Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A…
Systemic therapy includes chemotherapy drugs, hormones, and biological therapies. This type of cancer treatment treats the whole body rather than one part of it. This pamphlet details how systemic therapy works, how it is given, how long the treatment can last, and the side effects.
Lymphedema is swelling in a part of your body that can occur if your lymphatic system is not working properly. This pamphlet details those who are at risk, the symptoms, and how to manage lymphedema.
This pamphlet describes Stereotactic Body radiation therapy: how to prepare for treatment, what will happen during treatment, and what will happen after treatment.
Certain blood cancers and blood disorders are treated with a stem cell transplant. Total Marrow Irradiation (TMI), like chemotherapy, is given to get your body ready for the stem cells. This pamphlet describes why TMI has been recommended, what will happen during treatment, possible side effects, supports available, and suggested questions to ask your health care team.
An ultrasound is a safe, painless test used to view the organs inside your body. It is also called a sonogram. An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that cannot be heard. The preparation for this test depends on which organ or area of your body is to be studied. Topics include: how an ultrasound works, how to get ready for the test, where it is done, who will do the test, what will happen, and how long it will take. The French translation of this pamphlet 1105, "Ultrasonoscopie" is als…
Iron is a mineral that the body needs to make hemoglobin in red blood cells. Sometimes iron must be given by IV before or after surgery. This pamphlet reviews how iron is given, a list of iron-rich foods, possible side effects, what to do after receiving iron therapy, and who to call should you have any problems.
Une saine alimentation peut aider à réduire votre risque de maladie du cœur en améliorant vos taux de cholestérol et en vous aidant à abaisser votre tension artérielle, à gérer votre poids corporel et à contrôler le taux de glucose (sucre) dans votre sang. Nous vous offrons des suggestions pour une saine alimentation, comme des conseils visant à réduire votre consommation de sel, à augmenter votre consommation de fibres, à manger plus de légumes et de fruits et moins de sucre et de gras. Nous …
After cardiac surgery, there are lots of things you can do to speed up your recovery such as: being as fit as possible before your surgery, lowering the stress of surgery on your body, and getting up and moving soon after your surgery. This pamphlet explains how to do these things. Topics include: eating well, staying active, doing your exercises, practicing post-surgery restrictions, getting ready for surgery, steps to help your recovery while in hospital, and what to expect after you leave th…
IRM est l’abréviation d’imagerie par résonance magnétique. L’appareil d’IRM utilise un puissant aimant, des ondes radioélectriques et un ordinateur. Il n’utilise pas de radiation ou de rayons X. L’appareil d’IRM prend des images détaillées qui permettent de voir les tissus de votre corps qui sont en santé et ceux qui ne le sont pas. Ces images aident votre médecin à diagnostiquer différents problèmes de santé. L’IRM n’est pas douloureuse. La présente ressource explique la durée de l’IRM, la faç…
Un examen par ultrasons est un examen sans douleur et sans danger utilisé pour voir les organes à l’intérieur du corps. On parle aussi de sonogramme. Un examen par ultrasons utilise des ondes sonores à haute fréquence qui sont inaudibles. La façon de se préparer à un tel examen varie selon l’organe ou la partie du corps à examiner. Le texte porte sur la façon dont fonctionnent les ultrasons, la préparation à l’examen, l’endroit où il aura lieu, qui fera passer l’examen ainsi que le déroulement …
Le timbre contraceptif se place sur la peau une fois par semaine. Il contient deux hormones, de l’œstrogène et de la progestérone, qui sont absorbées par la peau. Il sert à prévenir la grossesse. Le livret explique comment le timbre fonctionne, son efficacité, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, les effets secondaires possibles (de même que les effets secondaires graves qu’il faut connaître), il indique les personnes qui ne devraient pas s’en servir, et il explique enfin la manière de s’en serv…
[POSTER] Lists the changes in your body after you quit smoking. It includes intervals of minutes, hours, and years.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing this exercise as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'ankle pumping', 'ankle circles', 'glute squeezes' and 'knee to chest'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'making a fist', 'shoulder squeezes', 'shoulder and elbow raises', and 'deep breathing'.
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for positioning the lower body when experiencing swelling after a burn injury. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'positioning in bed', 'positioning when sitting', and 'positioning when standing'.
This pamphlet provides information for patients transferring out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Different aspects of recovery from a critical illness are covered, including memory problems, sleep, depression and/or anxiety, breathing, weakness and pain, body image, and family. Ways to help with common problems while recovering from a critical illness are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2185, "Après l’unité de soins intensifs (USI) - Service des soins intensifs, QEII (USI 3A et …
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for positioning the lower body when experiencing swelling after a burn injury. Instructions and diagrams for 'positioning in bed' are included.
This one page pamphlet gives special instructions for the first 24 hours after your nerve block. Expectations regarding strength, sensation, and movement are provided with specific instructions depending on the location on your body where the nerve block was applied.
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and w…