Your body needs magnesium to keep your bones, muscles, and nervous system healthy. Magnesium can also help keep your blood pressure under control. This pamphlet lists how much magnesium you need, as well as foods high in magnesium.
Iron is a mineral that the body needs to make red blood cells. This pamphlet outlines the symptoms, treatment, and information about intravenous (I.V.) iron infusions.
Many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have anemia (not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood). Taking oral irons will give you enough iron to make hemoglobin. The pamphlet explains what oral irons are, how to take and store them, and possible side effects.
Many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), or who are on dialysis, have anemia because their red blood cells are low. The body needs iron to help make new red blood cells. This pamphlet explains how to take and store this medication, and lists possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2161, "Fer injectable et insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC)," is also available.
Iron helps your blood carry oxygen through your body. When your iron levels are too low, you can develop a condition called iron deficiency anemia. This can lead to serious health issues. A person who is pregnant needs more iron to support the growth of their baby. During pregnancy, you need about one third (1/3) more iron. This pamphlet explains how much iron you need each day, how you can make sure you get enough iron, and how you will know if you are getting enough iron. Space is included fo…
Your body needs magnesium to keep your bones, muscles, nervous system and immune system healthy. Your health care provider has suggested you take an oral (by mouth) magnesium supplement. Helpful hints and a sample medication schedule are provided.
All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods that are high in potassium. If you have high blood potassium levels, you should avoid these foods. If you have low blood potassium levels, you should choose more of these foods daily. The French version of this pamphlet 2181, "Aliments riches en potassium," is also available.
Instructions are given for certain medications you may need after you have your baby for the treatment of pain, heartburn, iron deficiency, and hemorroids.
Tous les fruits et légumes contiennent du potassium. Ce dépliant fournit une liste d'aliments à forte teneur en potassium. Si vous avez un taux de potassium élevé dans le sang, vous devez éviter ces aliments. Si vous avez un faible taux de potassium dans le sang, vous devriez choisir un plus grand nombre de ces aliments chaque jour. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Foods High in Potassium" pamphlet 0610. All fruits and vegetables have potassium. This pamphlet provides a list of foods…
Si votre corps manque d’oxygène en raison d’une carence en fer, il se peut que vous soyez fatigué ou essoufflé. On appelle cela l’anémie ferriprive. Beaucoup de patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) ou dialysés souffrent d’anémie, car ils n’ont pas assez de globules rouges, et le corps a besoin de fer pour les fabriquer. Prendre du fer par injection permet donc au corps d’avoir suffisamment de fer pour fabriquer de l’hémoglobine, c’est-à-dire la protéine qui transporte l’oxygè…