Condoms are birth control devices that prevent semen (the fluid that contains sperm) from entering a vagina or anus. When semen is released inside a vagina, it may reach an egg and fertilize it, causing pregnancy. Condoms also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, if used properly. There are 2 types of condoms: internal (worn on the inside of the vagina or anus) and external (worn on the outside of an erect penis). This pamphlet explains what internal…
Heart healthy eating can help you feel good and give you energy. Eating more fibre and less fat can lower your risk of heart disease by helping control your weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Eating less sodium (salt) can help manage heart failure and high blood pressure. This pamphlet explains how to eat heart healthy. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed. Information about fluid, portion size, omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed, and eating out is included. A li…
In arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), some of your heart muscle is replaced by fat and scar tissue. ARVC usually affects the right side of the heart. The fat and scar tissue dilate (stretch) the right side of your heart. This weakens the heart muscle. This makes it harder for your heart to pump blood out to your body. If your ARVC is very bad, it may cause fluid to build up in your lungs (causing shortness of breath), ankles, or belly (causing swelling). ARVC can also chang…
This guide is for patients that are being admitted to the Victoria General Hospital for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pulmonary resection for lung cancer treatment. Your surgeon will make several small surgical cuts over your chest wall. A videoscope (a tube with a tiny camera on the end) and other small tools will be passed through these cuts.Then, your surgeon may remove part or all of your lung, drain fluid or blood that has built up, or do other procedures. One or more tubes w…
La thérapie photodynamique (TPD) est un traitement qui peut être utile pour des affections de l’œil comme la dégénérescence maculaire humide liée à l'âge (DMLA humide) et la rétinopathie séreuse centrale (RSC). La DMLA humide affecte la vision centrale quand de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins anormaux se développent sous la rétine. La RSC est une accumulation de liquide sous la rétine. Le présent dépliant traite de la façon dont fonctionne la TPD, de la préparation, du déroulement du traitement et …
L’hystérectomie est une opération qui permet d’enlever l’utérus et le col de l’utérus. D’autres tissus comme les ovaires, les trompes de Fallope, des ganglions lymphatiques et des parties du vagin peuvent aussi être enlevés en même temps. Après l’opération, vous aurez une ou quelques incisions sur l’abdomen, une intraveineuse (IV) et un cathéter (tube) dans la vessie pour drainer l’urine, au besoin. Vous pourriez aussi avoir un tamponnement (matière absorbante) pour absorber le sang et le liqui…