This pamphlet provides information about the process of a stem cell transplant using your own stem cells. Informaton about stem cell transplants and stem cell collection is provided. Also included is information about before your stem cell collection, phases of the process, side effects of high dose chemotherapy, admission, moving to the Medical Day Unit (MDU), the importance of MedicAlert® identification, outpatient care, and what to expect after your transplant. Information on lodging, parki…
CPVT affects the way heart cell channels respond to adrenaline. It causes extra heartbeats to start in the bottom chambers of your heart. This can make the heart beat too fast. Your heart might beat so fast that it cannot pump blood out to your body. These abnormal heart rhythms can make you collapse (faint). If the rhythm does not stop, it can cause sudden death. The pamphlet provides the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and activity guidelines. Further resources are also given.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet explains the different results and next steps.
This booklet is a guide to help you better understand chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR T-cell therapy). Topics include what CAR T-cell therapy is, enrollment in the program, T-cell collection, monitoring/bridging therapy, chemotherapy (lymphodepletion), CAR T-cell infusion, monitoring post-cell infusion, key inpatient discharge information, information about long term follow-up care and care at home, ongoing side effects, and information for the CAR T-cell care partner. Information…
You are being treated with a cancer treatment that is cytotoxic. This means it can kill cancer cells and can harm healthy cells. This booklet describes what you, your family, friends and caregivers need to know about cytotoxic precautions. These precautions are used to keep your family members, friends and caregivers safe while you are taking your cancer treatment. This pamphlet explains what cytotoxic precautions are, what body fluids are cytotoxic, how to handle your body wastes, what to do …
Certain blood cancers and blood disorders are treated with a stem cell transplant. Total Marrow Irradiation (TMI), like chemotherapy, is given to get your body ready for the stem cells. This pamphlet describes why TMI has been recommended, what will happen during treatment, possible side effects, supports available, and suggested questions to ask your health care team.
Low red blood cell count, called Anemia, can be caused by cancer or cancer treatment. This pamphlet lists the symptoms, treatments, coping mechanisms, and basic questions to ask your health care team.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet describes what a Pap test is, who should have Pap tests, when, how often, and where to have one done.
This pamphlet describes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up for plasma cell vulvitis (Zoon's vulvitis).
The health care team at Yarmouth Regional Hospital (YRH) is happy to help with collecting stem cell samples. Please ask a member of your health care team if you have any questions. Many companies offer this service. Choosing a company is a personal decision. Be sure to research the costs and services available from each company before you decide. Nova Scotia Health will not recommend which company to choose. Information you need to know when preparing for stem cell collection from cord blood is…
L’unité de médecine de jour du Victoria General offre plusieurs services : traitements intraveineux, traitements contre le cancer, prélèvements de cellules souches, biopsies, etc. Ce livret vous aidera à vous préparer à votre rendez-vous. Il passe en revue l’emplacement de l’unité de médecine de jour; ce qu’il faut faire pour vous préparer à votre rendez vous; ce qui se passe lors d’un rendez-vous; votre droit de vous faire accompagner par une personne de soutien; les ressources offertes par l’…