The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Group is a skills training group. This group is for people who have a hard time controlling and expressing their emotions effectively. Topics include: how to join the group, when and where the group is held, expectations, and topics covered during sessions.
Nova Scotia Health promotes a smoke-free, tobacco-free, and vape-free environment for patients, visitors, and staff. Nova Scotia Health is committed to helping people smoke less, stop smoking, and stay smoke-free. This pamphlet provides information about smudging ceremonies, stopping smoking, referral to Tobacco Free Nova Scotia (TFNS), and what to do if you decide you are ready to try to quit tobacco. Contact information for TFNS and the Stop Smoking Program is provided. The French version of …
The Adult Neurodevelopmental Stabilization Unit (ANSU) is a specialized acute inpatient unit, under the former name, Emerald Hall. ANSU serves people who are 19 years of age or older, have a learning disability that needs some or a lot of care, and have an active mental illness (like anxiety, a mood disorder, psychosis, and others). This pamphlet explains who is on the ANSU team, what the ANSU team does, and what will happen before you are admitted. Contact information is included.
Being diagnosed with advanced liver disease can be confusing and scary. You will need to make changes in your life and think about difficult treatment options. You and your loved ones may have many emotions during this time. For example, you may feel scared, upset, or anxious. This is normal. This pamphlet explains what quality of life is. It lists common physical, social, mental, and emotional changes that can happen when you have advanced liver disease, as well as common worries you may have.…
This pamphlet explains how having a liver transplant may affect your mental health. Topics include: When will my life be back to normal? Are my feelings normal? When should I get help? How do I get help? If you need mental health help right away, important phone numbers are listed.
Spending time with animals is good for our mental health and happiness. This pamphlet gives Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) guidelines for patients that have a service dog, therapy dog, or a personal pet.
Nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins en matière de santé mentale et pour vous aider à diminuer ou à arrêter votre consommation d’alcool, votre usage du tabac ou des drogues ou votre dépendance au jeu. Nous travaillons aussi avec les familles et les amis touchés par la maladie mentale ou la dépendance. Il n’est pas nécessaire que vous suiviez un traitement pour que votre famille et vos amis obtiennent du soutien. La présente brochure a été conçue pour répondre à toutes vos qu…
People with bipolar disorder have periods when their mood is very high or very low. These episodes may last for several days, weeks, or months. In between these episodes, the person’s mood may be normal. The period of very high mood and other symptoms is called mania. The period of very low mood and other symptoms is called depression. This pamphlet explains what causes bipolar disorder, what the symptoms of mania and depression are, how bipolar disorder is treated, and where you can get help.
Cancer patients and survivors can be frustrated by the mental cloudiness they notice before, during, and after cancer treatment. This common cancer side effect is called Brain Fog or Chemo Brain. The term Chemo Brain can be misleading as chemotherapy is not the only cause of concentration and memory problems. This pamphlet explains what brain fog is, what causes it, the risk factors for brain fog, and what you can do to manage it. A list of resources for further information is included.
The Changeways group is for people with depression or low mood as their main concern. The group teaches skills in problem-solving and managing your lifestyle to help with your mood. Topics include: when and where the group meets, what you need to bring, who will be there, sharing with the group, and how the group will help you.
Your Circle of Support is the loved ones who you have chosen to support you. Your Circle of Care is the members of your health care team who are involved in your care. This pamphlet explains how your personal information is shared with people in your Circle of Care and Circle of Support. The French version of this pamphlet 1950, "Réseau de soutien et cercle de soins - Partager l’information et travailler ensemble", is also available.
The Clubhouse is for people who are receiving mental health and addictions treatment services in the Tri-County areas of Shelburne, Argyle, Yarmouth, Clare and Digby Counties, or Bear River and Acadia First Nations communities.
The Community Outreach Assessment Support and Treatment (COAST) Team helps people reach their highest level of wellness. They serve people who are 19 years of age or older, have a learning disability that needs some or a lot of care, and have an active mental illness (like anxiety, a mood disorder, psychosis, and others). This pamphlet explains who is on the COAST team and what the COAST team does. Contact information is included.
Having cancer can be very stressful. It can affect your emotional and physical health, relationships with family and friends, and your finances. Most people with cancer feel some sadness. Often feelings of sadness come and go, and do not lead to difficulty functioning and completing daily tasks. Some people when dealing with cancer feel depressed, which is a severe sadness that can last. This pamphlet explains the signs of depression, and how to cope with sadness and depression. A list of resou…
This list will help you manage your health when you leave the hospital. Topics include your discharge conversation, medications, and follow-up appointments. Information on what to do if your symptoms get worse is provided. Resources for COVID-19, mental health and addictions, financial programs and services, and other helpful resources are listed. A list of questions you may have for your health care team before leaving the hospital is included. There is space at the end of the guide to write y…
This is an Arabic translation of pamphlet 2220. This list will help you manage your health when you leave the hospital. Topics include your discharge conversation, medications, and follow-up appointments. Information on what to do if your symptoms get worse is provided. Resources for COVID-19, mental health and addictions, financial programs and services, and other helpful resources are listed. A list of questions you may have for your health care team before leaving the hospital is included. T…
Cette liste vous aidera à gérer votre santé lorsque vous quitterez l'hôpital. Les sujets abordés comprennent la conversation au moment du congé, les médicaments et les rendez-vous de suivi. De l'information sur ce qu'il faut faire si vos symptômes s'aggravent est fournie. Vous y trouverez également des ressources concernant la COVID-19, la santé mentale et les dépendances, les programmes et services financiers, ainsi que d'autres ressources utiles. Une liste de questions que vous pouvez poser à…
Depression is a treatable brain illness that can cause feeling sad or low most of the day, having little energy, loss of interest in your usual activities, trouble sleeping or sleeping all the time, eating a lot more or a lot less, and poor concentration. This pamphlet explains what causes depression, how it is treated, and where you can get help.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets in person on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for half days. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, program location, intake process, treatment, medications, research, what is expected of people entering the program, and what to expect from your health care team. An outline of the various groups offered within the program and what to expect during time outside of scheduled groups is given.
This pamphlet outlines what to expect during the 6-week DaRT Program. This group meets online using Zoom for Healthcare. Topics include: what number to call for help 24/7, technical requirements, intake process, treatment, medication, research, and what is expected of participants entering the program. An outline of the various groups offered within the program is listed.