Your surgeon will put an endovascular stent graft into your aorta. The aorta is the biggest artery in your body. Different diseases may affect your aorta. Your aorta needs to be repaired so it does not rupture (break) and cause severe (very bad) bleeding. This can lead to death. There are 2 ways to repair your aorta: TEVAR where the surgeon places a stent graft through a small incision in your groin, or through open repair where the surgeon makes a large incision through your breastbone and pot…
This guide explains levels of limb amputation, who is on your health care team, what will happen before surgery, and what to expect after surgery.
Ce dépliant porte sur le suivi et la surveillance de la tension (pression) artérielle à la maison. Il décrit les avantages de la surveiller à la maison, les choses à considérer quand on achète tensiomètre (appareil de mesure de la tension), comment mesurer la tension artérielle et les valeurs cibles à la maison. Il comprend aussi une illustration qui montre comment mesurer la tension artérielle.This pamphlet describes how to take your blood pressure at home. Topics include: advantages of monit…
The words ‘leg ulcer’ are used to describe a variety of open sores below the knee that are slow to heal. Many of these ulcers are caused by problems in the veins. This pamphlet explains what venous leg ulcers are, what causes them, what the symptoms are, how they are treated, and how you can prevent them from coming back.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is when fatty materials called plaque build up in the arteries that supply blood to the brain, organs, and limbs (arms and legs). Over time, the plaque can narrow your arteries. This can lower or stop blood flow. Blocked blood flow can cause leg pain, gangrene (dead body tissue), or amputation (removal) of the foot or leg. If you have PAD, you have a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke. This pamphlet explains what PAD is, how to find out if you hav…
Your doctor or nurse practitioner has decided that you need the care of a cardiologist (heart doctor). You need a test called a cardiac catheterization (dye test). This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are taken to the Halifax Infirmary (HI) to have this test done. It explains what to expect while you are waiting to be transferred, before your transfer, and when you arrive at the HI. What to expect after you are discharged is also reviewed.
This pamphlet explains what to expect after varicose vein surgery. Topics include medications, activity, your incision (cut), bandages, and what to do if you have bleeding. Signs of infection and symptoms that require you to go to the Emergency Department are included.
Electrophysiology studies (EPS) are procedures that check your heart’s electrical system. This electrical system is what organizes the heart muscle to pump blood efficiently to your body. This pamphlet explains why and how an EPS is done, how to get ready for the procedure, how long it takes, and what to expect after. A list of symptoms that need to be checked by a doctor in the Emergency Department is included.
This Passport will help you take an active part in treating your heart failure. You can use it to record daily measurements (like your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, symptoms, and how you are feeling) and any medications you are taking. It can also help you to understand your disease better and learn about the importance of making changes to your lifestyle.
L'angioplastie des artères de jambe (également appelée intervention par ballonnet) est une intervention destinée à ouvrir les artères rétrécies de votre jambe. Elle peut être pratiquée pour ralentir ou empêcher la nécessité d'un pontage (opération visant à aider le sang à franchir un blocage). Le présent dépliant explique pourquoi vous avez besoin de cette intervention, les étapes de l’intervention, ce qu’est une endoprothèse (un « stent »), les risques de l’angioplastie, les façons de se prépa…
Un défibrillateur cardioverteur implantable (DCI) détecte et corrige les battements de cœur dangereusement rapides qui commencent dans la partie inférieure du cœur. Cet appareil est également un stimulateur cardiaque, qui peut traiter les rythmes cardiaques lents. Vous devrez subir une intervention chirurgicale pour l’implantation de l’appareil dans votre corps. Ce livret explique comment votre cœur bat, ce qui se passe si vous avez des problèmes de rythme cardiaque, ce qu'est un DCI et ce qui …