This pamphlet explains what the thyroid and parathyroid glands are and what they do. Types of thyroid and parathyroid surgeries are listed. This pamphlet also explains what to expect after surgery, how to care for your incision, and symptoms requiring a visit to the Emergency Department.
Incision care, pain management, how to position your bed after surgery, and instructions for activity and diet are listed. A list of symptoms that need the attention of your surgeon, a list of important phone numbers, and information about your post-operative appointment are also provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2184, "Après votre opération de la thyroïde à l’hôpital général de Dartmouth", is also available.
Ce dépliant traite des soins de l'incision, de la gestion de la douleur, du positionnement dans le lit après l'opération et des instructions relatives à l'activité et à l'alimentation. On y trouve aussi une liste des symptômes qui nécessitent l'attention de votre chirurgien, une liste des numéros de téléphone importants et de l'information sur votre rendez-vous postopératoire. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "After Your Thyroid Surgery: Dartmouth General Hospital" pamphlet 1628. Inci…
L’ophtalmopathie thyroïdienne (maladie de Basedow, maladie de Graves) peut se présenter si vous avez des problèmes de glande thyroïde. L’ophtalmopathie thyroïdienne peut toucher la peau, le gras et les muscles entourant le globe oculaire. Elle peut entraîner de la rougeur et de l’enflure dans l’orbite. Dans le présent dépliant, nous vous expliquons comment elle est diagnostiquée et traitée et ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer la situation. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Thyro…
Thyroid eye disease (also known as Graves’ eye disease) may happen when you have a problem with your thyroid gland. Graves’ eye disease can affect the skin, fat and muscles around your eyeball. It can cause redness and swelling within your eye socket. This pamphlet explains how thyroid eye disease is diagnosed, what the treatment is, and what you can do to help. The French version of this pamphlet 1919, "Ophtalmopathie thyroïdienne", is also available.
Guide for thyroid cancer survivors describing recommended follow-up care and what to expect next. Lists supports and resources available.
The prostate is a gland that makes seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is a disease where cancer cells start to grow in the prostate gland. These cancer cells grow into a tumor and can spread to other parts of the body such as the bones and lymph nodes. This pamphlet explains what causes prostate cancer, what hormones are, what testosterone does, how hormone therapy works for prostate cancer, how long you will be on hormone therapy, and side effects. A list of resources for further information is pr…
A parotidectomy is surgery to remove your parotid gland(s). The parotid glands are large salivary glands. They are on the side of your face, just in front of and below your ears. This pamphlet explains what will happen right after surgery, care at home, follow-up care, and symptoms that need immediate medical attention.
Blepharitis is a chronic (ongoing) inflammation (swelling) of the eyelids. It is a common problem. This pamphlet explains the symptoms of blepharitis and how it is treated. Topics include keeping your eyelids clean, how to use a warm compress and create a warm compress bundle, and how to clean your eyelids. Information about what you can do to help your symptoms is also included.
Parathyroidectomy is a surgery that removes your parathyroid glands. Your parathyroid glands are in your neck (usually on the back of the thyroid gland). They help to control your blood calcium and phosporous levels. Hyperparathyroidism is when one or more of the parathyroid glands makes too much parathyroid hormone in your blood. If this happens, you will need a parathyroidectomy. This pamphlet explains what a parathyroidectomy is, the possible complications with this surgery, care after surge…
Tears are made by the lacrimal gland and other tear glands around the eyes. They drain through each punctum into the lacrimal sac, and then into the nose. The puncta are 2 small openings at the nose end of each eyelid. Small silicone (rubber) plugs can be placed into one or both puncta. The plugs block the openings, letting more moisture stay on your eyes to help with dry eyes. If the plugs have openings, they help your tears to drain better. This pamphlet explains what will happen when the pun…