Central diabetes insipidus (also called diabetes insipidus or DI) is a condition that causes the water in your body to be out of balance. This pamphlet explains the causes and symptoms of DI, and how DI is diagnosed and treated.
Prostin® is a gel. It contains medication called dinoprostone (prostaglandin E2). Dinoprostone PGE2 (or Prostin®) is like a natural substance made by your body. It softens the cervix to get it ready for labour. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get Prostin®, possible complications of Prostin®, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1817, "Maturation cervicale au moyen du gel vaginal de dinoprostone (ProstinMD)", is also available.
Ce dépliant est un outil éducatif pour les patients atteints de COVID-19 et leurs aidants. Lorsque vous êtes atteint de COVID-19, le fait de vous allonger sur le ventre et d'adopter différentes positions aidera votre corps à faire circuler l'air dans toutes les parties de vos poumons. Ce dépliant décrit les différentes façons de vous positionner pour faciliter la respiration. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2251, "How to Self-Prone - Instructions for COVID-19 Patients and…
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is caused by an impact or forceful motion of your head or body that causes your brain to move inside your skull. This movement can injure your brain. Topics include: how long symptoms last, symptoms to watch for, what to expect the first few weeks, what can help with symptoms, an in-depth list of common symptoms and how to deal with them, an FAQ section, and things to remember. Information on concussion education sessions is provided. The Frenc…
Il est important de bien manger pour aider votre corps à guérir. Lorsque vous avez des broches dans les mâchoires ou des élastiques en place, vous devez apporter quelques changements à votre alimentation pour obtenir les nutriments dont votre corps a besoin. Ce dépliant donne des conseils qui peuvent vous aider. Les sujets abordés sont les suivants : un plan de repas, comment faciliter l'alimentation, les choses importantes à faire à la maison, comment prévenir les intoxications alimentaires, l…
You are being treated with a cancer treatment that is cytotoxic. This means it can kill cancer cells and can harm healthy cells. This booklet describes what you, your family, friends and caregivers need to know about cytotoxic precautions. These precautions are used to keep your family members, friends and caregivers safe while you are taking your cancer treatment. This pamphlet explains what cytotoxic precautions are, what body fluids are cytotoxic, how to handle your body wastes, what to do …
Cervidil® est un dispositif mince et plat, comme un tampon. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone. La dinoprostone est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de votre utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation d’une insertion vaginale Cervidil®, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of Labour …
An ultrasound is a safe, painless test used to view the organs inside your body. It is also called a sonogram. An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that cannot be heard. The preparation for this test depends on which organ or area of your body is to be studied. Topics include: how an ultrasound works, how to get ready for the test, where it is done, who will do the test, what will happen, and how long it will take. The French translation of this pamphlet 1105, "Ultrasonoscopie" is als…
In dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), the heart muscle becomes weak. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood out to the body. This causes the bottom chambers to dilate (stretch). A weak heart can also cause fluid to build up in your lungs (causing shortness of breath), ankles, or belly (causing swelling). DCM may also change your heart's electrical activity. This can cause fast heart rhythms. The pamphlet gives the causes of DCM, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Further resources also gi…
This one page pamphlet gives special instructions for the first 24 hours after your nerve block. Expectations regarding strength, sensation, and movement are provided with specific instructions depending on the location on your body where the nerve block was applied.
Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A…
Electrophysiology studies (EPS) are procedures that check your heart’s electrical system. This electrical system is what organizes the heart muscle to pump blood efficiently to your body. This pamphlet explains why and how an EPS is done, how to get ready for the procedure, how long it takes, and what to expect after. A list of symptoms that need to be checked by a doctor in the Emergency Department is included.
During an endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR), your surgeon will put an endovascular stent graft in your aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. This pamphlet explains what an aneurysm is and how it is treated. EVAR is an alternative to open abdominal surgery. The pamphlet outlines the advantages, disadvantages, and possible complications of EVAR compared to open surgery. What will happen before, during, and after surgery is explained. A list of symptoms that requir…
After cardiac surgery, there are lots of things you can do to speed up your recovery such as: being as fit as possible before your surgery, lowering the stress of surgery on your body, and getting up and moving soon after your surgery. This pamphlet explains how to do these things. Topics include: eating well, staying active, doing your exercises, practicing post-surgery restrictions, getting ready for surgery, steps to help your recovery while in hospital, and what to expect after you leave th…
Les entérocoques sont des bactéries souvent présentes dans notre intestin. Lorsque les entérocoques se déplacent vers d’autres parties du corps, ils peuvent provoquer une infection et rendre malade. Les antibiotiques, comme la vancomycine, sont des médicaments utilisés pour traiter certaines infections. Les entérocoques développent parfois une résistance à la vancomycine ou à d’autres antibiotiques. Quand cela se produit, on dit que les bactéries sont « résistantes » à la vancomycine et on parl…
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are a group of medications that help take the place of a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may not have enough EPO coming from their kidneys to tell their body to make more red blood cells. This pamphlet explains how to take and store this medication, and lists possible side effects.
Kidney stones are hard pieces of salt. They build up over time and can be as small as a grain of sand, up to 3 cm or more across. When the stones get too big to leave the body on their own, they can block the flow of urine (pee). This may cause sudden, severe (very bad) pain. This pamphlet describes your care if you are going to receive extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to target your kidney stones. Care instructions are given and a list of the symptoms that need medical attention ar…
Si votre corps manque d’oxygène en raison d’une carence en fer, il se peut que vous soyez fatigué ou essoufflé. On appelle cela l’anémie ferriprive. Beaucoup de patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) ou dialysés souffrent d’anémie, car ils n’ont pas assez de globules rouges, et le corps a besoin de fer pour les fabriquer. Prendre du fer par injection permet donc au corps d’avoir suffisamment de fer pour fabriquer de l’hémoglobine, c’est-à-dire la protéine qui transporte l’oxygè…
Your body needs magnesium to keep your bones, muscles, and nervous system healthy. Magnesium can also help keep your blood pressure under control. This pamphlet lists how much magnesium you need, as well as foods high in magnesium.
Vos yeux sont remplis d'un liquide fabriqué par le corps ciliaire. Ce liquide s'écoule à travers la pupille, devant le cristallin, puis sort par un drain appelé trabéculum. Le glaucome est une maladie dans laquelle une pression accrue dans l'œil endommage le nerf optique. Il survient généralement lorsque le trabéculum (drain) ne fonctionne pas et que le liquide ne peut pas s'écouler de l'œil. L'accumulation de liquide dans la partie avant de l'œil augmente la pression dans l'œil, ce qui endomma…