Eating too much sodium (salt) can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and liver and heart problems. If you have heart, kidney, or liver disease, following a low sodium meal plan can help you manage your condition and feel better. This pamphlet explains how to control sodium intake. Foods to limit or avoid are listed. Information about portion size, how to read a nutrition label, and how to plan meals is included. A list of resources is provided. How to locate nutrition counselling in y…
This pamphlet explains how to do tube feeding at home. Topics include getting ready, your home tube feeding schedule, buying formula, weight, and hydration. The pamphlet explains what to do if you have diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating, or nausea and vomiting. Information is given on aspiration with tube feeding, what to do if you have a blocked feeding tube, and how to replace a broken adapter. When to call your primary health care provider, pharmacist, and outpatient dietitian is liste…
Your body needs calcium for strong bones and teeth, normal blood clotting, and for your muscles, nerves, and heart to work well. Topics include: osteoporosis, how much calcium you need, and how much calcium is too much. Excellent, good, and fair food sources of calcium are listed. Tips for how to get more calcium from food are provided. Information for people with lactose intolerance is given. Information on how to get more vitamin D is provided. A list of resources for more information is incl…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a change in how food and digestive juices move through the bowels. This can be too fast, too slow, or both too fast and too slow. This pamphlet explains the symptoms of IBS, how it is treated, and what you can do to help your symptoms. Information about keeping a food symptom diary is included.
Intestinal gas is a natural part of swallowing and digestion. This gas is found throughout the digestive tract (organs that food and liquids travel through). It is normal to pass gas through your mouth (burping) or your bum (farting). A buildup of intestinal gas can be uncomfortable. The suggestions in this pamphlet can help you manage your intestinal gas. A list of foods to avoid or limit that can cause more gas, and a list of vegetables and fruit that usually cause less gas are included.
Avoir une alimentation saine peut aider à réduire les risques de maladies cardiaques par un contrôle de son poids, la baisse du taux de cholestérol ainsi que la prévention ou le contrôle de l’hypertension artérielle. Ce dépliant donne des conseils pour avoir une alimentation saine, notamment réduire sa consommation de sel, consommer plus de fibres ainsi que de fruits et de légumes, et consommer moins de sucre et de matières grasses. Il offre de plus une liste de ressources. ; This pamphlet is a…
After having surgery, you will need to change the way you eat. You may find that you feel full quickly and are only able to eat small amounts at a time. Some people experience dumping syndrome. This happens when food enters the intestine too quickly. This can cause cramping, diarrhea (loose, watery poop), and other symptoms. This pamphlet offers guidelines to help prevent or lessen dumping syndrome and stay healthy after surgery. Topics include what you should do if you are losing weight and wh…
These guidelines will help you stay healthy and feel more comfortable after colostomy surgery. A list of best food choices and those to avoid in the first 4 weeks is provided. Foods to choose and avoid if you have diarrhea, gas, or constipation are listed. Information about going back to a regular diet is included.
This pamphlet provides guidelines for the first 4 weeks (1 month) after bowel surgery. They will help with your healing, comfort, and bowel function. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed.
Phosphorus and calcium are minerals found in your body. When your kidneys are working well, they stay in good balance. This is good for your bones. When your kidneys do not work well, phosphorus levels in your blood go up. This pamphlet explains what causes high phosphorus, the symptoms of high phosphorus, and how to control phosphorus. Examples of high phosphorus foods and drinks to limit and avoid are listed.
It is important to eat well to help your body heal. When your jaws are wired or you have elastics in place, you will need to make a few changes to the foods you eat to get the nutrition your body needs. This pamphlet gives tips that can help. Topics include a meal plan, how to make eating easier, important things to do at home, how to prevent food poisoning, nutritional drinks, a sample menu, blending ideas and tips, smoothie-making tips, and ways to add calories and protein. Recipes are includ…
During Whipple surgery, parts of the stomach, small bowel, gallbladder, and pancreas are removed. These organs are important for digesting food. After surgery you may need to make some changes to your eating habits. Following the tips in this guide can help you get the nutrition you need to heal, feel comfortable during the first 4 weeks (1 month) after surgery, and keep or gain weight after surgery. Foods that are best tolerated and foods to avoid are listed. Other topics include whether you w…
Heart healthy eating can help you feel good and give you energy. Eating more fibre and less fat can lower your risk of heart disease by helping control your weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Eating less sodium (salt) can help manage heart failure and high blood pressure. This pamphlet explains how to eat heart healthy. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed. Information about fluid, portion size, omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed, and eating out is included. A li…
Variety is important when eating vegetarian. This pamphlet explains types of vegetarian eating, various nutrients (protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and omega 3 fats), and vegetarian foods you may not have heard of. A link to Canada's Food Guide and a shopping list of foods are included. A list of resources for more information is provided.
You may need to take medium chain triglycerides (MCT) if your body has trouble digesting or absorbing regular fat in food. This pamphlet explains how to use MCT oil and gives MCT recipes. Information about how to order MCT oil is also included.
Il est important de bien manger pour aider votre corps à guérir. Lorsque vous avez des broches dans les mâchoires ou des élastiques en place, vous devez apporter quelques changements à votre alimentation pour obtenir les nutriments dont votre corps a besoin. Ce dépliant donne des conseils qui peuvent vous aider. Les sujets abordés sont les suivants : un plan de repas, comment faciliter l'alimentation, les choses importantes à faire à la maison, comment prévenir les intoxications alimentaires, l…
All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods that are high in potassium. If you have high blood potassium levels, you should avoid these foods. If you have low blood potassium levels, you should choose more of these foods daily. The French version of this pamphlet 2181, "Aliments riches en potassium," is also available.
Gastroparesis means stomach paralysis. This means the stomach is slow to empty. The guidelines in this pamphlet may help you to lower your symptoms and keep up good nutrition. A list of suggested food choices and foods to avoid is provided.
Certaines personnes ont des problèmes de déglutition (difficulté à avaler). Cela signifie que certains aliments ou liquides peuvent se retrouver dans les voies respiratoires au lieu d'aller dans l'estomac. C'est ce qu'on appelle l'aspiration de corps étrangers. L'aspiration est le mot utilisé lorsque la nourriture ou le liquide « descend au mauvais endroit ». Ce dépliant fournit une liste de signes qui peuvent indiquer des problèmes de déglutition. Des conseils de sécurité pour éviter l'aspirat…
Tous les fruits et légumes contiennent du potassium. Ce dépliant fournit une liste d'aliments à forte teneur en potassium. Si vous avez un taux de potassium élevé dans le sang, vous devez éviter ces aliments. Si vous avez un faible taux de potassium dans le sang, vous devriez choisir un plus grand nombre de ces aliments chaque jour. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Foods High in Potassium" pamphlet 0610. All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods…