Our bodies need fluid to work properly. The kidneys, liver, and heart work to keep fluids in balance. Sometimes, fluid builds up in our bodies. With some medical conditions, you may need to limit your fluid intake. This pamphlet lists signs that fluid may be building up in your body and tips for managing your fluid intake.
This pamphlet is for people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It gives information about protein, sodium (salt), potassium, and phosphorus, as well as reading food labels, adding calories and flavour, and controlling your fluid intake. A sample meal plan and guidelines for measuring portions are included.
This pamphlet gives information on the 2 types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake. The French translation of this pamphlet 2064, "Conseils pour une alimentation riche en fibres", is also available.
This pamphlet explains how to maintain an ideal balance of fluid in your body when managing chronic kidney disease.
Nutrition is very important in helping you feel better and stay strong. This pamphlet explains how to choose foods that are high in energy and protein, and low in fibre. Recipes are included.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets online using Zoom for Healthcare. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, technical requirements, intake process, treatment, medication, research, and what is expected of participants entering the program. An outline of the various groups offered within the program is listed.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets in person on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for half days. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, program location, intake process, treatment, medications, research, what is expected of people entering the program, and what to expect from your health care team. An outline of the various groups offered within the program and what to expect during time outside of scheduled groups is given.
The Nova Scotia Eating Disorder Provincial Service (NSEDPS) treats people of all ages who have an eating disorder (like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, and other eating disorders) and live in Nova Scotia. This pamphlet explains what an eating disorder is and how to access the NSEDPS. It gives information for children and adolescents, as well as adults. This pamphlet is also available as IWK Health Centre Patient Learning numbe…
Hypertension (high blood pressure) causes your heart to work harder. This can harm your arteries and vital organs. High blood pressure can cause heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke. If you have high blood pressure, eating healthy, balanced meals and lowering your sodium (salt) intake can help. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension are: high in low fat dairy products, abundant (high) in fruits and vegetables, restricted in sodium (salt), and heart healthy (low in total fat, saturated fat…
Healthy eating can help lower your risk of heart disease by controlling your weight, lowering your cholesterol, and preventing or controlling high blood pressure. Suggestions for healthy eating are offered such as tips for lowering your salt intake, increasing fibre, tips to help you eat more vegetables and fruit, and how to eat less sugar and fat. A list of resources is given. The French version of this pamphlet 1218, "Conseils alimentaires pour la santé du cœur", is also available.
Eating too much sodium (salt) can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and liver and heart problems. If you have heart, kidney, or liver disease, following a low sodium meal plan can help you manage your condition and feel better. This pamphlet explains how to control sodium intake. Foods to limit or avoid are listed. Information about portion size, how to read a nutrition label, and how to plan meals is included. A list of resources is provided. How to locate nutrition counselling in y…
The Opioid Recovery Program (ORP) is for people who are addicted to opioids. We provide: opioid maintenance therapy (methadone and buprenorphine/naloxone), programs in physical health (like the Chronic Pain Clinic, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy) and mental health (like the Recovery Support Program, addictions counselling). This pamphlet explains how to access the ORP, what will happen after you talk to the MHA Intake Service, how to get ready for your first appointment and what to brin…
Avoir une alimentation saine peut aider à réduire les risques de maladies cardiaques par un contrôle de son poids, la baisse du taux de cholestérol ainsi que la prévention ou le contrôle de l’hypertension artérielle. Ce dépliant donne des conseils pour avoir une alimentation saine, notamment réduire sa consommation de sel, consommer plus de fibres ainsi que de fruits et de légumes, et consommer moins de sucre et de matières grasses. Il offre de plus une liste de ressources. ; This pamphlet is a…
Une saine alimentation peut aider à réduire votre risque de maladie du cœur en améliorant vos taux de cholestérol et en vous aidant à abaisser votre tension artérielle, à gérer votre poids corporel et à contrôler le taux de glucose (sucre) dans votre sang. Nous vous offrons des suggestions pour une saine alimentation, comme des conseils visant à réduire votre consommation de sel, à augmenter votre consommation de fibres, à manger plus de légumes et de fruits et moins de sucre et de gras. Nous …
Information sur les deux types de fibres alimentaires, solubles et insolubles, et conseils sur la façon d’augmenter votre consommation de fibres. Un exemple de plan pour les repas est fourni. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0556 “Tips for High Fibre Eating". Information on the two types of fibre found in foods, soluble and insoluble, as well as tips on how to increase your fibre intake are provided. A sample meal plan is listed.