This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0188. A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test of part of the lower bowel (also known as the lower large intestine or the sigmoid). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look at the inside of your lower bowel and rectum. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is doen, and care after the test. Possible complications and symptoms requiring immediate medical attenti…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is an exam of the large bowel (also known as the large intestine or colon). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look for any changes on the inside of your large bowel. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, what polyps are, care after the test, and possible complications. If you are given sedation, you must not do certain acti…
This pamphlet explains how beds are used for patients staying in hospital. Information on the discharge planning process and the 'Provincial Overstay Patient Policy' is included. The pamphlet also explains what happens in an 'overstay' situation and where to find information on community support. The French version of this pamphlet 1759, "L’utilisation des lits d’hôpitaux (prolongation de séjour)", is also available.
La présente publication explique l’utilisation des lits pour les patients qui séjournent à l’hôpital. On y trouve des renseignements sur le processus de planification des congés et sur la politique provinciale sur le prolongement de séjour à l’hôpoital. On y explique aussi ce qui se produit dans une situation de « prolongement de séjour » et où trouver des renseignements sur le soutien nécessaire dans la collectivité. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "How Hospital Beds Are Used (Overs…
A laparoscopic hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb) and cervix through your vagina. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are often taken out at the same time. After surgery you will have an intravenous (IV), a catheter (tube) to drain urine from your bladder, and a dressing on your abdomen (stomach area). Topics in this pamphlet include breathing, managing pain, vaginal bleeding, incision care, blood clots and your menstrual cycle. Information on care at home and sex after surge…
L’endoscopie par capsule est un examen du tube digestif pour lequel il faut avaler une capsule contenant une caméra et une lumière. La présente brochure explique comment se préparer pour l’examen et décrit à quoi s’attendre durant et après l’examen. On traite aussi des risques communs de l’examen. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Capsule Endoscopy" pamphlet 1300. Capsule endoscopy is an exam of the digestive tract that involves swallowing a capsule containing a camera and light. How …
This pamphlet explains what you will need to know when coming to the Maternal/Child Unit (MCU) at Aberdeen Regional Hospital. There are lists of what you should bring for yourself, the baby, and your support person. Information provided about the MCU includes phone service, snacks, visitors, and smoking. Details about the day of delivery, taking care of mom and baby, keeping baby safe, discharge, and paperwork are also included.
A hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb) and cervix. Other tissue, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, lymph nodes and parts of the vagina, may also be removed at the same time. After surgery you will have an incision in your abdomen, an intravenous (IV), a catheter (tube) in your bladder to drain urine, if needed. You may also have packing (absorbent material) to absorb blood and fluid in your vagina. Topics in this pamphlet include breathing, managing pain, activity, food…
L’hystérectomie est une opération qui permet d’enlever l’utérus et le col de l’utérus. D’autres tissus comme les ovaires, les trompes de Fallope, des ganglions lymphatiques et des parties du vagin peuvent aussi être enlevés en même temps. Après l’opération, vous aurez une ou quelques incisions sur l’abdomen, une intraveineuse (IV) et un cathéter (tube) dans la vessie pour drainer l’urine, au besoin. Vous pourriez aussi avoir un tamponnement (matière absorbante) pour absorber le sang et le liqui…
Cancer patients may be more at risk of developing blood clots, also called Cancer Associated Thrombosis or CAT. This pamphlet describes what blood clots are, those at highest risk, and what conditions may come from CAT. Terms used in the guide are explained.
Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs that causes the air sacs in the lungs to get inflamed. This pamphlet explains the symptoms of pneumonia, who is at risk, and how pneumonia is diagnosed and treated. Tips to help you recover quickly and prevent pneumonia are included. Symptoms that need further medical attention are listed. The French translation of this pamphlet 2061, "Pneumonie" is also available.
An ultrasound is a safe, painless test used to view the organs inside your body. It is also called a sonogram. An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that cannot be heard. The preparation for this test depends on which organ or area of your body is to be studied. Topics include: how an ultrasound works, how to get ready for the test, where it is done, who will do the test, what will happen, and how long it will take. The French translation of this pamphlet 1105, "Ultrasonoscopie" is als…
This guide will help you learn how to care for yourself safely before and after day surgery for a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. Topics include getting ready for surgery, what will happen on the day of surgery, what will happen right after surgery, and care at home. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after your surgery, activity, and bleeding are also covered. The French version of this pamphlet 2099, "Amygdalectomie et adénoïdectomie", is also available.
Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements (poops) very often, or they are hard to pass. We also call this “being constipated.” This pamphlet explains common causes of constipation and lists things you can do to help. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2080, "Constipation", is also available.
This pamphlet reviews what to expect before, during and after surgery for the insertion of a peritoneal dialysis catheter. Information includes how to get your bowels ready for surgery, what to bring to the hospital on the day of surgery, care of your incision/exit site and keeping your bowels regular after surgery. Information about peritoneal dialysis teaching is also provided.
Delirium is not the same as dementia. This pamphlet describes delirium after cardiac surgery, the causes, symptoms, and how family members can help. Recovery may take days to months. The French version of this pamphlet 2107, "Delirium après une chirurgie cardiaque", is also available.
Ticagrelor is a medicine used along with low dose Aspirin to reduce your risk of having a heart attack. You should not take Ticagrelor if you have or had a current bleeding problem such as bleeding from a stomach ulcer or if you have severe liver disease. Instructions for how to take and store this medicine as well as drug interactions and foods to avoid are discussed. Missed dose instructions are given. This pamphlet also describes warnings and possible side effects.
Perioperative blood management helps patients before, during, and after planned surgery. Topics include: benefits, anemia, blood components, normal blood counts, blood transfusions, and informed consent. An FAQ (frequently asked questions) section is included. We have described the preoperative period (before surgery) with these topics: donating your own blood, donating blood for a family member or friend, drugs and products that help you during surgery, procedures performed during surgery, art…
Cette brochure offre des renseignements sur les soins avant et après une chirurgie d’un jour. On y traite notamment de la nécessité d’arriver tôt, de ce qu’il faut apporter et de l'anesthésie. La brochure traite aussi de l'hygiène, des médicaments, du tabagisme, des prothèses dentaires, des lunettes, des verres de contact, des appareils auditifs, des objets de valeur et des bijoux. On y traite de ce qui se passe à la salle préopératoire, à la salle d’opération, à la salle de réveil et à la sal…
Gallstones start as small pieces and can get bigger over time. They can cause problems if they block the tubes that bile needs to travel through. This pamphlet explains what causes gallstones, symptoms of gallstones, what to do if you have a gallbladder attack, and how gallstones are diagnosed and treated. Diet tips, information about surgery and ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), and the possible risks of gallstones are also provided. A list of symptoms that require immedia…