5-aminosalicylate (5-ASA) is a medication often used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It helps to controll active ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s colitis and keep mild to moderate ulcerative colitis in remission (period of recovery). Topics include: what does 5-ASA do, which 5-ASA you should take, how to take 5-ASA, what other medications you can take, and how 5-ASA will help. The pamphlet also describes side effects and how long you will need to take 5-ASA.
Acamprosate is a medication used to help manage alcohol dependence. It works best for people who would like to stop drinking alcohol fully, not just drink less. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, whether acamprosate interacts with other medications, what will happen if you drink alcohol while taking acamprosate, how long you will need to take acamprosate, possible side effects, and how much acamprosate costs.
After pregnancy loss, you may experience grief and many other emotions. You may have questions about the reason for your loss. This is normal. Often, health care providers do not know exactly why pregnancy loss happens. This pamphlet includes basic information about pregnancy loss such as: types of pregnancy loss, pain and bleeding, when to expect your next period, a list of symptoms to watch for, tiredness, when to expect your breasts to go back to normal, going back to work, follow-up appoint…
L’analgésie épidurale est une façon de vous administrer un médicament antidouleur après une opération. Elle peut vous procurer un meilleur soulagement que d'autres moyens de recevoir des médicaments antidouleur. Vous pouvez être plus alerte avec une analgésie épidurale qu'avec d'autres méthodes de maîtrise de la douleur. Elle peut également vous aider à recommencer à bouger après votre opération. La brochure traite des effets secondaires possibles d'une analgésie épidurale, de la douleur à laqu…
Un bloc nerveux permet d’envoyer un anesthésique local (médicament servant à insensibiliser) au moyen d’une petite aiguille à un endroit près de vos nerfs. Vous trouverez les renseignements suivants dans ce guide : pourquoi et quand utilise-t-on un bloc nerveux, comment fait-on un bloc nerveux, dans quelle mesure fonctionne-t-il et aide-t-il après l’opération, quels sont les effets secondaires, combien de temps faut-il pour le faire, pourquoi le patient demeure éveillé pendant l’opération, quel…
Aripiprazole is most often used to treat psychosis. It is also used to treat mania and sometimes depression. This pamphlet explains how to take aripiprazole, how it helps, how quickly it will work, how long you should take it, and possible side effects. A list of symptoms that need medical attention is included.
VIH signifie virus de l’immunodéficience humaine. Contrairement à d’autres virus, le corps ne peut pas se débarrasser du VIH. Le SIDA (syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise) survient lorsque le VIH détruit le système immunitaire, ce qui entraîne des infections et des cancers graves et potentiellement mortels. Le test de dépistage détecte uniquement le VIH, pas le SIDA. Ce dépliant explique ce qui suit : mode de propagation du VIH, avantages et inconvénients du test de dépistage, procédure du test…
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. This means that once you have HIV, you will have it for life. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) happens when HIV destroys your immune system, leading to serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. An HIV test only checks for HIV. It does not test for AIDS. This pamphlet explains how HIV is spread, the pros and cons of being tested for HIV, how an HIV test is done, and w…
A birth control implant is a plastic rod. It is 4 cm long and 2 mm wide. The implant goes under your skin on the inside of your upper arm between your armpit and your elbow. This pamphlet explains how the implant is put in, how the implant works and how well it works, when the implant will start working, and what will happen when the implant is removed. Benefits and side effects of the implant, things that can change how well the implant works, and if the implant will protect you from sexually …
Buprenorphine is a medication used to treat opioid use disorder. It is long-acting, which means it is slowly released in the body over a longer time. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, how fast buprenorphine starts to work, how your health care team will find the right dose for you, and how long you will need to take buprenorphine. Information on whether buprenorphine interacts with any other medications and possible side effects is included.
This booklet is a guide to help you better understand chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR T-cell therapy). Topics include what CAR T-cell therapy is, enrollment in the program, T-cell collection, monitoring/bridging therapy, chemotherapy (lymphodepletion), CAR T-cell infusion, monitoring post-cell infusion, key inpatient discharge information, information about long term follow-up care and care at home, ongoing side effects, and information for the CAR T-cell care partner. Information…
Pour enlever la vésicule biliaire, on a le choix entre deux méthodes : la méthode ouverte ou la méthode par laparoscopie. Ce dépliant porte sur la méthode par laparoscopie. Le chirurgien fera 4 petites incisions (coupures) sur votre ventre et enlèvera votre vésicule biliaire avec un laparoscope (long tube avec une petite caméra). Ce dépliant explique ce que sont la vésicule biliaire et les calculs biliaires (pierres), pourquoi on doit vous enlever votre vésicule, ce qui va se passer pendant et …
Un échocardiogramme est un examen du cœur sans douleur et sans danger. Il indique la taille, la forme et le mouvement du cœur, ainsi que le flux sanguin qui passe par le cœur. Des ondes sonores (ultrasons) sont utilisées pour obtenir une image du cœur qui peut ensuite être vue à l’écran d’un ordinateur. Le présent livret précise comment se préparer pour l’examen, qui fait l’examen, ce qui se passe pendant et après l’examen et la durée de l’examen. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Ech…
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is caused by an impact or forceful motion of your head or body that causes your brain to move inside your skull. This movement can injure your brain. Topics include: how long symptoms last, symptoms to watch for, what to expect the first few weeks, what can help with symptoms, an in-depth list of common symptoms and how to deal with them, an FAQ section, and things to remember. Information on concussion education sessions is provided. The Frenc…
This pamphlet explains what to expect while receiving supports and services offered by Nova Scotia Health Continuing Care and/or contracted service providers. It includes information about your plan of care, service decisions, your privacy, safety, and fees for service. The French version of this pamphlet 2188, "Soins continus - Information importante", is also available.
Computed Tomography (CT) scans are images made by a computer and X-ray machine. CT scans give more detailed pictures of bones and soft tissue organs than regular X-rays. These images will help your doctor recommend the best treatment for you. Topics include: how you get ready for the scan, what happens during the scan, questions about breastfeeding after the scan, side effects, how long it will take, when to expect results, and where to send your feedback. A list of hospital contact info is pro…
On parle de déclenchement artificiel du travail quand une méthode ou un médicament est utilisé pour commencer le travail avant qu’il ne commence par lui-même. Le but du déclenchement artificiel du travail est l’accouchement vaginal. Le présent dépliant explique pourquoi on vous offre le déclenchement artificiel du travail, la façon dont il est fait, le temps nécessaire et ce qui se passe à votre arrivée à l’hôpital. On traite aussi de ce qu’il faut faire si le déclenchement artificiel du travai…
An ultrasound is a safe, painless test used to view the organs inside your body. It is also called a sonogram. An ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that cannot be heard. The preparation for this test depends on which organ or area of your body is to be studied. Topics include: how an ultrasound works, how to get ready for the test, where it is done, who will do the test, what will happen, and how long it will take. The French translation of this pamphlet 1105, "Ultrasonoscopie" is als…
Disulfiram is a medication used to help manage alcohol dependence. It works best for people who would like to stop drinking alcohol completely, not just drink less. This pamphlet explains how to take this medication, what will happen if you drink alcohol while taking disulfiram, how well disulfiram works, whether disulfiram interacts with other medications or foods, and how long you will need to take this medication. Possible side effects are included.
An echocardiogram is a test to measure the size, shape, movement, and flow of blood through the heart. This pamphlet reviews how to get ready for the test, who will do the test, what will happen during and after the test, and how long it will take. The French version of this pamphlet 1744, "Échocardiogramme", is also available.