Nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins en matière de santé mentale et pour vous aider à diminuer ou à arrêter votre consommation d’alcool, votre usage du tabac ou des drogues ou votre dépendance au jeu. Nous travaillons aussi avec les familles et les amis touchés par la maladie mentale ou la dépendance. Il n’est pas nécessaire que vous suiviez un traitement pour que votre famille et vos amis obtiennent du soutien. La présente brochure a été conçue pour répondre à toutes vos qu…
This pamphlet gives information on what to expect before you book an appointment at your collaborative family practice. Information on what to do when you are not able to book an appointment is also listed.
Ce dépliant porte sur les chirurgies de la hernie. Une hernie se forme lorsque la paroi externe d’un muscle se brise ou se déchire. Les organes (p. ex. une petite partie de l’intestin ou des tissus) passent alors à travers cet orifice. Nous présentons ici les différents types de chirurgie de la hernie et expliquons ce à quoi il faut s’attendre avant la chirurgie, le jour même de la chirurgie et une fois de retour à la maison. Il s’agit notamment de ce qui suit : contrôle de la douleur, exercice…
The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is a 5-session group education program that teaches self-management strategies for living with chronic pain. Topics include: benefits, who the program is for, goals, what you will learn, how the program will help, where and when it is held, and how to sign up.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include how to get ready, where to go, and what will happen during the treatment.
A spinal anesthetic is a type of anesthesia (freezing medication). It is used for surgeries on the lower part of your body (stomach and below). This pamphlet explains what a spinal anesthetic is, if it will hurt, if you will hear what is happening during your surgery, how a spinal anesthetic is different from a general anesthetic, the benefits and risks, if you can have a spinal anesthetic if you have a back problem, and if you can take pain medications with a spinal anesthetic. Information abo…
This pamphlet is about hernia surgeries. A hernia forms when an outer wall of muscle breaks open or tears. This allows organs (such as a loop of bowel or tissue) to fall through the opening. Different types of hernia surgery are described. Topics include what to expect before surgery, on the day of surgery and after surgery at home. Some after surgery topics include pain control, deep breathing and coughing exercises, foot and leg exercises, care of your incision, physical activity, meals, heal…
The INSPIRED COPD Outreach Program™ helps people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) by providing COPD information and support, a “COPD Action Plan” to help manage flare-ups, suggesting programs and services that may help, and a chance to consider your goals of care and complete a Personal Directive document.
This pamphlet explains what to expect from the Mental Health and Addictions Adult Outpatient Services at Colchester East Hants Health Centre and Lloyd E. Matheson Centre. Topics include what services are offered, how and where to access these services, and what to expect. A list of resources is included.
This pamphlet includes tips on how to get more physically active. It also includes space to keep track of your health (like blood pressure, heart rate) and activity (like aerobic exercise, balance test).
Santé Nouvelle-Écosse favorise des milieux sans tabac et sans vapotage pour les patients, les visiteurs et le personnel et veut aider les gens à moins fumer, à cesser de fumer et à demeurer non-fumeurs. Ce dépliant vous donne des renseignements sur les cérémonies de purification par la fumée, l’abandon du tabac et le renvoi à Sans Tabac Nouvelle-Écosse. Il vous donne aussi des conseils au cas où vous décideriez d’essayer de cesser de fumer. Il vous indique aussi comment vous pouvez communiquer …
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a type of brain stimulation therapy used to treat symptoms of depression. This pamphlet explains how rTMS works, as well as the possible side effects. Information about treatments includes where to go, how to get ready, and what will happen during the treatment.
Colchester East Hants Health Centre (CEHHC) provides spiritual care for patients and their loved ones requesting this service. What you can expect from this service as well as situations spiritual care staff can help you with are outlined. The Prayer Room location is listed. Contact information is also provided.
Mental illness refers to a range of mental health conditions that can affect your mood, thinking, and behaviour. It can cause problems with how you manage work, school, and/or your relationships. Your treatment plan may include individual and/or group treatment, medication management, information/education, and/or connecting you with resources in the community or online. This pamphlet was created to answer any questions you may have surrounding expectations, safety and privacy concerns, and als…