Antibodies are proteins in your blood that protect you from disease.This pamphlet explains why our immune system make antibodies, how they are tested for, and what to expect if you have them before surgery.
Your doctor has ordered a test to check your stool (poop) for fat. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to detect the presence of occult blood. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a skin, hair, or nail sample to detect infection(s). Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a urine sample to detect chlamydia. Locations for drop-offs are included.
NSHA facilities are smoke-free, vape-free, and scent-free. Because NSHA is smoke-free, vape-free, and scent-free, only cannabis oil or capsules can be used in the hospital. This pamphlet provides information about using cannabis while in the hospital, as well as why it is important to tell your health care providers if you are using cannabis for any reason. The French version of this pamphlet 2077, "Questions sur l’utilisation du cannabis à l’hôpital", is also available.
This handout covers common questions about surrogacy arrangements during your hospital stay for labour and delivery. Information includes how the surrogate birth mother can get ready for labour and delivery, what will happen after the baby is born, what forms will need to be signed after the baby's birth, who will make decisions for the baby, and how the baby will be registered. Information about what will happen after the forms are completed is also included.
This pamphlet provides tips on preventing and managing constipation in chronic kidney disease. This pamphlet is not for dialysis patients. Information includes best choices for high-fibre foods, recommended fibre supplements, and stool softeners and laxatives. The Bristol Stool Chart is also included.
This pamphlet reviews important instructions about how to get ready for your procedure and what to do on the day of your procedure. If you do not follow these instructions, your procedure may be cancelled. Info on how to keep your bowels regular are also included.
The Mood Disorders Clinic provides consultations for individuals with severe mood disorders, such as possible bipolar disorder. This is a specialized service to help diagnose and treat severe mood disorders. Mood disorders are a group of mental illnesses that affect how you feel and think about yourself, other people, and life in general. Two specific types of mood disorders we often see in the clinic are bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Topics include: bipolar disorder, symptoms…
An epidural blood patch is a procedure to treat headaches caused by low pressure in the fluid around the spine and brain. Your own blood can seal a leak in the spine the same way a bicycle inner tube can be patched. This can happen because of a spinal fluid leak after a spinal procedure. In rare cases it may happen spontaneously (for no apparent reason). This pamphlet explains what is done during an epidural blood patch. Topics include: what to expect after the procedure, what to do after going…
This guide explains the info that you were given during your hospital stay. It will help to answer any questions you may have after discharge. Topics include anticoagulation (blood thinners), pain control, dressings and wound care, possible complications, followup, and activity.
The cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus found in people of all ages. People who have had a kidney transplant and are taking immunosuppressive medications are at risk. The pamphlet outlines the symptoms, how the virus is diagnosed, and how it is treated.
This info is for patients and families who are driving from Cape Breton Regional Hospital (CBRH) to the QEII Health Sciences Centre, or to the IWK in Halifax for medical services. Below is a list of hospitals and health centres with Emergency Departments on the way. This pamphlet will help you find the closest Emergency Department as you travel, just in case. If it is an emergency, please call 911.
This pamphlet explains how to look after your health when you are grieving. Topics include: self-care, when to seek professional help, and local resources such as bereavement support groups.
When tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside of the uterus, it is called endometriosis. The cause of endometriosis is not known. This pamphlet lists the symptoms of endometriosis and explains how it is diagnosed and treated. A list of resources is also provided.
Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) is committed to creating and supporting a work environment that is safe and respectful for all of our staff, patients, and families. To help us meet this commitment, all patients who come to an NSHA Emergency Department for treatment are screened for the potential (possibility) of violence and aggression. If you are identified as showing a potential for violence or aggression, or have demonstrated violence or aggression, we add a note to your health record to…
This pamphlet explains what to expect if you have a suprapubic catheter inserted. It explains how your catheter works, what happens during the procedure, possible risks, and what to expect after your procedure.
Instructions for after your D & C are given as well as a list of what to avoid for 24 hours. A list of symptoms that require medical attention is provided. Instructions for preventing infection and what to expect after you go home are given. Information about your followup visit is listed.
This guide will help you and your family during the transplant process. This pamphlet describes getting ready for a transplant (e.g., the health care team, referral, workup, how long the process takes, the waiting period, antibodies, advance care planning, powers of attorney), getting ready once a heart becomes available (e.g., testing the donor heart, getting ready for surgery, what your family can expect on the day, during, and after your surgery, what happens during surgery, donor info), and…