It is important to ask any questions you have when you meet with your health care team or any hospital staff. This guide includes some common questions about having surgery. Question topics include: understanding your surgery, getting ready for your surgery, what to expect during and right after your surgery, and what to expect as you recover. Write down your questions, and bring a pen or pencil to make notes when you meet with your surgeon. The French version of this pamphlet 1677, "Questions …
This is an Arabic translation of pamphlet 1667. This guide includes some common questions about having surgery. Question topics include: understanding your surgery, getting ready for your surgery, understanding what to expect during and right after surgery, and what to expect from the recovery process. We hope these questions will help you think about your own questions about your surgery. Please use the spaces in this guide to make notes about your own questions. The French version of this pam…
Cette brochure explique comment prendre soin de vous à la maison après votre intervention de chirurgie plastique. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1680, "Care After Your Plastic Surgery Procedure". This pamphlet explains how to care for yourself at home after your plastic surgery procedure.
Surgery is the most common treatment for cancer. The type of surgery depends on the type of cancer and where it is. This pamphlet gives basic information on how the surgery works, the side effects, how to cope, and questions to ask your health care team.
Your surgeon will put an endovascular stent graft into your aorta. The aorta is the biggest artery in your body. Different diseases may affect your aorta. Your aorta needs to be repaired so it does not rupture (break) and cause severe (very bad) bleeding. This can lead to death. There are 2 ways to repair your aorta: TEVAR where the surgeon places a stent graft through a small incision in your groin, or through open repair where the surgeon makes a large incision through your breastbone and pot…
This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2099, "Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie", is also available.
This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2177, "Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie - Hôpital régional Valley," is also available.
A VAD acts like the heart’s ventricle by pumping blood throughout the body. This pamphlet describes the types of VADs, what will happen during surgery, risks, and what to expect after. The French version of this pamphlet 1853, "Dispositifs d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV)", is also available.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect as a general surgery, plastic surgery, and burn unit inpatient in Unit 4.2. The pamphlet describes all the members of your health care team. When your family and friends can phone you or the unit, as well as when they can visit, is outlined. The pamphlet explains what a normal day is like, and when meals are served. Other topics described in the pamphlet are TV, personal care items, parking, wheelchairs, and infection control. A list of nearby hotels for fa…