Advance care planning, or personal care planning, is the process of reflecting on what is important to you, to help you plan for your future medical and personal care. This pamphlet gives information about advance care planning, personal directives (PDs), delegates, what will happen if you do not have a PD, where to keep your completed PD and who should have a copy of it, when you should update your PD, and some treatments you should consider when making a PD. Information about Medical Assistan…
This pamphlet is a teaching tool for patients. It outlines the steps involved for doing these exercises as part of the Burn Care Exercise Program. Instructions and diagrams are included. These include 'making a fist', 'shoulder squeezes', 'shoulder and elbow raises', and 'deep breathing'.
On parle d’une cataracte quand le cristallin de votre œil devient trouble ou opaque avec le temps. Le cristallin se trouve dans une capsule (ou enveloppe). Pendant la chirurgie, le cristallin opaque est enlevé, mais la capsule demeure en place. Une lentille intraoculaire est placée à l’avant de la capsule. Jusqu’à la moitié des capsules des personnes qui ont subi une chirurgie pour la cataracte deviendront brumeuses elles aussi. Quand cela se produit, la vision devient trouble. Cette opacité pe…
Il est important de bien manger pour aider votre corps à guérir. Lorsque vous avez des broches dans les mâchoires ou des élastiques en place, vous devez apporter quelques changements à votre alimentation pour obtenir les nutriments dont votre corps a besoin. Ce dépliant donne des conseils qui peuvent vous aider. Les sujets abordés sont les suivants : un plan de repas, comment faciliter l'alimentation, les choses importantes à faire à la maison, comment prévenir les intoxications alimentaires, l…
La mort d'un proche entraîne de nombreux changements dans votre vie. En vous adaptant et en réagissant à ces changements, vous serez confronté à des défis. Rappelez-vous que vous n’êtes pas seul. Ce dépliant contient des suggestions pratiques pour faire face aux difficultés courantes auxquelles vous pourriez faire face en période de deuil. Les sujets traités comprennent la prise de décisions, les affaires financières, les effets personnels, les souvenirs d'événements récents, certaines pièces o…
Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. It may help to figure out what is worrying you or making y…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out…
The death of someone important to you brings many changes in your life. As you adjust and respond to these changes, you will face challenges. Please remember: you are not alone. This pamphlet includes practical suggestions about dealing with common challenges you may face when you are grieving. Topics include making decisions, financial affairs, personal effects, memories of recent events, certain rooms or places, changes in relationships, special dates and events, dreams and visitations, looki…
This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food choices. Information about reading food labels, making your recipes healthy, safe food handling, and eating out is included. The French translation of this pamphlet 1106, "Manger sainement après une transplantation" is also available.
Sometimes a patient is not able to make decisions about their own health care. This may be because they are very sick or have been seriously injured. When this happens, another person is asked to make health care decisions for them. This person is called a substitute decision-maker. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are asked to act as a substitute-decision-maker. A list of definitions is also provided. ; The French version of this pamphlet 2359, "Prendre des décisions concernant l…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2327. Sometimes a patient is not able to make decisions about their own health care. This may be because they are very sick or have been seriously injured. When this happens, another person is asked to make health care decisions for them. This person is called a substitute decision-maker. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are asked to act as a substitute-decision-maker. A list of definitions is also provided. ; The French versio…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2327. Sometimes a patient is not able to make decisions about their own health care. This may be because they are very sick or have been seriously injured. When this happens, another person is asked to make health care decisions for them. This person is called a substitute decision-maker. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you are asked to act as a substitute-decision-maker. A list of definitions is also provided. ; The Fr…
Losing your sight can be upsetting. You may feel scared, sad, or frustrated – this is normal. This pamphlet gives information and advice from health care professionals on adjusting to vision loss. Topics include types of vision loss, tips for getting used to vision loss (like staying safe at home, and using supportive and adaptable technology), and how vision loss affects your loved ones. Examples of computer software, apps, and things you can use at home are provided. Information on CNIB suppo…
Cette ressource fournit des conseils en matière de saine alimentation et explique comment choisir des aliments santé. Elle contient de l'information sur la lecture des étiquettes sur les produits alimentaires, la préparation de recettes santé, la manipulation sécuritaire des aliments et les choix santé au restaurant. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0107, “Healthy eating after a transplant". This pamphlet gives tips for healthy eating and explains how to make healthy food …
This Passport will help you take an active part in treating your heart failure. You can use it to record daily measurements (like your weight, blood pressure, heart rate, symptoms, and how you are feeling) and any medications you are taking. It can also help you to understand your disease better and learn about the importance of making changes to your lifestyle.
It is important to eat well to help your body heal. When your jaws are wired or you have elastics in place, you will need to make a few changes to the foods you eat to get the nutrition your body needs. This pamphlet gives tips that can help. Topics include a meal plan, how to make eating easier, important things to do at home, how to prevent food poisoning, nutritional drinks, a sample menu, blending ideas and tips, smoothie-making tips, and ways to add calories and protein. Recipes are includ…
Les services d'éthique de Santé Nouvelle-Écosse (Ethics Nova Scotia Health) offrent du soutien à l'ensemble des patients, des familles, des bénévoles, du personnel et des prestataires de soins de santé lorsque de l'aide est nécessaire pour faire des choix difficiles ou lorsqu'il y a un désaccord sur ce qui est le plus important. L'éthique est la manière dont nous établissons des liens entre nos actions et nos valeurs. Nous répondons aux questions d'éthique en réfléchissant à nos valeurs ou à ce…
Ce dépliant explique comment aider votre enfant à faire face à la fin de vie, à la mort et au deuil. Il explique comment les enfants peuvent réagir lorsqu'une personne est très malade, comment planifier adéquatement les visites de la famille à l'hôpital ou au centre de soins palliatifs et l'importance de prendre le temps de parler à votre enfant. Il fournit aussi des conseils quant à la présence ou non des enfants au moment du décès et des recommandations pour annoncer à un enfant qu'une person…
La planification préalable des soins est un processus de réflexion sur ce qui est important pour vous afin de vous aider à planifier vos futurs soins médicaux et personnels. Ce dépliant fournit de l'information sur la planification préalable des soins, les directives personnelles (DP), les mandataires, la préparation d’une DP, ce qu'il faut faire avec la DP une fois qu'elle est terminée, quand la mettre à jour, l'information et les outils disponibles, et les traitements à prendre en considérati…