The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also called the jaw joint. TMJ surgery is done to treat problems with your jaw joints (like diseases that cause pain and limit your jaw movement). This pamphlet includes what to expect after surgery (like recovery area, eating and drinking, swelling, stitches, pain, and physio sticks). A list of symptoms that require you to call the oral surgery resident are listed.
This pamphlet gives guidelines for drinking water safely between meals for people with swallowing problems. The French version of this pamphlet 2196, "Boire de l’eau entre les repas," is also available.
This pamphlet will help you learn what to expect after you have wired jaw surgery. Topics include wires and wire cutters, comfort and pain management, nausea and vomiting, eating and drinking, mouth care, smoking, what to do when you go home, and what to do in emergency situations.
This pamphlet explains what to expect after a gastrectomy (surgery to remove part, or all, of your stomach). Topics include eating and drinking, managing pain, activity, care of your incision (cut), and follow-up care.
This pamphlet is a guide for at home after brain tumour (tumor) surgery. Topics include: staples or stitches, activity, driving, taking care of your incision, washing your hair, eating and drinking, alcohol, and medication. Things to watch for (emergency symptoms) are listed. The pamphlet also includes information about recovery.
This pamphlet provides information about what to expect after having surgery to remove teeth. Pain and discomfort, controlling bleeding and swelling, what to expect with swallowing and opening your mouth wide, bruising, having a fever and feeling sick, hygiene, eating and drinking guidelines, signs of infection, stitches, sedation and anesthesia, activity, smoking, and what to do if you have a dry socket are discussed. Contact numbers for both urgent and non-urgent questions are also provided. …
An acquired brain injury (ABI) causes you to lose brain cells. This means that the brain cells you have left need to work harder to do the same kinds of activities you did before your injury. Using alcohol and recreational drugs affects how your brain works. If you have an ABI, using alcohol and drugs can have a serious effect on you and your recovery. This pamphlet explains how alcohol and drug use will affect you after an ABI and lists resources for getting help.
This pamphlet will help you with your care at home. Topics include: pain, activity, eating and drinking, mouth and throat care, and post-surgery directions for a direct laryngoscopy. There is also space to record your followup appointment and your doctor's contact information.
You are going to have a 24-hour pH monitoring test. This test checks if your symptoms are related to refluxing (coming up from your stomach) or regurgitating (bringing up) acid from your stomach (belly) into your esophagus (the tube in your throat connecting your mouth and stomach to swallow food). This pamphlet explains why and how the test is done, and how the test will feel. Information about medications, eating, drinking, and activity during the 24-hour pH monitoring test is given. A diary …
When you eat, food travels from your mouth to your stomach through a long tube called the esophagus. A muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) joins the esophagus and the stomach. This muscle opens when you swallow to let food and liquids pass into your stomach and stays closed when you are not eating or drinking. If you have GERD, this muscle opens at times when it should be closed, letting small amounts of food and acid from your stomach move back up into your esophagus. This is ca…
Naltrexone is a medication used to help manage alcohol dependence. This medication works on the reward pathways in the brain by lowering the good feeling you get from drinking alcohol. Naltrexone may help you drink less. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, how well naltrexone works, whether naltrexone interacts with other medications, what will happen if you drink alcohol while taking naltrexone, how long you will need to take naltrexone, possible side effects, and how much nalt…
Acamprosate is a medication used to help manage alcohol dependence. It works best for people who would like to stop drinking alcohol fully, not just drink less. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, whether acamprosate interacts with other medications, what will happen if you drink alcohol while taking acamprosate, how long you will need to take acamprosate, possible side effects, and how much acamprosate costs.
Disulfiram is a medication used to help manage alcohol dependence. It works best for people who would like to stop drinking alcohol completely, not just drink less. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, what will happen if you drink alcohol while taking disulfiram, how well disulfiram works, whether disulfiram interacts with other medications or foods, and how long you will need to take this medication. Possible side effects are included.
This pamphlet explains what to expect if your urinary catheter (tube in your bladder) is taken out. It explains common symptoms and what to do if they do not go away or get better. It describes what you can do to help (suc has drinking fluids, measuring your urine). If you have any questions or concerns and you do not have a follow-up appointment booked at the Urology Clinic, visit your primary health care provider.
Recovering from COVID-19 is different for everyone. It does not matter how old you are or how healthy you were before you got COVID-19. Some people feel better in a few weeks. For others, it may take months. This guide gives important information about recovering from COVID-19. Topics include what to do if you have shortness of breath (feeling out of breath), when you can start exercising, how you can go back to doing your day-to-day activities safely, how you can manage your energy, and what t…
Lorsqu’une personne a de la difficulté à avaler les liquides clairs, il y a un risque que du liquide entre dans ses voies respiratoires plutôt que d’aller dans l’estomac. On appelle ce phénomène l’aspiration et cela se produit lorsque de la nourriture ou du liquide « passe dans le mauvais tuyau ». L’aspiration peut augmenter les risques de pneumonie (infection des poumons). Elle peut aussi être très désagréable et faire tousser. Lorsqu’on a un problème de déglutition (difficulté à avaler), il p…