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Talking about patient safety incidents
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Quality Improvement and Safety. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
Pamphlet Number
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People expect safe health care. Health care providers work hard every day to give safe, excellent care. Despite our best efforts to keep you safe, there are risks to being in the hospital. For example, a patient may fall, or get an infection or a pressure injury (bedsore), or be given the wrong dose of medication. These events are called patient safety incidents. This pamphlet explains what patient safety incidents are, what to do if you notice a patient safety incident, how patient safety inci…
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Quality Improvement and Safety
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Truth Disclosure
Risk Management
Patient Safety
Subjects (LCSH)
Disclosure of information
Risk management
Patient safety
People expect safe health care. Health care providers work hard every day to give safe, excellent care. Despite our best efforts to keep you safe, there are risks to being in the hospital. For example, a patient may fall, or get an infection or a pressure injury (bedsore), or be given the wrong dose of medication. These events are called patient safety incidents. This pamphlet explains what patient safety incidents are, what to do if you notice a patient safety incident, how patient safety incidents are reported, what disclosure is and how it will help you, and how disclosure takes place. A list of resources for further information is included. The French version of this pamphlet 1712, "Incidents liés à la sécurité des patients", is also available.
Previous title: Patients first disclosure: when something goes wrong during your health care
Previous title: Patients first: disclosure of patient safety incidents
Prepared by: Quality Improvement and Safety
Pamphlet Number
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Incidents liés à la sécurité des patients
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Quality and System Performance. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority , 2022.
Pamphlet Number
Available Online
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Les gens s'attendent à recevoir des soins de santé en toute sécurité. Tous les jours, les prestataires de soins de santé travaillent fort pour offrir d'excellents soins de santé, en toute sécurité. Malgré tous nos efforts pour assurer votre sécurité, être à l'hôpital comporte des risques. Les patients peuvent, par exemple, faire une chute, contracter une infection, développer une plaie de pression (plaie de lit) ou recevoir la mauvaise dose d'un médicament. Ces événements sont appelés incidents…
Available Online
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Corporate Author
Nova Scotia Health Authority. Quality and System Performance
Alternate Title
Talking about patient safety incidents
Place of Publication
Halifax, NS
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Date of Publication
Physical Description
1 electronic document (5 p.) : digital, PDF file
Subjects (MeSH)
Truth Disclosure
Risk Management
Subjects (LCSH)
Disclosure of information
Risk management
Les gens s'attendent à recevoir des soins de santé en toute sécurité. Tous les jours, les prestataires de soins de santé travaillent fort pour offrir d'excellents soins de santé, en toute sécurité. Malgré tous nos efforts pour assurer votre sécurité, être à l'hôpital comporte des risques. Les patients peuvent, par exemple, faire une chute, contracter une infection, développer une plaie de pression (plaie de lit) ou recevoir la mauvaise dose d'un médicament. Ces événements sont appelés incidents liés à la sécurité des patients. Cette brochure explique ce que sont les incidents liés à la sécurité des patients, ce qu'il faut faire si vous constatez de tels incidents, comment les signaler, ce qu'est la divulgation, de quelle façon elle peut vous aider et comment elle a lieu. Une liste de ressources pour de plus amples renseignements est incluse.
This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1448, "Patients First: Disclosure of Patient Safety Incidents". People expect safe health care. Health care providers work hard every day to give safe, excellent care. Despite our best efforts to keep you safe, there are risks to being in the hospital. For example, a patient may fall, or get an infection or a pressure injury (bedsore), or be given the wrong dose of medication. These events are called patient safety incidents. This pamphlet explains what patient safety incidents are, what to do if you notice a patient safety incident, how patient safety incidents are reported, what disclosure is and how it will help you, and how disclosure takes place. A list of resources for further information is included.
Previous title: Divulgation des incidents liés à la sécurité des patients
Prepared by: Quality Improvement and Safety
Pamphlet Number
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