The goal of the 3 Wishes Project is to improve the end-of-life experience for patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and their loved ones. This pamphlet lists what the team helps with and provides examples of some of the wishes made by patients and their loved ones. It also describes where the program started and which organizations support the program. Contact information is provided.
Nova Scotia Health promotes a smoke-free, tobacco-free, and vape-free environment for patients, visitors, and staff. Nova Scotia Health is committed to helping people smoke less, stop smoking, and stay smoke-free. This pamphlet provides information about smudging ceremonies, stopping smoking, referral to Tobacco Free Nova Scotia (TFNS), and what to do if you decide you are ready to try to quit tobacco. Contact information for TFNS and the Stop Smoking Program is provided. The French version of …
Dans cette brochure, vous trouverez des renseignements sur comment vous devriez vous brosser les dents et utiliser le fil dentaire, des conseils généraux sur le brossage des dents et l'utilisation du fil dentaire, et des conseils pour aider les enfants à se brosser les dents et à utiliser le fil dentaire. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1865, “Brushing and Flossing”. This pamphlet describes how to brush and floss your teeth. It also includes tips and information on helpin…
This pamphlet describes how to brush and floss your teeth. It also includes tips and information on helping children brush and floss. The French version of this pamphlet 1879, "Brosse à dents et fil dentaire," is also available.
This guide explains what to do if you think your child or adolescent (teen) may have an eating disorder. Your support is very important in helping your child or adolescent. A list of resources is included.
Family-based treatment (FBT) is an outpatient treatment for eating disorders (like anorexia nervosa [AN] and bulimia nervosa) in children and adolescents (teenagers). FBT focuses on supporting parents and/or guardians in stopping their child or adolescent’s disordered eating and helping them eat in a more healthy way. This pamphlet explains what causes eating disorders, how parents and other family members can help, who will be on your child or adolescent’s treatment team, and how FBT works. A …
Patients and families living with head and neck cancers often feel like they are entering a maze when they begin the cancer care journey. Our team tries to give the best care possible for head and neck cancer patients and their families. We have a team of health care professionals who work together to plan your care. This pamphlet explains the role of the head and neck oncology case manager in your care. Contact information is included.
Heart healthy eating can help you feel good and give you energy. Eating more fibre and less fat can lower your risk of heart disease by helping control your weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes. Eating less sodium (salt) can help manage heart failure and high blood pressure. This pamphlet explains how to eat heart healthy. Foods that are best choices and foods to avoid are listed. Information about fluid, portion size, omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed, and eating out is included. A li…
This pamphlet outlines how to help teens cope with dying, death, and grief. It explains how teens may react when someone is very ill, the role their friends may play in the grieving process, and how their reactions may differ from those of an adult. Other topics include teens as caregivers, rituals, hiding and showing feelings, how stress may affect school performance, and warning signs that your teen may need extra help dealing with their feelings.
Nutrition is very important in helping you feel better and stay strong. This pamphlet explains how to choose foods that are high in energy and protein, and low in fibre. Recipes are included.
When a drug spill occurs at home, precautions must be taken to make sure that other people who may be helping you with the cleanup do not come in contact with your cancer treatment. Although the risk is very low, it is important to be careful. This pamphlet gives step by step instructions to clean up a chemotherapy drug spill at home.
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) (also called immunotherapy) are an important part of treating some types of cancer. CPIs work by helping your own immune system to work harder or smarter to attack cancer cells. This pamphlet explains what your immune system does and how cancer affects it, what CPIs are and whether they are the same as chemotherapy, and what precautions you have to take. Information about side effects and your orange alert card is included. A list of resources for more inform…
The Mental Health and Addictions (MHA) Day Hospital cares for people with intense mental health issues or concerns. It supports your recovery through outpatient (day) treatment, group therapy, and helping you stay connected with your loved ones and the community. This pamphlet explains how to take part in Day Hospital programs, how to access the Day Hospital, what care and programs the Day Hospital offers, and who is on your Day Hospital health care team. Information on how long you will take p…
The Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program has a library of educational videos that can help support you through your cancer experience. Some of the videos are listed in this pamphlet, including the Patient Orientation Session: You and Your Cancer Care, Symptom Management Sessions, and the Living Beyond Cancer Video Series. If you would like to review the full catalogue, please go to: Contact information for more information on these sessions is included.
Santé Nouvelle-Écosse favorise des milieux sans tabac et sans vapotage pour les patients, les visiteurs et le personnel et veut aider les gens à moins fumer, à cesser de fumer et à demeurer non-fumeurs. Ce dépliant vous donne des renseignements sur les cérémonies de purification par la fumée, l’abandon du tabac et le renvoi à Sans Tabac Nouvelle-Écosse. Il vous donne aussi des conseils au cas où vous décideriez d’essayer de cesser de fumer. Il vous indique aussi comment vous pouvez communiquer …
Your eyes are filled with a fluid made by the ciliary body. This fluid flows through the pupil, in front of the lens, and then out through a drain called the trabecular meshwork. Glaucoma is a disease where increased pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve. It usually happens when the trabecular meshwork (drain) does not work and fluid cannot drain from the eye. Fluid buildup in the front part of the eye increases pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve. This damage may at first caus…
Vos yeux sont remplis d'un liquide fabriqué par le corps ciliaire. Ce liquide s'écoule à travers la pupille, devant le cristallin, puis sort par un drain appelé trabéculum. Le glaucome est une maladie dans laquelle une pression accrue dans l'œil endommage le nerf optique. Il survient généralement lorsque le trabéculum (drain) ne fonctionne pas et que le liquide ne peut pas s'écouler de l'œil. L'accumulation de liquide dans la partie avant de l'œil augmente la pression dans l'œil, ce qui endomma…