This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'shoulder flexion', 'shoulder extension', 'shoulder abduction', 'shoulder external rotation' and 'shoulder internal rotation'.
Un dispositif d’assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut être recommandé pour les candidats éventuels à une transplantation cardiaque. Le DAV agit comme un ventricule du cœur en pompant le sang dans l’organisme. La pompe est dotée d’une source d’alimentation externe. La présente brochure décrit les types de DAV, l’implantation d’un DAV, les risques de la chirurgie et ce à quoi s’attendre après l’opération. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)" pamphlet 0931. A…
External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) uses radiation from high energy X-ray machines to kill cancer cells. This pamphlets describes why it has been recommended, what will happen during your treatment, possible side effects, and what to expect after the treatments.
This pamphlet explains why radiation therapy is used to treat prostate cancer, including how to get ready for your treatments, possible side effects, and questions you may want to ask your health care team.
Condoms are birth control devices that prevent semen (the fluid that contains sperm) from entering a vagina or anus. When semen is released inside a vagina, it may reach an egg and fertilize it, causing pregnancy. Condoms also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, if used properly. There are 2 types of condoms: internal (worn on the inside of the vagina or anus) and external (worn on the outside of an erect penis). This pamphlet explains what internal…
Ophthalmic imaging is when images (pictures) are taken of the eye. These pictures are used to detect (find) eye conditions. Types of ophthalmic imaging include: external photography, colour fundus photography, slit-lamp photography, and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). This pamphlet explains how to get ready for ophthalmic imaging, how ophthalmic imaging is done, and what will happen after it is done.