Being diagnosed with advanced liver disease can be confusing and scary. You will need to make changes in your life and think about difficult treatment options. You and your loved ones may have many emotions during this time. For example, you may feel scared, upset, or anxious. This is normal. This pamphlet explains what quality of life is. It lists common physical, social, mental, and emotional changes that can happen when you have advanced liver disease, as well as common worries you may have.…
This pamphlet explains how having a liver transplant may affect your mental health. Topics include: When will my life be back to normal? Are my feelings normal? When should I get help? How do I get help? If you need mental health help right away, important phone numbers are listed.
A Pap test checks for cell changes on the cervix and is an important screening test for cervical cancer. This pamphlet explains the different results and next steps.
Cleft lip and palate surgery is done to correct differences in the lip, nose, jaws, and roof of the mouth. Bone from the hip may be needed to make certain changes (cleft alveoli). This pamphlet explains what will happen on the day of your surgery and after your surgery. A Discharge Checklist is included. The pamphlet also includes contact numbers for both urgent and non-urgent questions once you are home.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is an exam of the large bowel (also known as the large intestine or colon). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look for any changes on the inside of your large bowel. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, what polyps are, care after the test, and possible complications. If you are given sedation, you must not do certain acti…
Your nurse will check your hand and/or foot often for circulation (blood flow). They will check the colour, sensation (feeling), and movement. A list of questions to expect and information about what to do if you notice any changes in the colour, sensation, or movement of your hand and/or foot is included.
Il est important de bien manger pour aider votre corps à guérir. Lorsque vous avez des broches dans les mâchoires ou des élastiques en place, vous devez apporter quelques changements à votre alimentation pour obtenir les nutriments dont votre corps a besoin. Ce dépliant donne des conseils qui peuvent vous aider. Les sujets abordés sont les suivants : un plan de repas, comment faciliter l'alimentation, les choses importantes à faire à la maison, comment prévenir les intoxications alimentaires, l…
La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces o…
La rétine est une membrane fine et délicate à l’arrière de l’œil. Elle transforme la lumière en images. La macula est la partie centrale et toute petite de la rétine. Elle vous donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour faire des choses comme lire, regarder la télé et voir les visages. Il existe deux formes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) : la forme sèche et la forme humide. Dans le cas de la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, les changements se produisent lentement, durant des mois …
Diabetic retinopathy happens when changes take place in the blood vessels near the retina, causing leaks or bleeding. Diabetic macular edema is a swelling of the macula (very small centre area of your retina, which gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces) that may be caused by diabetes, happen after eye surgery, or happen for no known reason (idiopathic). The pamphlet describes these disorders, their treatment, and how to control them. The Fr…
La rétinopathie diabétique a lieu lorsque des changements se produisent au niveau des vaisseaux sanguins situés près de la rétine et entraînent une fuite ou un saignement. L’œdème maculaire diabétique est un gonflement de la macula (très petite zone centrale de la rétine, qui donne la vision centrale nécessaire pour lire, regarder la télévision et voir les visages) qui peut être causé par le diabète, survenir après une opération aux yeux ou se produire sans raison connue (idiopathique). Le prés…
Your early warning score (EWS) is a guide used by your health care team. It helps them to quickly find out how sick you are and if there are changes to your condition. To find your EWS, your health care team will take your vital signs. This pamphlet explains how your health care team uses your EWS.
A facial bone fracture (break) must be treated to prevent future problems. Problems could include developing facial deformities, dental malocclusions (“bad bite”), jaw infection, or changes in facial growth. You will likely be admitted to a hospital room from the Emergency Department or from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery, and at home. A discharge checklist and contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are incl…
The death of someone important to you brings many changes in your life. As you adjust and respond to these changes, you will face challenges. Please remember: you are not alone. This pamphlet includes practical suggestions about dealing with common challenges you may face when you are grieving. Topics include making decisions, financial affairs, personal effects, memories of recent events, certain rooms or places, changes in relationships, special dates and events, dreams and visitations, looki…
A hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made of flexible plastic with a hormone called levonorgestrel. The hormone changes the lining of your uterus to stop sperm from reaching the egg. This pamphlet explains how it works, how well it works, pros and cons, what will happen when the IUD is inserted, what happens after, movement or loss of the IUD, and removal. The French version of this pamphlet 2019, "Dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (avec lévonorgestrel) (DIU)", is also availabl…
Diarrhea is a common side effect of radiation treatment to the pelvis. This pamphlet describes why and when someone may have diarrhea and how to treat it. It includes details on diet changes that may helpf.
This pamphlet describes how you may feel after the death of a loved one. Topics include physical changes, emotions, what you can do, and grief. Positive ways of coping are given that may help you on your journey. The French version of this pamphlet 1961, "Sur le chemin de la vie", is also available.
The retina is a very thin delicate tissue at the back of the eye that turns light into images. The macula is the very small central area of your retina. It gives you the central vision needed to do things like reading, watching TV, and seeing faces. There are 2 types of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet. With dry AMD, changes happen slowly over months or years. There is no treatment for dry AMD. With wet (also called ‘exudative’) AMD, changes often happen quickly. It is possib…
Memory has many parts. It includes taking in, storing, and recalling information. After an acquired brain injury (ABI), you may have changes in your memory. This is common. This pamphlet explains how memory changes might affect you, and tips for managing your memory. A resources section is included.
This Passport will help you take an active part in treating your heart failure. You can use it to record daily measurements (like your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, symptoms, and how you are feeling) and any medications you are taking. It can also help you to understand your disease better and learn about the importance of making changes to your lifestyle.