The abdomen is the area from the bottom of your rib cage to your pelvic (hip) bones. Abdominal pain can be caused by many things, including: indigestion, constipation (not being able to poop), gas, infection (either bacterial or viral), food poisoning, ulcers, appendicitis, gallbladder or liver disease, kidney stones, bladder infections, menstrual pain, and muscle spasms (muscle movements you cannot control). Most abdominal pain goes away without treatment. This pamphlet gives instructions for …
Aripiprazole is most often used to treat psychosis. It is also used to treat mania and sometimes depression. This pamphlet explains how to take aripiprazole, how it helps, how quickly it will work, how long you should take it, and possible side effects. A list of symptoms that need medical attention is included.
In arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), some of your heart muscle is replaced by fat and scar tissue. ARVC usually affects the right side of the heart. The fat and scar tissue dilate (stretch) the right side of your heart. This weakens the heart muscle. This makes it harder for your heart to pump blood out to your body. If your ARVC is very bad, it may cause fluid to build up in your lungs (causing shortness of breath), ankles, or belly (causing swelling). ARVC can also chang…
Glucose is a type of sugar. It is your baby's most important source of energy. This pamphlet answers frequently asked questions you may have about your baby's blood glucose checks. It explains which babies need these checks and how checks are done. Normal blood glucose levels are listed. This pamphlet also gives information on preventing and treating low blood glucose levels. The French version of this pamphlet 1966, "Surveillance de la glycémie chez les nouveau-nés", is also available.
If you have chronic liver disease, you may be at higher risk for liver cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer. This pamphlet discusses the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of HCC.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive (gets worse over time) lung disorder. It is most commonly caused by smoking. COPD can be chronic (ongoing) bronchitis, emphysema, or a combination of both. This pamphlet identifies persons at risk for COPD, the signs and symptoms to watch for, and how it is diagnosed and managed.
Having cancer can be very stressful. It can affect your emotional and physical health, relationships with family and friends, and your finances. Most people with cancer feel some sadness. Often feelings of sadness come and go, and do not lead to difficulty functioning and completing daily tasks. Some people when dealing with cancer feel depressed, which is a severe sadness that can last. This pamphlet explains the signs of depression, and how to cope with sadness and depression. A list of resou…
Anxiety can be described as nervousness, worry, uneasiness, or fear. Most people dealing with cancer feel some anxiety and worry during their cancer experience. This pamphlet explains what anxiety is, what the signs of anxiety are, and what you can do to cope with anxiety. A list of resources is included.
Depression is a treatable brain illness that can cause feeling sad or low most of the day, having little energy, loss of interest in your usual activities, trouble sleeping or sleeping all the time, eating a lot more or a lot less, and poor concentration. This pamphlet explains what causes depression, how it is treated, and where you can get help.
La présente ressource explique les défis auxquels vous pourriez faire face 24 heures après la naissance de votre bébé. Des moyens d’apaiser votre bébé vous sont présentés. Au fur et à mesure que vous apprendrez à connaître les comportements de votre bébé, vous constaterez que c’est au sein, bien blotti contre vous, qu’il se sent le plus réconforté. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1931, “Baby's Second Night”. This pamphlet explains the challenges you may experience 24 hour…
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include: how to get ready and what will happen during the treatment. A space to write down any questions is also provided.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include: how to get ready and what will happen during the treatment. A space to write down any questions is also provided.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include: where to go, how to get ready, and what will happen during the treatment. Contact information is also provided.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include how to get ready, where to go, and what will happen during the treatment.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a treatment that uses a small electrical current to stimulate the brain and cause a mild seizure (twitching of your toes and jaw muscle). ECT is most often used to treat serious depression. This pamphlet explains how ECT works, as well as the possible side effects. Topics include: where to go, how to get ready, and what will happen during the treatment.
Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do. It may help to figure out what is worrying you or making y…
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out what to do…
This is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet 2056. Ethics Nova Scotia Health supports all patients, families, volunteers, staff, and health care providers when they need help making hard choices or when there is disagreement about what is most important. Ethics is about how we connect our actions and our values. We answer ethics questions by thinking about our values, or what is important to us. When you or someone you care about is sick or hurt, it can be hard to figure out…
Une grossesse ectopique se produit quand un ovule fécondé s’implante à l’extérieur de l’utérus, le plus souvent dans les trompes de Fallope. Au fur et à mesure que l’ovule fécondé grossit, il étire la trompe de Fallope jusqu’à une rupture éventuelle. La présente ressource explique la fréquence des grossesses ectopiques, les raisons de faire des analyses sanguines pour vérifier s’il y a une grossesse ectopique, les symptômes à surveiller dans l’attente des résultats des analyses et la façon dont…
X-rays are the most common type of diagnostic imaging test. They can be used to identify a fractured bone, a chest infection, something blocking the bowel, and more. Topics include: who will do the X-ray, how long it will take, what happens during, and what to do if you are pregnant. A list of additional resources is provided.