The goal of the 3 Wishes Project is to improve the end-of-life experience for patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and their loved ones. This pamphlet lists what the team helps with and provides examples of some of the wishes made by patients and their loved ones. It also describes where the program started and which organizations support the program. Contact information is provided.
If you are a resident of Nova Scotia, are receiving outpatient treatment at the QEII Cancer Care Program and live more than 50 kms one way from the hospital, accommodations will be provided for you and a support person. This pamphlet lists locations that are part of the Accommodations Program. Due to the temporary closure of Holy Redeemer Centre, the Cape Breton Cancer Centre has made arrangements with the Holiday Inn to provide accommodations for patients travelling significant distances to re…
An arteriovenous (AV) fistula gives access to your bloodstream for hemodialysis. It is made by joining an artery and a vein during surgery. This pamphlet explains when your fistula will be ready to use, what to expect after your surgery, how to care for your incision (cut), and how to exercise your fistula arm before and after surgery. It also includes information about what to do if you have bleeding at your fistula site, and a list of symptoms that need medical attention right away.
Prostin® is a gel. It contains medication called dinoprostone (prostaglandin E2). Dinoprostone PGE2 (or Prostin®) is like a natural substance made by your body. It softens the cervix to get it ready for labour. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get Prostin®, possible complications of Prostin®, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1817, "Maturation cervicale au moyen du gel vaginal de dinoprostone (ProstinMD)", is also available.
Computed Tomography (CT) scans are images made by a computer and X-ray machine. CT scans give more detailed pictures of bones and soft tissue organs than regular X-rays. These images will help your doctor recommend the best treatment for you. Topics include: how you get ready for the scan, what happens during the scan, questions about breastfeeding after the scan, side effects, how long it will take, when to expect results, and where to send your feedback. A list of hospital contact info is pro…
Cervidil® est un dispositif mince et plat, comme un tampon. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone. La dinoprostone est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de votre utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation d’une insertion vaginale Cervidil®, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of Labour …
Depo-Provera est un produit hormonal injectable similaire à la progestérone naturelle produite par les ovaires tous les mois. Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment Depo-Provera travaille, quelle est son efficacité, comment se le procurer, quand il commence à agir, quels sont les avantages et les désavantages de prendre Depo-Provera, quelles sont les personnes qui ne devraient pas prendre ce produit hormonal et quelles sont les choses à ne pas oublier quand vous le pren…
Un dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (DIU avec lévonorgestrel) est un petit dispositif composé d’une matière plastique souple et d’une hormone appelée lévonorgestrel, qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU avec lévonorgestrel, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de mêm…
Un dispositif intra-utérin en cuivre (DIU) est un petit dispositif composé de cuivre et d’une matière plastique souple qui est inséré dans l’utérus par un fournisseur de soins de santé primaires (médecin de famille ou infirmière praticienne). Il sert à prévenir les grossesses. Le dépliant explique comment fonctionne le DIU en cuivre, quels sont ses avantages et ses inconvénients et ce qui se passe quand il est inséré dans l’utérus, de même que le déplacement, la perte et le retrait du DIU. Le …
This pamphlet explains the steps that health care providers must take when plans have been made for a home death. The Expected Death at Home (EDAH) form summarizes the important information required to facilitate a peaceful and respectful home death. The form should be completed by a health care provider in discussion with the client/their delegate/their statutory decision-maker. What to do once the form has been completed and how to submit the form are included.
Vos yeux sont remplis d'un liquide fabriqué par le corps ciliaire. Ce liquide s'écoule à travers la pupille, devant le cristallin, puis sort par un drain appelé trabéculum. Le glaucome est une maladie dans laquelle une pression accrue dans l'œil endommage le nerf optique. Il survient généralement lorsque le trabéculum (drain) ne fonctionne pas et que le liquide ne peut pas s'écouler de l'œil. L'accumulation de liquide dans la partie avant de l'œil augmente la pression dans l'œil, ce qui endomma…
An elastomeric infusion pump is a lightweight disposable pump that may be used to give you medications. It is made of very hard plastic and looks like a baby bottle. This pump lets you receive medications safely and comfortably in your own home. This pamphlet explains what types of drugs can be given by an infusion pump, how an infusion pump works, whether you will still have to come to the hospital, how to carry and take care of the pump, whether you can bathe or shower with the pump, and how …
Your eyes are filled with a fluid made by the ciliary body. This fluid flows through the pupil, in front of the lens, and then out through a drain called the trabecular meshwork. Glaucoma is a disease where increased pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve. It usually happens when the trabecular meshwork (drain) does not work and fluid cannot drain from the eye. Fluid buildup in the front part of the eye increases pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve. This damage may at first caus…
A hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made of flexible plastic with a hormone called levonorgestrel. The hormone changes the lining of your uterus to stop sperm from reaching the egg. This pamphlet explains how it works, how well it works, pros and cons, what will happen when the IUD is inserted, what happens after, movement or loss of the IUD, and removal. The French version of this pamphlet 2019, "Dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (avec lévonorgestrel) (DIU)", is also availabl…
Cervidil® is a thin, flat insert, like a tampon. It contains medication called dinoprostone. Dinoprostone is like a natural substance made by your body. It softens your cervix to get it ready for labour. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get Cervidil®, possible complications of Cervidil®, and when you should call or return to the hospital. The French version of this pamphlet 1815, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail et maturation cervicale au moyen d’une insertion vaginale de dino…
ProstinMD est un gel. Il contient un médicament appelé dinoprostone (prostaglandine E2). La dinoprostone PGE2 (ou gel ProstinMD) est comme une substance naturelle produite par votre corps. Elle assouplit le col de l’utérus pour le préparer au travail. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi vous attendre comme suite à l’utilisation du gel ProstinMD, les complications possibles et quand appeler l’hôpital ou y retourner. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Cervical Ripening with Dinoprostone …
A non-tunneled hemodialysis catheter is a special tube made of plastic. It is used for hemodialyis treatment. This pamphlet explains the procedure for having a non-tunneled hemodialysis cathether inserted. Topics include: why the catheter is used, how long it can stay in place, how it is inserted, what will happen after the procedure, and how to care for your catheter at home. The pamphlet also explains what to do if the catheter falls out.
During a PFO or an ASD closure, a puncture (small hole) is made in your groin so that the doctor can put a special catheter (tube) into your vein. A special closure device is put through the catheter and carefully moved to the right spot in your heart. The doctor watches this process on monitors. It then opens up and covers both sides of the hole in your heart. What to bring to the hospital, what to expect before, during and after the procedure are reviewed. Details are given about how to care…
La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que le…
Tears are made by the lacrimal gland and other tear glands around the eyes. They drain through each punctum into the lacrimal sac, and then into the nose. The puncta are 2 small openings at the nose end of each eyelid. Small silicone (rubber) plugs can be placed into one or both puncta. The plugs block the openings, letting more moisture stay on your eyes to help with dry eyes. If the plugs have openings, they help your tears to drain better. This pamphlet explains what will happen when the pun…