of ear surgery are given. This pamphlet also shows a detailed image of the ear and middle ear. A list of symptoms that need Emergency Department attention are noted.
After your hand surgery, you will need to learn how to care for your incision. A list of things to watch is given in case you have any problems.
Antibodies are proteins in your blood that protect you from disease.This pamphlet explains why our immune system make antibodies, how they are tested for, and what to expect if you have them before surgery.
Lists the benefits of quitting smoking for those with cancer.
A bone scan measures how much calcium and other types of minerals are in an area of your bone. The scan may help your health care provider determine your future fracture risk and measure your response to treatment. It is important to be aware of specific conditions that may interfere with the scan (such as other tests you had done recently, whether you think you may be pregnant, etc.). This pamphlet outlines how the scan is done, how to get ready, and what to do during the test.
A CADD-Solis pump is a pump that runs on a battery to deliver medications(s) that lessen the feelings of pain and other symptoms you may be experiencing. How your pump works, who will get the medication ready, how to know if your pump is working, how to take care of it, changing batteries, and dosage instructions are given. A diagram and key is provided to help you become familiar with your pump.
Cancer patients may be more at risk of developing blood clots, also called Cancer Associated Thrombosis or CAT. This pamphlet describes what blood clots are, those at highest risk, and what conditions may come from CAT. Terms used in the guide are explained.
One of the common side effects for cancer and cancer treatment is pain. This pamphlet looks at what causes pain, treatments for different types of pain and different levels of pain, side effects of those treatments, and how to deal with pain.
A colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. This pamphlet describes why you were referred for a colposcopy test, what will happen during the appointment, and afterward including next steps based on test results. Terms used in the guide are explained.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet explains the different results and next steps.
Guidelines for cervical screening are explained, including who should be screened and how frequently. Those who should be screened more frequently are outlined.
The Changeways group is for people with depression or low mood as their main concern. The group teaches skills in problem-solving and managing your lifestyle to help with your mood. Topics include: when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing with the group, and how the group will help you.
Glucose is a type of sugar. It is your baby's most important source of energy. This pamphlet answers frequently asked questions you may have about your baby's blood glucose checks. It explains which babies need these checks and how checks are done. Normal blood glucose levels are listed. This pamphlet also gives information on preventing and treating low blood glucose levels. The French version of this pamphlet 1966, "Surveillance de la glycémie chez les nouveau-nés", is also available.
Combination therapy is when more than one cancer treatment is used. This pamphlet lists the different types of treatments and introduces why each one may be used with direction to more information. It lists suggested questions to ask your health care team.
Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements (poops) very often, or they are hard to pass. We also call this “being constipated.” This pamphlet explains common causes of constipation and lists things you can do to help. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2080, "Constipation", is also available.