This pamphlet explains how to care for your sutures (stitches) with a dressing, with Steri-Strips™, and without a dressing.
Your nurse will check your hand and/or foot often for circulation (blood flow). They will check the colour, sensation (feeling), and movement. A list of questions to expect and information about what to do if you notice any changes in the colour, sensation, or movement of your hand and/or foot is included.
Ce dépliant donne des directives à suivre après avoir subi une chirurgie générale. Les sujets abordés sont l'activité, l'hygiène (douche et bain), la respiration profonde et la toux, la douleur, la nutrition et les soins de la plaie. Les symptômes nécessitant une attention médicale immédiate sont énumérés. On y propose également un site Web où trouver de plus amples renseignements. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2223, "Guidelines After General Surgery". This pam…
Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A…
This surgery is called endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). It is needed when your tear duct is blocked and tears cannot drain. This pamphlet explains what to expect before, during, and after surgery. It includes information about pain, cold compresses, dressings, after care, and follow-up. A list of symptoms that require immediate medical attention is provided.
During an endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR), your surgeon will put an endovascular stent graft in your aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. This pamphlet explains what an aneurysm is and how it is treated. EVAR is an alternative to open abdominal surgery. The pamphlet outlines the advantages, disadvantages, and possible complications of EVAR compared to open surgery. What will happen before, during, and after surgery is explained. A list of symptoms that requir…
This pamphlet gives guidelines to follow after having a minor procedure at the Dermatology Clinic. Topics include incision (cut) care, pain, and bleeding. Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention are listed. Activity guidelines and information about stitch removal are also given.
This pamphlet gives guidelines to follow after having general surgery. Topics include activity, hygiene (showering/bathing), deep breathing and coughing, pain, nutrition, and wound care. Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention are listed. A website for further information is given. The French version of this pamphlet 2224, "Directives – Après une chirurgie générale," is also available. The Arabic version of this pamphlet 2225, is also available.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2223. This pamphlet gives guidelines to follow after having general surgery. Topics include activity, hygiene (showering/bathing), deep breathing and coughing, pain, nutrition, and wound care. Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention are listed. A website for further information is given. The French version of this pamphlet 2224, "Directives – Après une chirurgie générale," is also available.
A spinal anesthetic is a type of anesthesia (freezing medication). It is used for surgeries on the lower part of your body (stomach and below). This pamphlet explains what a spinal anesthetic is, if it will hurt, if you will hear what is happening during your surgery, how a spinal anesthetic is different from a general anesthetic, the benefits and risks, if you can have a spinal anesthetic if you have a back problem, and if you can take pain medications with a spinal anesthetic. Information abo…
This guide will help you and your family during the transplant process. This pamphlet describes getting ready for a transplant (e.g., the health care team, referral, workup, how long the process takes, the waiting period, antibodies, advance care planning, powers of attorney), getting ready once a heart becomes available (e.g., testing the donor heart, getting ready for surgery, what your family can expect on the day, during, and after your surgery, what happens during surgery, donor info), and…
Laser treatment uses a strong beam of light (laser) that can be focused to treat certain diseases of the retina. The 3 most common diseases treated with a laser are – retinal holes or tears, diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy), and other problems with retinal blood vessels. The pamphlet describes getting ready for a laser treatment, what will happen during treatment, and care after.
Parathyroidectomy is a surgery that removes your parathyroid glands. Your parathyroid glands are in your neck (usually on the back of the thyroid gland). They help to control your blood calcium and phosporous levels. Hyperparathyroidism is when one or more of the parathyroid glands makes too much parathyroid hormone in your blood. If this happens, you will need a parathyroidectomy. This pamphlet explains what a parathyroidectomy is, the possible complications with this surgery, care after surge…
This pamphlet explains why you may need a feeding tube and how the tube is put in. It provides details on how to get ready for the procedure, what to expect after the tube has been inserted, and how to care for your PEG tube at home.
This pamphlet gives information about your care before and after surgery. Topics about getting ready for surgery include learning about the time of your surgery, dentures and oral appliances, glasses and contact lenses, hearing aids, personal care items, and valuables. Information about the day of surgery includes what to bring to the hospital, when to arrive, anesthetic, delays, the Same Day Surgery Unit, and surgery. Information about after your surgery includes the recovery area and nursing …
On the day of your surgery, you may be asked to give a urine (pee) sample for pregnancy testing. This pamphlet includes basic information about why you may need a pregnancy test, who is offered one, what will happen if you choose not have a test done, how to get ready for a pregnancy test, how a test is done, and what will happen after the test.
This pamphlet explains how to use CHG cloths to clean your skin before surgery. CHG is a liquid that kills germ (bacteria) and keeps more germs from growing. The pamphlet explains what to expect in terms of skin irritation and how the CHG will feel on your skin after it is applied. Instructions for showering, shaving, and using lotions, moisturizers, or makeup are listed. The French version of this pamphlet 1747, "Préparer la peau avant une chirurgie orthopédique", is also available.
Ce document explique comment utiliser des lingettes de gluconate de chlorhexidine (GCH) pour nettoyer votre peau avant une opération. Le GCH est un liquide qui tue les germes (bactéries) et empêche d’autres germes de se développer. Ce document décrit les sensations et les irritations cutanées que peut produire le GCH sur votre peau après son application. Vous y trouverez aussi des instructions pour vous doucher, vous raser et utiliser des lotions, des crèmes hydratantes ou du maquillage. ; This…
The Society for Vascular Surgery's Vascular Quality Initiative was developed by surgeons to improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of surgical care. The program makes hospitals aware of issues you may have during or after surgery. It also uses information from your 1-year follow-up visit to check for long-term complications.
Le présent guide contient quelques-unes des questions le plus souvent posées avant d’avoir une opération. Les questions sont regroupées sous les thèmes suivants : Comprendre l'opération que vous subirez, Vous préparer en vue de l’opération, Comprendre ce à quoi vous attendre durant l'opération et tout de suite après et À quoi s'attendre pendant la période de récupération et de convalescence. Nous espérons que vous pourrez aussi formuler vos propres questions. Utilisez les espaces libres dans le…