If you had your baby by cesarean birth (sometimes called “cesarean delivery”, “c-section”, or “CS”), you can still have a vaginal birth in your next pregnancy. This is called a Trial of Labour after Cesarean (TOLAC) or a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC). What makes a VBAC safe and successful, and benefits and risks of VBAC are listed. The French version of this pamphlet 1891, "Choix d’accouchement après une césarienne", is also available.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet describes what a Pap test is, who should have Pap tests, when, how often, and where to have one done.
This pamphlet gives information about your gynecologic oncology surgery. There is space for you to fill in information for you and your health care team. Please bring this passport with you to your pre-admission appointment and on the day of your surgery.
This pamphlet describes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up for plasma cell vulvitis (Zoon's vulvitis).
This pamphlet explains what pre-eclampsia is, risks, how it will affect your baby, and treatment.
On the day of your surgery, you may be asked to give a urine (pee) sample for pregnancy testing. This pamphlet includes basic information about why you may need a pregnancy test, who is offered one, what will happen if you choose not have a test done, how to get ready for a pregnancy test, how a test is done, and what will happen after the test.
This pamphlet explains what a procedural abortion is, who can get a procedural abortion, what happens during a procedural abortion, and possible risks. What to expect after you go home and who to contact for further information is included. The French version of this pamphlet 1862, "Avortement par instruments", is also available.
Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. This pamphlet explains how smoking increases your chance of getting cervical cancer, other reasons to quit smoking, what nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is and how much it will cost, why e-cigarettes are not recommended, medications that are available to help you quit smoking, and other options to quit smoking. Tips for quitting smoking and a list of res…
This pamphlet gives information about soother use. Topics include how soothers can interfere with breastfeeding, risks, tips before offering a soother, things to keep in mind if you decide to use one, and care instructions. Contact information for more support is also included.
Le syndrome de sevrage néonatal (ou syndrome de sevrage du bébé) se produit lorsqu’un nouveau né est privé d’un médicament que sa mère prenait pendant sa grossesse. Ce dépliant explique les symptômes courants, ce que l’équipe de soins fera pour aider votre bébé, ce que vous pouvez faire pour aider votre bébé, ce qui se passera si votre bébé a besoin de médicaments pour traiter ses symptômes et quand votre bébé pourra rentrer à la maison. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pa…
A tubal ligation is a permanent form of birth control. It is commonly called "having your tubes tied". Topics include how a tubal ligation is done, how well it works, and a list of pros and cons of the procedure.
The vulva (area around the vagina) can be very sensitive. This pamphlet gives ideas to help with symptoms and prevent discomfort from itching or irritation.