La présente brochure explique ce qu’est l’avortement par médicaments, qui peut avoir un avortement par médicaments, ce qui se passe durant l’intervention et les risques et effets secondaires possibles. Vous y trouverez des instructions pour prendre le médicament Mifegymiso afin de provoquer un avortement par médicaments et les coordonnées pour obtenir plus d'information. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Medical Abortion" pamphlet 1831. This pamphlet explains what a medical abortion i…
La présente brochure explique ce qu’est l’avortement par instruments, qui peut avoir un avortement par instruments, ce qui se passe durant l’intervention et les risques possibles. On y indique ce à quoi vous attendre après votre retour à la maison et qui contacter pour de plus amples renseignements. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Procedural Abortion" pamphlet 1832. This pamphlet explains what a procedural abortion is, who can get a procedural abortion, what happens during a procedu…
This pamphlet explains how to take the medication Mifegymiso to cause an abortion. It lists the supplies you will need, how to take the medications, and symptoms that require you to call the Nova Scotia Choice Clinic Nursing Line. Information about sex and birth control after taking Mifegymiso, and follow-up care is provided. The French version of this pamphlet 1886, "Directives pour un avortement par médicaments (Mifegymiso)," is also available.
Ce dépliant explique comment prendre le médicament Mifegymiso pour provoquer un avortement. Il précise de quoi vous aurez besoin, la façon de prendre le médicament et les symptômes pour lesquels il faut appeler la ligne téléphonique des infirmières de la Nova Scotia Choice Clinic. Vous trouverez également des renseignements sur les relations sexuelles, sur la contraception après l'utilisation du médicament Mifegymiso et sur les soins de suivi. ; This is a French translation of the English pamph…
Une hystérectomie laparoscopique est une chirurgie qui permet d’enlever l’utérus et le col de l’utérus en passant par le vagin. Les ovaires et les trompes de Fallope sont souvent enlevés en même temps. Après la chirurgie, vous aurez une intraveineuse (IV), un cathéter (tube) pour vider la vessie de son urine et un pansement sur l’abdomen (le ventre). La présente brochure traite de la respiration, du traitement de la douleur, des saignements vaginaux, des soins des incisions, des caillots de san…
La présente ressource explique les défis auxquels vous pourriez faire face 24 heures après la naissance de votre bébé. Des moyens d’apaiser votre bébé vous sont présentés. Au fur et à mesure que vous apprendrez à connaître les comportements de votre bébé, vous constaterez que c’est au sein, bien blotti contre vous, qu’il se sent le plus réconforté. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1931, “Baby's Second Night”. This pamphlet explains the challenges you may experience 24 hour…
Gonorrhea (“gah-nuh-REE-uh”) and chlamydia (“kluh-MID-ee-uh”) are common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Gonorrhea and chlamydia are caused by bacteria. The bacteria can be passed from an infected pregnant person to their baby during birth. Gonorrhea and chlamydia can both cause eye infections in newborns. Newborn eye infections caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia are rare, but they are serious. They must be treated quickly to avoid long-term complications. This pamphlet explains how you …
During your surgery, you were given a medication that affects how well birth control medications work. It is important that you know this if you are on any type of hormonal contraceptive (birth control medication). Sugammadex (Bridion®) is a medication that helps you recover faster from the muscle relaxant used during your surgery. Sugammadex may lower how well your hormonal birth control works for 7 days (1 week). Use a back-up birth control method for at least 7 days after your surgery. If yo…
Le dépliant fournit des instructions à suivre après votre avortement, dont une liste des choses à éviter pendant 24 heures (une journée). Vous y trouverez une liste des symptômes qui exigent des soins médicaux, ainsi que de l’information sur la prévention de l’infection, le retour à la maison et les personnes à joindre si vous avez des questions. On vous propose un lien vers un questionnaire de rétroaction et les coordonnées pour obtenir du counseling gratuit. ; This pamphlet is a French transl…
Le feuillet fournit des instructions pour l’application d’un onguent stéroïde sur la vulve pour traiter votre maladie de peau. Un diagramme est présenté pour vous indiquer exactement où appliquer l’onguent. Des conseils et des directives sont fournis. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "How to Apply Your Steroid Ointment" pamphlet 1607. This 1-page sheet outlines instructions for applying steroid ointment to your vulva to treat your particular skin condition. A diagram is provided to sh…
This pamphlet gives information about soother use. Topics include how soothers can interfere with breastfeeding, risks, tips before offering a soother, things to keep in mind if you decide to use one, and care instructions. Contact information for more support is also included.
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) happens when a baby withdraws from medication that you have been taking during your pregnancy. This pamphlet explains the common symptoms of NAS, what your health care team will do to help your baby, what you can do to help your baby, what will happen if your baby needs medication, and when your baby can go home. The French version of this pamphlet 2203, "Syndrome de sevrage néonatal," is also available.
This pamphlet explains the different birth control methods that can be used after having a baby. A list of resources is included.
Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. This pamphlet explains how smoking increases your chance of getting cervical cancer, other reasons to quit smoking, what nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is and how much it will cost, why e-cigarettes are not recommended, medications that are available to help you quit smoking, and other options to quit smoking. Tips for quitting smoking and a list of res…
This pamphlets provides information for patients receiving radiation therapy to the pelvis. Answers common questions like: what will happen during your treatment, how long are the treatments, and what are the possible side effects of radiation therapy.
Guidelines for cervical screening are explained, including who should be screened and how frequently. Those who should be screened more frequently are outlined.
A colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. This pamphlet describes why you were referred for a colposcopy test, what will happen during the appointment, and afterward including next steps based on test results. Terms used in the guide are explained.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet describes what a Pap test is, who should have Pap tests, when, how often, and where to have one done.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet explains the different results and next steps.
Condoms are birth control devices that prevent semen (the fluid that contains sperm) from entering a vagina or anus. When semen is released inside a vagina, it may reach an egg and fertilize it, causing pregnancy. Condoms also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, if used properly. There are 2 types of condoms: internal (worn on the inside of the vagina or anus) and external (worn on the outside of an erect penis). This pamphlet explains what internal…