Gastroparesis means stomach paralysis. This means the stomach is slow to empty. The guidelines in this pamphlet may help you to lower your symptoms and keep up good nutrition. A list of suggested food choices and foods to avoid is provided.
Your body needs magnesium to keep your bones, muscles, and nervous system healthy. Magnesium can also help keep your blood pressure under control. This pamphlet lists how much magnesium you need, as well as foods high in magnesium.
This pamphlet gives a 14-day meal plan for people with kidney disease.
This pamphlet provides guidelines for the first 4 weeks (1 month) after bowel surgery. They will help with your healing, comfort, and bowel function. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed.
This handout provides a 7 day meal plan for persons managing their own Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). This diet is also appropriate for someone with diabetes.
This pamphlet gives information on the 2 types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake. The French translation of this pamphlet 2064, "Conseils pour une alimentation riche en fibres", is also available.
This pamphlet provides guidelines for 4 weeks after your surgery or dilation. These guidelines include soft, moist (wet) foods and fluids that are easy to swallow. If you have an esophageal stent, you will need to follow these guidelines as long as your stent is in place. This pamphlet explains eating guidelines, a puree diet, an esophageal soft diet (best choices and foods to avoid), and recipes for high-protein, high-calorie drinks.
This pamphlet explains how to fill out a food journal. It also includes space to write your goals for the week, examples of serving sizes from Canada’s Food Guide 2019, and a hunger/fullness rating scale.
Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis (NHHD) is a type of dialysis done at home overnight, usually for 8 to 9 hours, 5 to 6 nights a week. The main parts of the NHHD nutrition plan are protein, phosphorus, sodium (salt), fluids, and potassium. This pamphlet gives information about each of these items, as well as a sample meal plan.
Nutrition is an important way to manage your health, especially when it comes to chronic kidney disease. By eating or avoiding certain foods, you may help to keep your kidneys working for as long as possible. The most important nutrients that can affect your kidneys are protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. This pamphlet gives information about these nutrients, as well as recipes to help people with chronic kidney disease manage their health.
Heart healthy eating means having a balance of nutritious whole foods in your meals. Healthy eating can help lower your risk of heart disease by improving your cholesterol levels, lowering your blood pressure, managing your body weight, and controlling your blood glucose (sugar). This pamphlet explains what you can do to eat heart healthy, including tips to help limit sodium (salt), sugar, and fat, and eat more fibre, fruits, and vegetables. Information on how to read a food label is given. A l…
Une saine alimentation peut aider à réduire votre risque de maladie du cœur en améliorant vos taux de cholestérol et en vous aidant à abaisser votre tension artérielle, à gérer votre poids corporel et à contrôler le taux de glucose (sucre) dans votre sang. Nous vous offrons des suggestions pour une saine alimentation, comme des conseils visant à réduire votre consommation de sel, à augmenter votre consommation de fibres, à manger plus de légumes et de fruits et moins de sucre et de gras. Nous …
Information sur les deux types de fibres alimentaires, solubles et insolubles, et conseils sur la façon d’augmenter votre consommation de fibres. Un exemple de plan pour les repas est fourni. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0556 “Tips for High Fibre Eating". Information on the two types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake are provided. A sample meal plan is listed.
Les légumineuses comprennent les haricots, les pois secs, les lentilles et les pois chiches. Elles sont une bonne source de minéraux, de vitamines, de fibres et de protéines. Les légumineuses sont bon marché et faciles à préparer. Cette brochure propose quelques recettes à base de légumineuses, ainsi que des conseils pour réduire les gaz (flatulences) causés par la consommation de légumineuses. Une liste de sites Web est fournie pour obtenir plus d’information et des recettes. ; This is a Frenc…
Certaines personnes ont des problèmes de déglutition (difficulté à avaler). Cela signifie que certains aliments ou liquides peuvent se retrouver dans les voies respiratoires au lieu d'aller dans l'estomac. C'est ce qu'on appelle l'aspiration de corps étrangers. L'aspiration est le mot utilisé lorsque la nourriture ou le liquide « descend au mauvais endroit ». Ce dépliant fournit une liste de signes qui peuvent indiquer des problèmes de déglutition. Des conseils de sécurité pour éviter l'aspirat…
Dehydration means that your body does not have enough fluid. This pamphlet explains the causes and signs of dehydration, and tips for staying hydrated. A list of symptoms that require medical care right away are listed.
Tous les fruits et légumes contiennent du potassium. Ce dépliant fournit une liste d'aliments à forte teneur en potassium. Si vous avez un taux de potassium élevé dans le sang, vous devez éviter ces aliments. Si vous avez un faible taux de potassium dans le sang, vous devriez choisir un plus grand nombre de ces aliments chaque jour. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Foods High in Potassium" pamphlet 0610. All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods…
Phosphorus and calcium are minerals found in your body. When your kidneys are working well, they stay in good balance. This is good for your bones. When your kidneys do not work well, phosphorus levels in your blood go up. This pamphlet explains what causes high phosphorus, the symptoms of high phosphorus, and how to control phosphorus. Examples of high phosphorus foods and drinks to limit and avoid are listed.
It is important to eat well to help your body heal. When your jaws are wired or you have elastics in place, you will need to make a few changes to the foods you eat to get the nutrition your body needs. This pamphlet gives tips that can help. Topics include a meal plan, how to make eating easier, important things to do at home, how to prevent food poisoning, nutritional drinks, a sample menu, blending ideas and tips, smoothie-making tips, and ways to add calories and protein. Recipes are includ…
During Whipple surgery, parts of the stomach, small bowel, gallbladder, and pancreas are removed. These organs are important for digesting food. After surgery you may need to make some changes to your eating habits. Following the tips in this guide can help you get the nutrition you need to heal, feel comfortable during the first 4 weeks (1 month) after surgery, and keep or gain weight after surgery. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed. Other topics include whether you w…