Digoxin is a medication used to treat heart failure and some types of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). This pamphlet explains how to take digoxin. Symptoms that require a trip to the nearest Emergency Department are listed.
During a PFO or an ASD closure, a puncture (small hole) is made in your groin so that the doctor can put a special catheter (tube) into your vein. A special closure device is put through the catheter and carefully moved to the right spot in your heart. The doctor watches this process on monitors. It then opens up and covers both sides of the hole in your heart. What to bring to the hospital, what to expect before, during and after the procedure are reviewed. Details are given about how to care…
Atrial fibrillation is an abnormal (not usual) heart rhythm. This pamphlet explains the symptoms of atrial fibrillation, how it is diagnosed and treated, what you can do to help your condition, and what to do if you have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.
Cette brochure fournit des instructions précises aux patients qui prennent de la warfarine et qui sont traités pour au moins un des problèmes médicaux suivants : fibrillation auriculaire ou atriale (rythme cardiaque irrégulier), valvule prothétique (artificielle), thrombose veineuse (caillot de sang dans une veine profonde) ou embolie pulmonaire (artère du poumon bloquée par un caillot de sang), infarctus du myocarde (crise cardiaque) ou autre problème connexe. Des instructions sont également f…