Your doctor or nurse practitioner has decided that you need the care of a cardiologist (heart doctor). You need a test called a cardiac catheterization (dye test). This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are taken to the Halifax Infirmary (HI) to have this test done. It explains what to expect while you are waiting to be transferred, before your transfer, and when you arrive at the HI. What to expect after you are discharged is also reviewed.
An aneurysm happens when a blood vessel gets bigger than normal. When an aneurysm happens in the main artery of the abdomen, it is called an abdominal aneurysm. This pamphlet explains why an aneurysm happens, who is at risk, how it is diagnosed, why it is life-threatening, and how it is treated. The French version of this pamphlet 2079, "Anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale", is also available.
L'angioplastie des artères de jambe (également appelée intervention par ballonnet) est une intervention destinée à ouvrir les artères rétrécies de votre jambe. Elle peut être pratiquée pour ralentir ou empêcher la nécessité d'un pontage (opération visant à aider le sang à franchir un blocage). Le présent dépliant explique pourquoi vous avez besoin de cette intervention, les étapes de l’intervention, ce qu’est une endoprothèse (un « stent »), les risques de l’angioplastie, les façons de se prépa…
Angioplasty of the leg (also called a balloon procedure) is a procedure done to open narrowed arteries in your leg. It may be done to slow or stop you from having bypass surgery (surgery to help blood get past a blockage). This pamphlet explains: why you need this procedure, steps of the procedure, what a stent is, risks, how to prepare for surgery, and what recovery will be like after surgery. The French version of this pamphlet 1791, "Angioplastie des artères de jambe (intervention par ballon…
Un anévrisme est un vaisseau sanguin dans une artère qui est plus gros que la normale. Quand il se trouve dans l’artère principale de l’abdomen, on parle d’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale. Cette brochure explique pourquoi un anévrisme se forme, qui sont les personnes à risque, ce qu’il peut entraîner et la façon dont il est diagnostiqué et traité. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0591, “Abdominal Aneurysm”. An aneurysm is a blood vessel in an artery that is bigger than nor…
Your surgeon has arranged for you to have your appendix removed. This surgery is called an appendectomy. This pamphlet gives information about what will happen to you after surgery and how you can take part in your care. This pamphlet explains what your appendix is, what will happen after your surgery, where your incisions will be, when you can shower/bathe, and if you can eat and get up and move around after surgery. The pamphlet also explains when you can go home, drive, return to work, and h…
Votre chirurgien a pris les dispositions nécessaires à l’ablation de votre appendice. Cette chirurgie est appelée appendicectomie. La présente brochure explique ce qui se passe après la chirurgie et comment participer à vos soins. Elle explique de plus ce qu’est l’appendice, ce qui se passe après la chirurgie, où se trouvent les incisions, quand vous pourrez prendre une douche ou un bain, et si vous pourrez manger, vous lever et vous déplacer après la chirurgie. On y parle également du moment a…
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also called the jaw joint. TMJ surgery is done to treat problems with your jaw joints (like diseases that cause pain and limit your jaw movement). This pamphlet includes what to expect after surgery (like recovery area, eating and drinking, swelling, stitches, pain, and physio sticks). A list of symptoms that require you to call the oral surgery resident are listed.
Benzodiazepines are a group of medications that work as sedatives. They are commonly called “benzos”. Diazepam and lorazepam are 2 benzodiazepines used to manage all stages of alcohol withdrawal. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, how benzodiazepines help, how your prescriber will decide which benzodiazepine is right for you, how much medication you will need, and possible side effects.
People with bipolar disorder have periods when their mood is very high or very low. These episodes may last for several days, weeks, or months. In between these episodes, the person’s mood may be normal. The period of very high mood and other symptoms is called mania. The period of very low mood and other symptoms is called depression. This pamphlet explains what causes bipolar disorder, what the symptoms of mania and depression are, how bipolar disorder is treated, and where you can get help.
Blepharospasm (also called benign essential blepharospasm) is a rare condition that affects the eyelid muscles on both sides of your face. It causes eyelid twitching or blinking that you cannot control. In severe (very bad) cases, blepharospasm can affect your ability to see. This pamphlet provides the possible cause and a list of symptoms. Topics include who typically gets blepharospasm, how it is diagnosed, treatment, and things you can do to relieve symptoms.
Lorsqu’une personne a de la difficulté à avaler les liquides clairs, il y a un risque que du liquide entre dans ses voies respiratoires plutôt que d’aller dans l’estomac. On appelle ce phénomène l’aspiration et cela se produit lorsque de la nourriture ou du liquide « passe dans le mauvais tuyau ». L’aspiration peut augmenter les risques de pneumonie (infection des poumons). Elle peut aussi être très désagréable et faire tousser. Lorsqu’on a un problème de déglutition (difficulté à avaler), il p…
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing this exercise as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. This outlines the exercise called, 'toe extension and flexion'.
Cancer patients may be more at risk of developing blood clots, also called Cancer Associated Thrombosis or CAT. This pamphlet describes what blood clots are, those at highest risk, and what conditions may come from CAT. Terms used in the guide are explained.
Cancer patients and survivors can be frustrated by the mental cloudiness they notice before, during, and after cancer treatment. This common cancer side effect is called Brain Fog or Chemo Brain. The term Chemo Brain can be misleading as chemotherapy is not the only cause of concentration and memory problems. This pamphlet explains what brain fog is, what causes it, the risk factors for brain fog, and what you can do to manage it. A list of resources for further information is included.
Les cannabinoïdes sont un groupe de médicaments parfois appelés « analgésiques à la marijuana » (antidouleurs) ou « cannabioïdes synthétiques » (artificiels). Ce dépliant explique pourquoi on vous a prescrit un cannabinoïde, la quantité et la façon de prendre ce médicament, les effets secondaires et la manière de rester en sécurité lorsque vous prenez ce médicament. Vous y trouverez également de l'information sur la conservation de ce médicament et sur ce qu'il faut faire en cas d'oubli d'une d…
Cannabinoids are a group of medications that are sometimes called ‘marijuana analgesics (painkillers)’ or ‘synthetic (artificial) cannabinoids’. This pamphlet explains why you have been prescribed a cannabinoid, how much of this medication to take and how to take it, side effects, and how to stay safe when taking this medication. Information on what to do if you miss a dose and how to store this medication is included. The French version of this pamphlet 1792, "Cannabinoïdes pour le traitement …
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It causes the cells in your skin that make pigment (called melanocytes) to grow out of control. Melanoma is a serious disease that can cause death. If it is caught early, melanoma is curable. Topics include: how to check for melanoma, diagnosis, and treatment. What to expect before, during, and after surgery is explained. Possible problems you may have and specific instructions are given. Resources are listed to help you find more information about melanoma su…
Central diabetes insipidus (also called diabetes insipidus or DI) is a condition that causes the water in your body to be out of balance. This pamphlet explains the causes and symptoms of DI, and how DI is diagnosed and treated.
A colposcopy is an examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. This pamphlet describes why you were referred for a colposcopy test, what will happen during the appointment, and afterward including next steps based on test results. Terms used in the guide are explained.