Heart healthy eating can help you feel good and give you energy. Eating more fibre and less fat can lower your risk of heart disease by helping control your weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Eating less sodium (salt) can help manage heart failure and high blood pressure. This pamphlet explains how to eat heart healthy. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed. Information about fluid, portion size, omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed, and eating out is included. A li…
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives tips to help you eat better and information about protein, energy, high sugar foods to avoid, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein sample menu are i…
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives tips to help you eat better and information about protein, energy, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein sample menu are included.
Good nutrition is very important. It will help you feel better and stay strong. Choosing high energy, high protein foods will help you get the nutrition you need to increase your energy levels, gain or maintain weight, heal, fight or prevent infections, and recover quicker from surgery or illness. This pamphlet gives you tips to eat less fat, tips to help you eat better, and information about protein, energy, and nutritional supplements. Recipes and a high energy, high protein, low fat sample m…
Nutrition is very important in helping you feel better and stay strong. This pamphlet explains how to choose foods that are high in energy and protein, and low in fibre. Recipes are included.
Phosphorus and calcium are minerals found in your body. When your kidneys are working well, they stay in good balance. This is good for your bones. When your kidneys do not work well, phosphorus levels in your blood go up. This pamphlet explains what causes high phosphorus, the symptoms of high phosphorus, and how to control phosphorus. Examples of high phosphorus foods and drinks to limit and avoid are listed.
Eating too much sodium (salt) can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and liver and heart problems. If you have heart, kidney, or liver disease, following a low sodium meal plan can help you manage your condition and feel better. This pamphlet explains how to control sodium intake. Foods to limit or avoid are listed. Information about portion size, how to read a nutrition label, and how to plan meals is included. A list of resources is provided. How to locate nutrition counselling in y…
This pamphlet explains how to do tube feeding at home. Topics include getting ready, your home tube feeding schedule, buying formula, weight, and hydration. The pamphlet explains what to do if you have diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating, or nausea and vomiting. Information is given on aspiration with tube feeding, what to do if you have a blocked feeding tube, and how to replace a broken adapter. When to call your primary health care provider, pharmacist, and outpatient dietitian is liste…
Intestinal gas is a natural part of swallowing and digestion. This gas is found throughout the digestive tract (organs that food and liquids travel through). It is normal to pass gas through your mouth (burping) or your bum (farting). A buildup of intestinal gas can be uncomfortable. The suggestions in this pamphlet can help you manage your intestinal gas. A list of foods to avoid or limit that can cause more gas, and a list of vegetables and fruit that usually cause less gas are included.
This pamphlet explains how to puree foods. Topics include food safety, helpful hints, ways to add calories and protein, what to do if constipation (not being able to poop) is a problem, as well as recipes.
For many people with swallowing problems, it can be safer to drink thick liquids. This pamphlet lists the thickness level that is right for you. It also includes examples of commercial thickening products and drinks, and explains how to use a commercial thickener. Other thickening ideas and tips, and information on how much liquid you need each day is included.
Nutrition is an important way to manage your health, especially when it comes to chronic kidney disease. By eating or avoiding certain foods, you may help to keep your kidneys working for as long as possible. The most important nutrients that can affect your kidneys are protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. This pamphlet gives information about these nutrients, as well as recipes to help people with chronic kidney disease manage their health.
Les légumineuses comprennent les haricots, les pois secs, les lentilles et les pois chiches. Elles sont une bonne source de minéraux, de vitamines, de fibres et de protéines. Les légumineuses sont bon marché et faciles à préparer. Cette brochure propose quelques recettes à base de légumineuses, ainsi que des conseils pour réduire les gaz (flatulences) causés par la consommation de légumineuses. Une liste de sites Web est fournie pour obtenir plus d’information et des recettes. ; This is a Frenc…
Certaines personnes ont des problèmes de déglutition (difficulté à avaler). Cela signifie que certains aliments ou liquides peuvent se retrouver dans les voies respiratoires au lieu d'aller dans l'estomac. C'est ce qu'on appelle l'aspiration de corps étrangers. L'aspiration est le mot utilisé lorsque la nourriture ou le liquide « descend au mauvais endroit ». Ce dépliant fournit une liste de signes qui peuvent indiquer des problèmes de déglutition. Des conseils de sécurité pour éviter l'aspirat…
You may need a low fat eating plan if you have trouble digesting fat. This guide can help you make low fat food choices. Lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid" are given. Tips for reading food labels, cooking methods, and serving sizes are included.
Eating less fibre and lactose may help with gas, cramping, and diarrhea (loose, watery poop). This pamphlet explains what fibre and lactose are, and provides lists of best choices and foods to avoid.
Fibre is the part of a plant that your body cannot digest. It is found in whole grain bread and cereal products, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. By choosing a low fibre eating plan, you will have smaller and fewer bowel movements (poops). This pamphlet includes lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid".
Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk. Some people have trouble digesting lactose. This is called "lactose intolerance". Lactose content of common milk and milk products is listed. Steps to learn how much milk or milk products your body can handle are listed. Tips that may help your body better able to tolerate milk and milk products are given.
Too much sodium (salt) in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and liver and heart problems. This pamphlet explains how to follow a eat low sodium diet. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed. A list of resources is provided. Recipes are included.
Our bodies need fluid to work properly. The kidneys, liver, and heart work to keep fluids in balance. Sometimes, fluid builds up in our bodies. With some medical conditions, you may need to limit your fluid intake. This pamphlet lists signs that fluid may be building up in your body and tips for managing your fluid intake.