The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also called the jaw joint. TMJ surgery is done to treat problems with your jaw joints (like diseases that cause pain and limit your jaw movement). This pamphlet includes what to expect after surgery (like recovery area, eating and drinking, swelling, stitches, pain, and physio sticks). A list of symptoms that require you to call the oral surgery resident are listed.
This double-sided sheet allows you to write down the ostomy supplies that have been ordered for you after you have received ostomy care. Details about follow-up appointments and when to call the Wound and Ostomy Clinic are listed. Contact information for nurses specialized in wound, ostomy and continence in your local areas are listed.
Think of your due date as a best guess. This pamphlet describes what to expect if you go past your due date. A list of symptoms which require you to call the Labour and Delivery Unit is listed. The French version of this pamphlet 1952, "Accoucher après la date prévue d’accouchement", is also available.
Devinez votre date d'accouchement le mieux que vous pouvez. La présente brochure explique à quoi vous attendre si la grossesse se poursuit après votre date prévue d’accouchement. Les symptômes exigeant un appel à l’unité du travail et de l’accouchement sont indiqués. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1925, “Giving Birth After Your Due Date: Valley Regional Hospital”. Think of your due date as a best guess. This pamphlet describes what to expect if you go past your due date.…
This pamphlet explains the care offered at mobile primary care clinics in Lunenburg county and Queens county. These clinics do not offer emergency services. If it is an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Department right away.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets online using Zoom for Healthcare. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, technical requirements, intake process, treatment, medication, research, and what is expected of participants entering the program. An outline of the various groups offered within the program is listed.
This pamphlet explains what to expect after ear surgery and how to care for yourself at home. A list of symptoms that require you to call your doctor or visit the nearest Emergency Department are given.
Registered dietitians offer nutrition services across western Nova Scotia (Annapolis Valley, South Shore, and South West Nova Scotia). Topics include: services provided, nutrition education topics, and how you can get an appointment with a dietitian. If you want to refer yourself or a family member, call the dietitian nearest you to set up an appointment. A list of phone numbers is given.
The Recovery Support Program is for people who are 19 years of age or older, have problems with substance use and/or gambling, want to stop or lower their substance use and/or gambling, and want to use substances and/or gamble more safely. This pamphlet explains how to start the program, what supports are included, and what the Recovery Support Skills Group is. Information about whom to call for support and how to give program feedback is also provided.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets in person on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for half days. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, program location, intake process, treatment, medications, research, what is expected of people entering the program, and what to expect from your health care team. An outline of the various groups offered within the program and what to expect during time outside of scheduled groups is given.
An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) finds and corrects dangerous fast heart rates that start in the bottom of your heart. The device is also a pacemaker, which can treat slow heart rates. You will need surgery to have the device placed in your body. This pamphlet explains how your heart beats, what happens if you have problems with your heartbeat, what an ICD is, and what will happen after your procedure. Instructions on follow-up, care at home, and when to call your primary health…
Tiredness or fatigue is the most common symptom reported by cancer patients and survivors. It can happen at any time during or after cancer treatment. This pamphlet explains the signs and causes of fatigue, what you and your cancer care team can do to help, how to manage your energy, and when to call your doctor or nurse, or see a specialist. Helpful hints for caregivers and contact information for the Canadian Cancer Society are included.
This pamphlet answers questions you may have after breast surgery. The pamphlet explains what to eat and drink, activity guidelines, how to care for your incision, and how to manage pain. The pamphlet describes signs of infection or problems and who to call in case of an emergency.
This pamphlet describes how to care for your drain(s) after breast surgery. The pamphlet explains what a surgical drain is, when the drains will be removed, how to care for the drainage tube at home, and how to empty the drain. The pamphlet describes signs of infection or problems and who to call in case of an emergency. Draining schedule records are included.
This pamphlet explains how to do tube feeding at home. Topics include getting ready, your home tube feeding schedule, buying formula, weight, and hydration. The pamphlet explains what to do if you have diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating, or nausea and vomiting. Information is given on aspiration with tube feeding, what to do if you have a blocked feeding tube, and how to replace a broken adapter. When to call your primary health care provider, pharmacist, and outpatient dietitian is liste…
This pamphlet explains what to expect while waiting for your liver transplant. Topics include your transplant assessment, team support, planning for costs, common tests, assessment results, waiting period, and research. Information about getting ready for the day a liver is donated, getting "the call", and what to expect before, during, and after surgery is provided. The French version of this pamphlet 1123, "Dans l’attente d’une greffe de foie," is also available.
This guide has helpful information for you and/or your support person(s) about the Outpatient Withdrawal Management Service and what you can expect during the withdrawal process. This pamphlet describes withdrawal and symptoms. It also explains the benefits and risks in taking part in the program. Common questions are answered such as how long the process will take, what you can do to manage symptoms, things to avoid during treatment, and what will happen after the process is over. Benefits of …
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is when fatty materials called plaque build up in the arteries that supply blood to the brain, organs, and limbs (arms and legs). Over time, the plaque can narrow your arteries. This can lower or stop blood flow. Blocked blood flow can cause leg pain, gangrene (dead body tissue), or amputation (removal) of the foot or leg. If you have PAD, you have a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke. This pamphlet explains what PAD is, how to find out if you hav…
Cette brochure explique ce à quoi vous attendre pendant que vous patientez pour votre greffe de foie. Les sujets abordés comprennent l'évaluation de votre transplantation, le soutien de l'équipe, la planification des coûts, les tests courants, les résultats de l'évaluation, la période d'attente et la recherche. On y trouve de l'information sur la préparation au jour du don d'un foie, sur l'appel et sur ce à quoi vous attendre avant, pendant et après l'opération. ; This pamphlet is a French tran…
Un défibrillateur cardioverteur implantable (DCI) détecte et corrige les battements de cœur dangereusement rapides qui commencent dans la partie inférieure du cœur. Cet appareil est également un stimulateur cardiaque, qui peut traiter les rythmes cardiaques lents. Vous devrez subir une intervention chirurgicale pour l’implantation de l’appareil dans votre corps. Ce livret explique comment votre cœur bat, ce qui se passe si vous avez des problèmes de rythme cardiaque, ce qu'est un DCI et ce qui …