Your surgeon has arranged for you to have your appendix removed. This surgery is called an appendectomy. This pamphlet gives information about what will happen to you after surgery and how you can take part in your care. This pamphlet explains what your appendix is, what will happen after your surgery, where your incisions will be, when you can shower/bathe, and if you can eat and get up and move around after surgery. The pamphlet also explains when you can go home, drive, return to work, and h…
Votre chirurgien a pris les dispositions nécessaires à l’ablation de votre appendice. Cette chirurgie est appelée appendicectomie. La présente brochure explique ce qui se passe après la chirurgie et comment participer à vos soins. Elle explique de plus ce qu’est l’appendice, ce qui se passe après la chirurgie, où se trouvent les incisions, quand vous pourrez prendre une douche ou un bain, et si vous pourrez manger, vous lever et vous déplacer après la chirurgie. On y parle également du moment a…
The most common side effect from radiation therapy treatment is a skin reaction. No matter what area of the body is being treated, most patients will have a skin reaction. This pamphlet explains what a skin reaction is, how long you will have a skin reaction, what creams and lotions may help, what to avoid, if it is OK to wash and bathe, and how to use a saline soak and take a sitz bath. Other topics include whether your markings will come off, if you need to wear any special clothing near the …
A cardiac event recorder (loop recorder) records the electrical activity of your heart. You can use a loop recorder while you are at home and doing your usual activities. It will only record your heart activity when you press a button. A cardiac technologist will show you how to use the recorder. This pamphlet explains how to use the loop recorder, whether you can bathe or shower with the loop recorder, and what to do if you have problems with the recorder. Information on how to return the reco…
An elastomeric infusion pump is a lightweight disposable pump that may be used to give you medications. It is made of very hard plastic and looks like a baby bottle. This pump lets you receive medications safely and comfortably in your own home. This pamphlet explains what types of drugs can be given by an infusion pump, how an infusion pump works, whether you will still have to come to the hospital, how to carry and take care of the pump, whether you can bathe or shower with the pump, and how …