Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is when fatty materials called plaque build up in the arteries that supply blood to the brain, organs, and limbs (arms and legs). Over time, the plaque can narrow your arteries. This can lower or stop blood flow. Blocked blood flow can cause leg pain, gangrene (dead body tissue), or amputation (removal) of the foot or leg. If you have PAD, you have a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke. This pamphlet explains what PAD is, how to find out if you hav…
Non-invasive tests described in this pamphlet include: Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) blood flow test, treadmill exercise test, arterial duplex test, carotid duplex evaluation, venous duplex ultrasound, and blood flow evaluation of fingers and/or toes.
Pulmonary hypertension causes high blood pressure (hypertension) in the blood vessels that connect your heart and lungs (pulmonary arteries). PAH is pulmonary hypertension that is caused by a progressive (gets worse over time) disease. This pamphlet explains what causes PAH, why you have been referred to the PAH Program, how the PAH Program will help you, and how PAH is treated.