Anger is a natural emotion. People with an ABI sometimes have problems with anger. It is important to manage your anger. If you do not manage your anger, it can hurt your relationships and make it hard for you to do things (like work or take part in social activities). Tips for managing anger are provided. A list of resources to find services and supports is given.
A restraint is anything that limits a person’s movement. Restraints can help to keep you from getting hurt or hurting others, including your caregivers. Nova Scotia Health’s goal is to promote the health and well-being of all of our patients. We try to help you keep as much comfort, independence, and quality of life as possible. Nova Scotia Health policy states restraints are to be used only as a last resort. This pamphlet explains why and when restraints are used, ways you and your support per…
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI machine uses a powerful magnet, radio waves, and a computer. It does not use radiation or X-rays. The MRI machine takes detailed images that show tissues in your body. These images will help your primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) or specialist diagnose your condition. An MRI does not hurt. This pamphlet explains how long an MRI takes, how to get ready for your MRI, what to bring to your appointment, and what will…
A spinal anesthetic is a type of anesthesia (freezing medication). It is used for surgeries on the lower part of your body (stomach and below). This pamphlet explains what a spinal anesthetic is, if it will hurt, if you will hear what is happening during your surgery, how a spinal anesthetic is different from a general anesthetic, the benefits and risks, if you can have a spinal anesthetic if you have a back problem, and if you can take pain medications with a spinal anesthetic. Information abo…
Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. It may help to figure out what is worrying you or making y…
When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French version of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d’éthique pour les patients et les familles", is also available. ; The Arabic version of this p…
Lorsque vous ou l’un·e de vos proches êtes malade ou blessé·e, il peut être difficile de savoir quoi faire. Cet outil peut vous aider si vous avez des doutes quant à la bonne chose à faire ou si vous vous demandez comment parler avec l'équipe de soins de santé de ce qui est important pour vous ou votre proche. Un lien vers l’outil et les coordonnées des services d’éthique de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse sont fournis. ; This is the French translation of "Ethics Tool (rack card)", pamphlet 2084. When yo…
Les services d'éthique de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse (Ethics Nova Scotia Health) offrent du soutien à l'ensemble des patients, des familles, des bénévoles, du personnel et des prestataires de soins de santé lorsque de l'aide est nécessaire pour faire des choix difficiles ou lorsqu'il y a un désaccord sur ce qui est le plus important. L'éthique est la manière dont nous établissons des liens entre nos actions et nos valeurs. Nous répondons aux questions d'éthique en réfléchissant à nos valeurs ou à ce…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2084. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French version of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d’éthique pour les patients et les …
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2084. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This tool can help if you are not sure of the right thing to do, or you are wondering how to talk with the health care team about what is important to you or your loved one. A link to the tool and contact information for Ethics Nova Scotia Health is included. ; The French translation of this pamphlet 2143, "Outil d'éthique pour les p…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out…