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Deuil : surmonter les difficultés
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Legacy of Life and Critical Care Organ Donation. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces o…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Legacy of Life and Critical Care Organ Donation
Alternate Title
Grief : coping with challenges
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (10 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Subjects (LCSH)
Palliative Care
La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces ou certains endroits, les changements dans les relations, les dates et événements spéciaux, les rêves et manifestations de la personne décédée, votre santé, le sommeil et l'alimentation.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Grief: Coping with Challenges" pamphlet 0977. The death of someone important to you brings many changes in your life. As you adjust and respond to these changes, you will face challenges. Please remember: you are not alone. This pamphlet includes practical suggestions about dealing with common challenges you may face when you are grieving. Topics include making decisions, financial affairs, personal effects, memories of recent events, certain rooms or places, changes in relationships, special dates and events, dreams and visitations, looking after your health, sleep, and eating.
Created by: Victoria Hospice, modified with permission. Adapted by: Legacy of Life and Critical Care Organ Donation
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Deuxième nuit du bébé
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Maternal Child Provincial Policy Working Group. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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La présente ressource explique les défis auxquels vous pourriez faire face 24 heures après la naissance de votre bébé. Des moyens d’apaiser votre bébé vous sont présentés. Au fur et à mesure que vous apprendrez à connaître les comportements de votre bébé, vous constaterez que c’est au sein, bien blotti contre vous, qu’il se sent le plus réconforté. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1931, “Baby's Second Night”. This pamphlet explains the challenges you may experience 24 hour…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Maternal Child Provincial Policy Working Group
Alternate Title
Baby's second night
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Breast Feeding
Infant, Newborn - growth & development
Kangaroo-Mother Care Method
Subjects (LCSH)
Newborn Infants
La présente ressource explique les défis auxquels vous pourriez faire face 24 heures après la naissance de votre bébé. Des moyens d’apaiser votre bébé vous sont présentés. Au fur et à mesure que vous apprendrez à connaître les comportements de votre bébé, vous constaterez que c’est au sein, bien blotti contre vous, qu’il se sent le plus réconforté.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1931, “Baby's Second Night”. This pamphlet explains the challenges you may experience 24 hours after your baby is born. Ways to comfort your baby are provided. As you get to know your baby's behaviours, you will begin to see that they are most comforted by snuggling up to you at your breast/chest.
Prepared by: Maternal Child Provincial Policy Working Group with permission from Jan Barger RN, MA, IBCLC/Lactation Education Consultans; BFI Coordinator
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La dégénérescence maculaire
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois …
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QEII. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
Macular degeneration
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (10 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Macular Degeneration
Subjects (LCSH)
Retinal degeneration
La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois ou des années. Il n'y a aucun traitement pour la DMLA de forme sèche. Dans le cas de la forme humide (dite aussi exsudative) de la DMLA, les changements se produisent souvent de façon rapide. Il est possible de traiter cette forme de DMLA. Sujets abordés : causes, traitement, injections, risques, sensation provoquée par les injections, suites des injections, précautions particulières à prendre après les injections et choses à faire pour aider votre situation. On y trouve aussi une liste de symptômes exigeant l’attention de votre spécialiste des yeux.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet, 0460, "Macular Degeneration". The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possible to treat wet AMD. Topics include: causes, treatment, risks, what the injection feels like, what to expect after the injection, special precautions after an injection, and things you can do to help your condition. A list of symptoms requiring attention by your eye doctor is included.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Diabetes and the eye
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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Diabetic retinopathy happens when changes take place in the blood vessels near the retina, causing leaks or bleeding. Diabetic macular edema is a swelling of the macula (very small centre area of your retina, which gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces) that may be caused by diabetes, happen after eye surgery, or happen for no known reason (idiopathic). The pamphlet describes these disorders, their treatment, and how to control them. The Fr…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diabetes Complications
Diabetic Retinopathy
Subjects (LCSH)
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy happens when changes take place in the blood vessels near the retina, causing leaks or bleeding. Diabetic macular edema is a swelling of the macula (very small centre area of your retina, which gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces) that may be caused by diabetes, happen after eye surgery, or happen for no known reason (idiopathic). The pamphlet describes these disorders, their treatment, and how to control them. The French version of this pamphlet 1784, "Le diabète et les yeux", is also available.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Le diabète et les yeux
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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La rétinopathie diabétique a lieu lorsque des changements se produisent au niveau des vaisseaux sanguins situés près de la rétine et entraînent une fuite ou un saignement. L’œdème maculaire diabétique est un gonflement de la macula (très petite zone centrale de la rétine, qui donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour lire, regarder la télévision et voir les visages) qui peut être causé par le diabète, survenir après une opération aux yeux ou se produire sans raison connue (idiopathique). Le prés…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Alternate Title
Diabetes and the eye
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diabetes Complications
Diabetic Retinopathy
Subjects (LCSH)
Diabetic retinopathy
La rétinopathie diabétique a lieu lorsque des changements se produisent au niveau des vaisseaux sanguins situés près de la rétine et entraînent une fuite ou un saignement. L’œdème maculaire diabétique est un gonflement de la macula (très petite zone centrale de la rétine, qui donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour lire, regarder la télévision et voir les visages) qui peut être causé par le diabète, survenir après une opération aux yeux ou se produire sans raison connue (idiopathique). Le présent dépliant décrit ces troubles, leur traitement et la façon de les gérer.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Diabetes and the Eye" pamphlet 0459. Diabetic retinopathy happens when changes take place in the blood vessels near the retina, causing leaks or bleeding. Diabetic macular edema is a swelling of the macula (very small centre area of your retina, which gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces) that may be caused by diabetes, happen after eye surgery, or happen for no known reason (idiopathic).
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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Directives – Après une chirurgie générale
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Perioperative (Surgical) Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
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Ce dépliant donne des directives à suivre après avoir subi une chirurgie générale. Les sujets abordés sont l'activité, l'hygiène (douche et bain), la respiration profonde et la toux, la douleur, la nutrition et les soins de la plaie. Les symptômes nécessitant une attention médicale immédiate sont énumérés. On y propose également un site Web où trouver de plus amples renseignements. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2223, "Guidelines After General Surgery". This pam…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Perioperative (Surgical) Services
Alternate Title
Guidelines after general surgery
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (2 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Postoperative Care
Subjects (LCSH)
Postoperative care
Ce dépliant donne des directives à suivre après avoir subi une chirurgie générale. Les sujets abordés sont l'activité, l'hygiène (douche et bain), la respiration profonde et la toux, la douleur, la nutrition et les soins de la plaie. Les symptômes nécessitant une attention médicale immédiate sont énumérés. On y propose également un site Web où trouver de plus amples renseignements.
This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2223, "Guidelines After General Surgery". This pamphlet gives guidelines to follow after having general surgery. Topics include activity, hygiene (showering/bathing), deep breathing and coughing, pain, nutrition, and wound care. Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention are listed. A website for further information is given.
The Arabic translation of this pamphlet 2225, is also available.
Prepared by: Perioperative (Surgical) Services
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Discharge instructions after your nerve block
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Acute Pain Service. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
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This pamphlet explains what to expect for the first 24 hours (1 day) after your nerve block, including strength, sensation (feeling), and movement.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Acute Pain Service
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([1] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Nerve Block
Pain Management
Subjects (LCSH)
Nerve block
This pamphlet explains what to expect for the first 24 hours (1 day) after your nerve block, including strength, sensation (feeling), and movement.
Prepared by: Acute Pain Service
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Discharge instructions after your nerve block : Dartmouth General Hospital
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Dartmouth General Hospital. Department of Anesthesia. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
Pamphlet Number
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This one page pamphlet gives special instructions for the first 24 hours after your nerve block. Expectations regarding strength, sensation, and movement are provided with specific instructions depending on the location on your body where the nerve block was applied.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Dartmouth General Hospital. Department of Anesthesia
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([1] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Nerve Block
Subjects (LCSH)
Nerve block
This one page pamphlet gives special instructions for the first 24 hours after your nerve block. Expectations regarding strength, sensation, and movement are provided with specific instructions depending on the location on your body where the nerve block was applied.
Prepared by: Anesthesia Department, DGH
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Dispositifs d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cardiovascular Surgery. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2018.
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Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cardiovascular Surgery
Alternate Title
Ventricular assist devices (VAD)
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (9 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Heart-Assist Devices
Heart Failure - surgery
Heart, Artificial
Heart Diseases - surgery
Postoperative Care
Subjects (LCSH)
Heart, Artificial
Heart failure
Postoperative care
Cardiovascular System
Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération.
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) may be recommended if a person is a potential candidate for heart transplant. The VAD acts like the heart’s ventricle by pumping blood throughout the body. The pump has an external power source. This pamphlet describes the types of VADs, implanting a VAD, risks of surgery, and what to expect after surgery.
Prepared by: Sonya Osmond RN, Ventricular Assist Device Coordinator
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Dobutamine stress echocardiogram (DSE)
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cardiac Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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Your coronary arteries supply blood to your heart. A DSE is done to find out if there are any blockages in these arteries and, if so, how severe they are.This test may be done when the usual tests for this problem cannot be done or have given inconclusive results. The pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, who will do the test, what happens during the test, and what to expect after.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cardiac Services
Alternate Title
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Heart function tests
Subjects (LCSH)
Heart function tests
Cardiovascular system
Your coronary arteries supply blood to your heart. A DSE is done to find out if there are any blockages in these arteries and, if so, how severe they are.This test may be done when the usual tests for this problem cannot be done or have given inconclusive results. The pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, who will do the test, what happens during the test, and what to expect after.
Prepared by: Cardiac Services
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Dépistage du diabète après la grossesse
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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Processus à suivre pour dépister le diabète après la grossesse. Les sujets sont les suivants : besoin ou non de passer un test de dépistage, meilleur moment pour le dépistage, pourquoi le dépistage est utile, ce qu’il faut faire si vous ne voulez pas passer un test de dépistage, tests administrés et raisons pour lesquelles l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale et l’analyse de la glycémie à jeun sont très importantes, façon dont les dispositions liées à ces deux épreuves sont prises…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([8] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diabetes, Gestational
Glucose Tolerance Test
Subjects (LCSH)
Diabetes in pregnancy
Glucose tolerance tests
Processus à suivre pour dépister le diabète après la grossesse. Les sujets sont les suivants : besoin ou non de passer un test de dépistage, meilleur moment pour le dépistage, pourquoi le dépistage est utile, ce qu’il faut faire si vous ne voulez pas passer un test de dépistage, tests administrés et raisons pour lesquelles l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale et l’analyse de la glycémie à jeun sont très importantes, façon dont les dispositions liées à ces deux épreuves sont prises, choses à faire pour ne pas oublier un test et trouver le temps nécessaire. Comment se préparer à l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale avec 75 g de glucose. Informations sur ce à quoi vous attendre si vous êtes diabétique (y compris sur la prévention ou la gestion du diabète) ainsi qu’après un résultat normal.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2300, “Screening for Diabetes After Pregnancy". Instructions for screening for diabetes after pregnancy are given. Topics include: whether you should be screened, the best time to be screened, why screening is helpful, what to do if you do not want to be screened, what tests are used, why these two tests (OGTT, fasting plasma glucose) are so important, how testing is arranged, and how to remember and find time to book a test. Instructions for how to get ready for the 75-gram OGTT test is given. Information on what to expect if you have diabetes (including steps on preventing or managing diabetes) is listed. What to expect after a normal test result is also provided.
Prepared by: The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
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Dépistage du diabète pendant la grossesse
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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Processus à suivre pour dépister le diabète pendant la grossesse. Raisons pour lesquelles le dépistage est important, ce à quoi s’attendre après avoir obtenu un résultat normal au test de dépistage précoce, pourquoi l’épreuve de charge en glucose et l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale sont très importantes, et ce qu’il faut faire si vous n’avez pas passé de test de dépistage au début de votre grossesse. Comment se préparer à l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale avec…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([8] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diabetes, Gestational
Glucose Tolerance Test
Subjects (LCSH)
Diabetes in pregnancy
Glucose tolerance tests
Processus à suivre pour dépister le diabète pendant la grossesse. Raisons pour lesquelles le dépistage est important, ce à quoi s’attendre après avoir obtenu un résultat normal au test de dépistage précoce, pourquoi l’épreuve de charge en glucose et l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale sont très importantes, et ce qu’il faut faire si vous n’avez pas passé de test de dépistage au début de votre grossesse. Comment se préparer à l’épreuve d’hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale avec 75 g de glucose. Renseignements sur la façon dont les dispositions liées à ces deux épreuves sont prises.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2299, “Screening for Diabetes During Pregnancy". Instructions for screening for diabetes during pregnancy are given. Information on why screening is important, what to expect after a normal result for an early screening test, why these two tests (GCT, OGTT) are so important, and what to do if you were not screened early in your pregancy. Instructions for how to get ready for the 75-gram OGTT test is given. Information on how these two blood tests are arranged is provided.
Prepared by: The Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
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Driving after vision loss
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2023.
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Your vision must meet certain standards for you to have a driver’s licence in Nova Scotia. This explains the tests that may be used to see if it is still safe for you to drive is given.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Eye Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (9 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Vision, low
Vision Disorders
Subjects (LCSH)
Low vision
Vision disorders
Your vision must meet certain standards for you to have a driver’s licence in Nova Scotia. This explains the tests that may be used to see if it is still safe for you to drive is given.
Prepared by: Eye Care Centre
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East Coast Forensic Hospital: Community Client Program
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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The Community Client Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The Program is available to help in 2 ways: after you are given a conditional discharge from the Criminal Code Review Board (CCRB) or after you are found not criminally responsible (NCR) for an offense and the court releases you to the community. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Halfway Houses
Subjects (LCSH)
Mental health facilities--Discharge planning
Halfway houses
The Community Client Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The Program is available to help in 2 ways: after you are given a conditional discharge from the Criminal Code Review Board (CCRB) or after you are found not criminally responsible (NCR) for an offense and the court releases you to the community. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
Prepared by: East Coast Forensic Hospital
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East Coast Forensic Hospital : Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
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The Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The FACT Unit is a 24-bed psychiatric assessment unit. Patients on this unit may be: remanded (sent back) from the judicial system for a court ordered assessment or admitted from a provincial correctional facility (prison) for treatment after becoming mentally ill. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (12 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Correctional Facilities
Subjects (LCSH)
Mental health facilities--Discharge planning
Prisoners--Mental health services
The Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit Program is available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. The FACT Unit is a 24-bed psychiatric assessment unit. Patients on this unit may be: remanded (sent back) from the judicial system for a court ordered assessment or admitted from a provincial correctional facility (prison) for treatment after becoming mentally ill. Program expectations and a list of community supports are provided.
Previous title: East Coast Forensic Hospital : Forensic Assessment Corrections Treatment (FACT) Unit Program
Prepared by: East Coast Forensic Hospital
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East Coast Forensic Hospital: Rehabilitation Program
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
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This pamphlet outlines the Rehabilitation Program available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. After your first Criminal Code Review Board hearing, you will work with your health care team to create a recovery plan. You will choose goals and learning to help you in your recovery.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. East Coast Forensic Hospital
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (15 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Correctional Facilities
Subjects (LCSH)
Mental health facilities--Discharge planning
Prisoners--Mental health services
Mental Health and Addictions
This pamphlet outlines the Rehabilitation Program available at the East Coast Forensic Hospital. After your first Criminal Code Review Board hearing, you will work with your health care team to create a recovery plan. You will choose goals and learning to help you in your recovery.
Prepared by: East Coast Forensic Hospital
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Nova Scotia Health Authority. QE II. Cardiac Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
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An echocardiogram is a test to measure the size, shape, movement, and flow of blood through the heart. This pamphlet reviews how to get ready for the test, who will do the test, what will happen during and after the test, and how long it will take. The French version of this pamphlet 1744, "Échocardiogramme", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. QE II. Cardiac Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([4] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Heart - diagnostic imaging
Subjects (LCSH)
Cardiovascular System
An echocardiogram is a test to measure the size, shape, movement, and flow of blood through the heart. This pamphlet reviews how to get ready for the test, who will do the test, what will happen during and after the test, and how long it will take. The French version of this pamphlet 1744, "Échocardiogramme", is also available.
Prepared by: Cardiac Services, QE II
Pamphlet Number
Less detail

Elective cesarean section (c-section) : Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre. Women and Children's Unit. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
Pamphlet Number
Available Online
View Pamphlet
This pamphlet explains what a cesarean section (c-section) is, instructions before surgery, anesthesia, what will happen after your baby is born, and symptoms to watch for once you are home.
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre. Women and Children's Unit
Alternate Title
Elective caesarean section (C-section) : Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
Elective c-section : Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
Elective C-section : Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([4] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Cesarean Section
Subjects (LCSH)
Cesarean section
This pamphlet explains what a cesarean section (c-section) is, instructions before surgery, anesthesia, what will happen after your baby is born, and symptoms to watch for once you are home.
Prepared by: Women and Children's Unit. Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
Pamphlet Number
Less detail

Elective cesarean section (c-section) : Yarmouth Regional Hospital
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Yarmouth Regional Hospital. Women and Children's Health Unit. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2023.
Pamphlet Number
Available Online
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This pamphlet tells you what to expect if you are going to have a baby by elective (by choice) cesarean birth (sometimes called “cesarean delivery”, “caesarean delivery”, “cesarean section”, “caesarean section”, “c-section”, “abdominal delivery” or “CS”). Why you may choose a c-section, important information before your surgery, as well as types of anesthesia and what to expect after your baby is born, is listed. A list of symptoms to watch for after you go home is provided.
Available Online
View Pamphlet
Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Yarmouth Regional Hospital. Women and Children's Health Unit
Alternate Title
Elective caesarean section (C-section) : Yarmouth Regional Hospital
Elective c-section : Yarmouth Regional Hospital
Elective C-section : Yarmouth Regional Hospital
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Cesarean Section
Subjects (LCSH)
Cesarean section
This pamphlet tells you what to expect if you are going to have a baby by elective (by choice) cesarean birth (sometimes called “cesarean delivery”, “caesarean delivery”, “cesarean section”, “caesarean section”, “c-section”, “abdominal delivery” or “CS”). Why you may choose a c-section, important information before your surgery, as well as types of anesthesia and what to expect after your baby is born, is listed. A list of symptoms to watch for after you go home is provided.
Prepared by: Women and Children's Health Unit. Yarmouth Regional Hospital
Pamphlet Number
Less detail

Electrical stimulation in wound healing
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Interprofessional Practice and Learning Wound Prevention and Management Program. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
Pamphlet Number
Available Online
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This pamphlet explains what electrical stimulation in wound healing is, how it is done, what will happen after the treatment, and possible risks.
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Interprofessional Practice and Learning Wound Prevention and Management Program
Alternate Title
Electrical stimulation for wound healing
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Wounds and Injuries - therapy
Electric Stimulation Therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Wound healing
Wounds and injuries--Treatment
Electric stimulation
This pamphlet explains what electrical stimulation in wound healing is, how it is done, what will happen after the treatment, and possible risks.
Prepared by: IPPL Wound Prevention and Management Program
Pamphlet Number
Less detail

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