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Avant de faire le test du VIH
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. HIV Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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VIH signifie virus de l’immunodéficience humaine. Contrairement à d’autres virus, le corps ne peut pas se débarrasser du VIH. Le SIDA (syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise) survient lorsque le VIH détruit le système immunitaire, ce qui entraîne des infections et des cancers graves et potentiellement mortels. Le test de dépistage détecte uniquement le VIH, pas le SIDA. Ce dépliant explique ce qui suit : mode de propagation du VIH, avantages et inconvénients du test de dépistage, procédure du test…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. HIV Clinic
Alternate Title
Before your HIV test
Before your human immunodeficiency virus test
Before your AIDS test
Before your acquired immunodeficiency syndrome test
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Subjects (LCSH)
HIV infections
Infectious Diseases
VIH signifie virus de l’immunodéficience humaine. Contrairement à d’autres virus, le corps ne peut pas se débarrasser du VIH. Le SIDA (syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise) survient lorsque le VIH détruit le système immunitaire, ce qui entraîne des infections et des cancers graves et potentiellement mortels. Le test de dépistage détecte uniquement le VIH, pas le SIDA. Ce dépliant explique ce qui suit : mode de propagation du VIH, avantages et inconvénients du test de dépistage, procédure du test, fiabilité du test, délai d’obtention du résultat du test et façon de communiquer le résultat, résultat négatif, positif et indéterminé, ainsi que personnes ayant accès aux résultats de votre test.
This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2122, "Before Your HIV Test". HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and whether the test is accurate. Info is also provided on how you will get your test result and how long it will take, and what negative, positive, and indeterminate test results mean. Info on who has access to your test results is included.
Prepared by: HIV Clinic Staff
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Before your HIV test
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. HIV Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
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HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and w…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Central Zone. HIV Clinic
Alternate Title
Before your human immunodeficiency virus test
Before your AIDS test
Before your acquired immunodeficiency syndrome test
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Subjects (LCSH)
HIV infections
Infectious Diseases
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and whether the test is accurate. Info is also provided on how you will get your test result and how long it will take, and what negative, positive, and indeterminate test results mean. Info on who has access to your test results is included. The French version of this pamphlet 2165, "Avant de faire le test du VIH," is also available.
Prepared by: HIV Clinic Staff
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Conseils pour une alimentation riche en fibres
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2019.
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Information sur les deux types de fibres alimentaires, solubles et insolubles, et conseils sur la façon d’augmenter votre consommation de fibres. Un exemple de plan pour les repas est fourni. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0556 “Tips for High Fibre Eating". Information on the two types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake are provided. A sample meal plan is listed.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services
Alternate Title
Tips for high fibre eating
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Dietary Fiber
Subjects (LCSH)
Food--Fiber content
Fiber in human nutrition
Food and Nutrition
Information sur les deux types de fibres alimentaires, solubles et insolubles, et conseils sur la façon d’augmenter votre consommation de fibres. Un exemple de plan pour les repas est fourni.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0556 “Tips for High Fibre Eating". Information on the two types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake are provided. A sample meal plan is listed.
Prepared by: Nutrition and Food Services
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Getting enough iron during pregnancy
Nova Scotia Health Authority. South Shore Regional Hospital. OBS Clinic. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2023.
Pamphlet Number
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Iron helps your blood carry oxygen through your body. When your iron levels are too low, you can develop a condition called iron deficiency anemia. This can lead to serious health issues. A person who is pregnant needs more iron to support the growth of their baby. During pregnancy, you need about one third (1/3) more iron. This pamphlet explains how much iron you need each day, how you can make sure you get enough iron, and how you will know if you are getting enough iron. Space is included fo…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. South Shore Regional Hospital. OBS Clinic
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Iron, Dietary
Subjects (LCSH)
Iron in human nutrition
Iron helps your blood carry oxygen through your body. When your iron levels are too low, you can develop a condition called iron deficiency anemia. This can lead to serious health issues. A person who is pregnant needs more iron to support the growth of their baby. During pregnancy, you need about one third (1/3) more iron. This pamphlet explains how much iron you need each day, how you can make sure you get enough iron, and how you will know if you are getting enough iron. Space is included for your health care team to record your hemoglobin and ferritin levels. Instructions on how to take elemental iron are given.
Prepared by: OBS Clinic, South Shore Regional Hospital
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Greffe de tissus pour chirurgie buccale
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
Pamphlet Number
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Pendant votre chirurgie buccale (bouche), il se peut que l’on doive vous faire une greffe de tissu. Ce type de transplantation est appelé allogreffe. Cette brochure explique ce qui suit : origine des tissus greffés, types de tissus pouvant être greffés, critères de sélection des donneurs de tissus, risques liés aux greffes de tissus, consentement éclairé, à quoi s’attendre après une greffe de tissu, choses à faire si vous pensez avoir un problème lié à l’opération, ressources complémentaires su…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team
Alternate Title
Tissue Transplant in Oral Surgery
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Tissue Transplantation
Surgery, Oral
Subjects (LCSH)
Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc
Oral Surgery
Pendant votre chirurgie buccale (bouche), il se peut que l’on doive vous faire une greffe de tissu. Ce type de transplantation est appelé allogreffe. Cette brochure explique ce qui suit : origine des tissus greffés, types de tissus pouvant être greffés, critères de sélection des donneurs de tissus, risques liés aux greffes de tissus, consentement éclairé, à quoi s’attendre après une greffe de tissu, choses à faire si vous pensez avoir un problème lié à l’opération, ressources complémentaires sur le don de tissus en Nouvelle-Écosse.
This pamphlet is a French translation of the English pamphlet 2227, "Tissue Transplant in Oral Surgery". You may need a tissue transplant during your oral (mouth) surgery. Human tissues used for transplant are called allografts. This pamphlet explains where tissues for transplant come from, what types of tissue can be transplanted, what donor tissues are screened for, the risks of tissue transplant, informed consent, and what to expect after tissue transplant surgery. What to do if you think you are having a problem related to your surgery is included. Resources for more information about tissue donation in Nova Scotia are provided.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team
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High-energy, high-protein, low-fibre eating guidelines
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
Pamphlet Number
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Nutrition is very important in helping you feel better and stay strong. This pamphlet explains how to choose foods that are high in energy and protein, and low in fibre. Recipes are included.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services
Alternate Title
High energy, high protein, low fibre eating guidelines
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (11 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Diet Therapy
Energy Intake
Dietary Fiber
Subjects (LCSH)
Diet therapy
High-calorie diet
Protein-energy malnutrition
Fiber in human nutrition
Nutrition and food
Nutrition is very important in helping you feel better and stay strong. This pamphlet explains how to choose foods that are high in energy and protein, and low in fibre. Recipes are included.
Prepared by: Nutrition and Food Services
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Infections respiratoires
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Infection Prevention and Control. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
Pamphlet Number
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Cette brochure explique les principales différences entre le rhume, la grippe et la COVID-19. Des renseignements sur les symptômes et la façon dont ces infections se propagent sont fournis. On y présente aussi de l’information sur les moyens de vous protéger et de protéger les autres contre les infections respiratoires, sur ce qu’il faut faire si vos symptômes s’aggravent et sur les médicaments disponibles. La marche à suivre en cas d'admission à l'hôpital pour des symptômes respiratoires est é…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Infection Prevention and Control
Alternate Title
Respiratory (breathing) infections
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Common Cold - prevention & control
Influenza, Human - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
Cold (Disease)
COVID-19 (Disease)
Cette brochure explique les principales différences entre le rhume, la grippe et la COVID-19. Des renseignements sur les symptômes et la façon dont ces infections se propagent sont fournis. On y présente aussi de l’information sur les moyens de vous protéger et de protéger les autres contre les infections respiratoires, sur ce qu’il faut faire si vos symptômes s’aggravent et sur les médicaments disponibles. La marche à suivre en cas d'admission à l'hôpital pour des symptômes respiratoires est également décrite. Vos partenaires de soins et les personnes qui vous rendent visite devront respecter les mêmes mesures de sécurité en matière de prévention et de contrôle des infections (PCI) pour vous fournir des soins directs à l'hôpital
This pamphlet is a French translation of "Respiratory (Breathing) Infections" pamphlet 1551. This pamphlet explains the main differences between the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19. Information on symptoms and how these infections are spread is provided. How to protect yourself and others from getting respiratory infections, instructions for what to do if your symptoms get worse, and medicines available are listed. What to expect if you are admitted to the hospital for respiratory symptoms is also outlined. Your essential care partners and visitors will be asked to follow the same safety Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) measures when giving you direct care in the hospital.
Previous title: La saison de la grippe et du rhume : quoi faire quand vous êtes à l’hôpital
Prepared by: Infection Prevention and Control
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Low fibre, low lactose nutrition guidelines
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2023.
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Eating less fibre and lactose may help with gas, cramping, and diarrhea (loose, watery poop). This pamphlet explains what fibre and lactose are, and provides lists of best choices and foods to avoid.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Dietary Fiber
Nutrition Therapy
Subjects (LCSH)
Fiber in human nutrition
Lactose intolerance
Diet therapy
Eating less fibre and lactose may help with gas, cramping, and diarrhea (loose, watery poop). This pamphlet explains what fibre and lactose are, and provides lists of best choices and foods to avoid.
Prepared by: Nutrition and Food Services
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Low fibre nutrition guidelines
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2023.
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Fibre is the part of a plant that your body cannot digest. It is found in whole grain bread and cereal products, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. By choosing a low fibre eating plan, you will have smaller and fewer bowel movements (poops). This pamphlet includes lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid".
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Dietary Fiber
Diet - Guideline
Subjects (LCSH)
Fiber in human nutrition
Diet therapy
Nutrition and food
Fibre is the part of a plant that your body cannot digest. It is found in whole grain bread and cereal products, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. By choosing a low fibre eating plan, you will have smaller and fewer bowel movements (poops). This pamphlet includes lists of "Best choices" and "Foods to avoid".
Previous title: Low fibre diet
Prepared by: Nutrition and Food Services
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Respiratory (breathing) infections
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Infection Prevention and Control. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
Pamphlet Number
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This pamphlet explains the main differences between the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19. Information on symptoms and how these infections are spread is provided. How to protect yourself and others from getting respiratory infections, instructions for what to do if your symptoms get worse, and medicines available are listed. What to expect if you are admitted to the hospital for respiratory symptoms is also outlined. Your essential care partners and visitors will be asked to follow the same s…
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Infection Prevention and Control
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Common Cold - prevention & control
Influenza, Human - prevention & control
Subjects (LCSH)
Cold (Disease)
COVID-19 (Disease)
This pamphlet explains the main differences between the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19. Information on symptoms and how these infections are spread is provided. How to protect yourself and others from getting respiratory infections, instructions for what to do if your symptoms get worse, and medicines available are listed. What to expect if you are admitted to the hospital for respiratory symptoms is also outlined. Your essential care partners and visitors will be asked to follow the same safety Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) measures when giving you direct care in the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1552, "Infections respiratoires," is also available.
Previous title: Cold & flu season : taking care while you're in the hospital
Prepared by: Infection Prevention and Control
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Tips for high-fibre eating
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2024.
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This pamphlet gives information on the 2 types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake. The French translation of this pamphlet 2064, "Conseils pour une alimentation riche en fibres", is also available.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nutrition and Food Services
Alternate Title
Tips for high-fiber eating
Tips for high fibre eating
Tips for high fiber eating
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (6 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Dietary Fiber
Subjects (LCSH)
Food--Fiber content
Fiber in human nutrition
This pamphlet gives information on the 2 types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake. The French translation of this pamphlet 2064, "Conseils pour une alimentation riche en fibres", is also available.
Previous title: Tips for high fibre eating
Prepared by: Nutrition and Food Services
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Tissue transplant in oral surgery
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2021.
Pamphlet Number
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You may need a tissue transplant during your oral (mouth) surgery. Human tissues used for transplant are called allografts. This pamphlet explains where tissues for transplant come from, what types of tissue can be transplanted, what donor tissues are screened for, the risks of tissue transplant, informed consent, and what to expect after tissue transplant surgery. What to do if you think you are having a problem related to your surgery is included. Resources for more information about tissue d…
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (4 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Tissue Transplantation
Surgery, Oral
Subjects (LCSH)
Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc
Oral Surgery
You may need a tissue transplant during your oral (mouth) surgery. Human tissues used for transplant are called allografts. This pamphlet explains where tissues for transplant come from, what types of tissue can be transplanted, what donor tissues are screened for, the risks of tissue transplant, informed consent, and what to expect after tissue transplant surgery. What to do if you think you are having a problem related to your surgery is included. Resources for more information about tissue donation in Nova Scotia are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 2328, "Greffe de tissus pour chirurgie buccale," is also available.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team
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Transplantation de tissus
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2020.
Pamphlet Number
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Ce dépliant fournit de l'information sur les transplantations de tissus. On y trouve une liste des tissus humains utilisés pour les transplantations. Vous y trouverez également de l'information sur la provenance des tissus à transplanter, sur les critères de sélection des tissus du donneur, sur ce à quoi vous attendre avant et après une transplantation de tissus et sur ce que vous devez faire en cas de problème lié à votre transplantation. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet …
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team
Alternate Title
Tissue transplant
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (8 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Tissue Transplantation
Subjects (LCSH)
Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc
Ce dépliant fournit de l'information sur les transplantations de tissus. On y trouve une liste des tissus humains utilisés pour les transplantations. Vous y trouverez également de l'information sur la provenance des tissus à transplanter, sur les critères de sélection des tissus du donneur, sur ce à quoi vous attendre avant et après une transplantation de tissus et sur ce que vous devez faire en cas de problème lié à votre transplantation.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1733, “Tissue Transplant”. This pamphlet provides information about tissue transplants. A list of human tissues that are used for transplants is provided. Also included is information on where tissues for transplant come from, what donor tissues are screened for, the risks of tissue transplant, what to expect after tissue transplant surgery, and what to do if you have a problem related to your surgery. Information on whether you can find out more about your tissue donor and whether you can thank your donor family is included. Contact information for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI is provided.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Provincial Blood Coordinating Team in collaboration with the New Brunswick Organ and Tissue Program and Organ and Tissue Donation Prince Edward Island
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What is the Oncotype DX test?
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program , 2023.
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Oncotype DX is a test panel used to help predict whether a patient with breast cancer could benefit from chemotherapy in addition to hormone therapy. The panel tests multiple specific tumor genes and generates a score which helps predict response to chemotherapy. The genes tested are those expressed by the tumor, not genes that you inherit from your parents our pass along to your children. This pamphlet gives information to help you decide if the Oncotype Dx test is right for you.
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health. Cancer Care Program
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document ([2] p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Breast Neoplasms - diagnosis
Genes, Neoplasm
Genetic Testing
Subjects (LCSH)
Cancer genes
Human chromosome abnormalities--Diagnosis
Cancer Care
Breast Disease
Oncotype DX is a test panel used to help predict whether a patient with breast cancer could benefit from chemotherapy in addition to hormone therapy. The panel tests multiple specific tumor genes and generates a score which helps predict response to chemotherapy. The genes tested are those expressed by the tumor, not genes that you inherit from your parents our pass along to your children. This pamphlet gives information to help you decide if the Oncotype Dx test is right for you.
Prepared by: Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program
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