This pamphlet is a breast reconstruction guidebook. Your health care team will fill out the pamphlet with your appointments and breast cancer summary. They will also write summaries of the initial, secondary, and nipple/areola breast reconstructions. The pamphlet explains how to care for the drainage tube, how to empty the drain, and when the drains will be removed. Post-mastectomy and post-breast reconstruction draining schedule charts are included. The pamphlet describes signs of infection or…
Preprosthetic jaw surgery is done to change the upper or lower jaw ridges. This is done so dentures can be worn more comfortably or dental implants can be placed. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery. A discharge checklist and contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are included.
This guide will help you learn about your care before and after one of 2 types of cardiovascular device implant procedures, a pacemaker or an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator). Topics include what will happen on the day of the procedure, what to bring to the hospital, instructions for the night before and day of your procedure, skin prep, planning for your discharge, care of your device insertion site, and signs of infection.
An ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is when a fertilized egg attaches outside of the uterus. The egg often implants in 1 of the fallopian tubes. As the egg grows, it can cause the tube to rupture (break). This pamphlet explains why you may need to be tested for an ectopic pregnancy, how the test is done, symptoms to watch for when waiting for your test results, and how you will get your test results. The French version of this pamphlet 1964, "Grossesse ectopique (extra-utérine) possible : Clinique « W…
Une grossesse ectopique se produit quand un ovule fécondé s’implante à l’extérieur de l’utérus, le plus souvent dans les trompes de Fallope. Au fur et à mesure que l’ovule fécondé grossit, il étire la trompe de Fallope jusqu’à une rupture éventuelle. La présente ressource explique la fréquence des grossesses ectopiques, les raisons de faire des analyses sanguines pour vérifier s’il y a une grossesse ectopique, les symptômes à surveiller dans l’attente des résultats des analyses et la façon dont…