Devinez votre date d'accouchement le mieux que vous pouvez. La présente brochure explique à quoi vous attendre si la grossesse se poursuit après votre date prévue d’accouchement. Les symptômes exigeant un appel à l’unité du travail et de l’accouchement sont indiqués. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1925, “Giving Birth After Your Due Date: Valley Regional Hospital”. Think of your due date as a best guess. This pamphlet describes what to expect if you go past your due date.…
Prostin® is a gel. It contains medication called dinoprostone (prostaglandin E2). Dinoprostone PGE2 (or Prostin®) is like a natural substance made by your body. It softens the cervix to get it ready for labour. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get Prostin®, possible complications of Prostin®, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1817, "Maturation cervicale au moyen du gel vaginal de dinoprostone (ProstinMD)", is also available.
Si votre bébé est né par césarienne, vous pouvez quand même accoucher de votre prochain bébé par voie vaginale. On parle alors d’épreuve du travail après césarienne (EDTAC) ou d’accouchement vaginal après césarienne (AVAC). Ce dépliant présente ce qui favorise la sécurité et la réussite d’un AVAC, ainsi que les avantages et les risques d’un AVAC. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1847, “Options for Birth after Cesarean”. This pamphlet explains the options available to women…
On parle de déclenchement artificiel du travail quand une méthode ou un médicament est utilisé pour commencer le travail avant qu’il ne commence par lui-même. Le but du déclenchement artificiel du travail est l’accouchement vaginal. Le présent dépliant explique pourquoi on vous offre le déclenchement artificiel du travail, la façon dont il est fait, le temps nécessaire et ce qui se passe à votre arrivée à l’hôpital. On traite aussi de ce qu’il faut faire si le déclenchement artificiel du travai…
Le misoprostol est une pilule qui contient un médicament appelé prostaglandine E1. La prostaglandine E1 assouplit le col de l’utérus pour le préparer au travail et déclencher des contractions. Cytotec® est le nom de marque de ce médicament. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi s'attendre si vous prenez du misoprostol, les complications possibles et quand informer un membre de votre équipe de soins de santé. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of Labour and Cervical Ripening wit…
Un cathéter à ballonnet est un tube souple muni d’un petit ballonnet à l’extrémité. Le cathéter à ballonnet aide à préparer le col de votre utérus pour le travail (maturation cervicale ou du col). Le présent dépliant explique ce qui se passe quand le cathéter à ballonnet est inséré (mis en place), les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y revenir. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of labour and cervical ripening with balloon catheter" pamphlet 1769. A ballo…
Cervidil® est un dispositif mince et plat, comme un tampon. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone. La dinoprostone est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de votre utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation d’une insertion vaginale Cervidil®, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of Labour …
Think of your due date as a best guess. This pamphlet describes what to expect if you go past your due date. A list of symptoms which require you to call the Labour and Delivery Unit is listed. The French version of this pamphlet 1952, "Accoucher après la date prévue d’accouchement", is also available.
Induction of labour is when a method or medication is used to start labour before it starts on its own. The goal of induction is to have a vaginal birth. This pamphlet explains why you are being offered induction, how it is done, how long it takes, and what will happen when you come to the hospital. What to do if your induction is postponed is also discussed. The French version of this pamphlet 1813, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail", is also available.
A balloon catheter is a soft tube with a small balloon on the end. The balloon catheter helps to get your cervix ready for labour (cervical ripening). This pamphlet explains what will happen when the balloon catheter is inserted (put in), possible complications of a balloon catheter, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1814, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail et maturation cervicale au moyen d’un cathéter à ballonnet", is also available.
Cervidil® is a thin, flat insert, like a tampon. It contains medication called dinoprostone. Dinoprostone is like a natural substance made by your body. It softens your cervix to get it ready for labour. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get Cervidil®, possible complications of Cervidil®, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1815, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail et maturation cervicale au moyen d’une insertion vaginale de dino…
Misoprostol is a pill that contains a medication called prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 softens the cervix to get it ready for labour and to cause labour contractions. Cytotec® is the brand name of this medication. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get misoprostol, possible complications of misoprostol, and when you should notify a member of your health care team. The French version of this pamphlet 1816, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail et maturation cervicale au moyen de c…
ProstinMD est un gel. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone (prostaglandine E2). La dinoprostone PGE2 (ou gel ProstinMD) est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de l’utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation du gel ProstinMD, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Cervical Ripening with Dinoprostone …
This pamphlet will help you talk about the upcoming birth of your baby. It will also help your health care providers understand what treatments you would like and the things that matter most to you. Remember that it helps to be flexible and open to changes as you go through labour and birth. Topics include: support persons, what to expect during labour, after birth, resources, and lists of what to bring for you, your baby, and your support person.
If you had your baby by cesarean birth (sometimes called “cesarean delivery”, “c-section”, or “CS”), you can still have a vaginal birth in your next pregnancy. This is called a Trial of Labour after Cesarean (TOLAC) or a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC). What makes a VBAC safe and successful, and benefits and risks of VBAC are listed. The French version of this pamphlet 1891, "Choix d’accouchement après une césarienne", is also available.
This pamphlet will give you information to help you choose what pain relief options are right for you as you get ready for the birth of your baby. Every delivery is different, and not everyone will want or need the types of pain relief listed. If you have questions, talk with your doctor. If you plan to deliver vaginally, it is important to think about your plans for pain relief during labour. Even if you plan to deliver without pain relief medications, it is good to have a backup plan. Topics …
This pamphlet will give you information to help you choose what pain relief options are right for you as you get ready for the birth of your baby. Every delivery is different, and not everyone will want or need all of the options we describe. If you have any questions, please talk with your primary health care provider. If you plan to deliver vaginally, it is important to think about your plans for pain relief during labour. Even if you plan to deliver without pain relief medications, it is a g…
A stillbirth is when a baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy, during pregnancy, labour, or birth. There is no way to predict that this will happen. In Nova Scotia, there are about 6 stillbirths each month. You are not alone. This pamphlet answers some common questions you may have after a stillbirth. It also includes a list of books for suggested reading and a list of support groups.
This handout covers common questions about surrogacy arrangements during your hospital stay for labour and delivery. Information includes how the surrogate birth mother can get ready for labour and delivery, what will happen after the baby is born, what forms will need to be signed after the baby's birth, who will make decisions for the baby, and how the baby will be registered. Information about what will happen after the forms are completed is also included.