Falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians. This pamphlet includes a checklist to help you find out if you are at risk of falling. Tips to prevent falls are included.
This pamphlet is for people coming to a hospital appointment. It explains who is at a higher risk of falling, and what to do before coming to the hospital, while you are at the hospital, and while you are at your appointment.
This pamphlet gives ways to lower your risk of falling while in the hospital. Reasons why you may be at greater risk of falling are listed. Topics include hospital bed safety, getting up, going to the washroom, and safety reminders. The French version of this pamphlet 1656, "Prévention des chutes et des blessures aux soins de courte durée", is also available.
This pamphlet explains why falls happen, why you may be at risk of falling, and what you can do to lower your risk of falling.
Le dépliant suggère des moyens de réduire vos risques de chute pendant que vous êtes à l’hôpital. Les raisons pour lesquelles vous présentez un risque accru de chutes sont indiquées. Le dépliant traite notamment de la sécurité liée au lit d’hôpital et du fait de vous lever et d’aller à la toilette. Quelques conseils en matière de sécurité sont aussi fournis. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1643, "Prevening Falls and Injuries During Your Hospital Stay". This pamphlet gives…
Falls among older adults are a common problem. Up to half of residents in long-term care may fall each year. This pamphlet explains situations when most falls happen, what raises your risk of falling, and what staff in the Veterans' Memorial Building may ask you to do while living in this unit to prevent falls from happening.