Les services d'éthique de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse (Ethics Nova Scotia Health) offrent du soutien à l'ensemble des patients, des familles, des bénévoles, du personnel et des prestataires de soins de santé lorsque de l'aide est nécessaire pour faire des choix difficiles ou lorsqu'il y a un désaccord sur ce qui est le plus important. L'éthique est la manière dont nous établissons des liens entre nos actions et nos valeurs. Nous répondons aux questions d'éthique en réfléchissant à nos valeurs ou à ce…
Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. It may help to figure out what is worrying you or making y…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out…