Being diagnosed with advanced liver disease can be confusing and scary. You will need to make changes in your life and think about difficult treatment options. You and your loved ones may have many emotions during this time. For example, you may feel scared, upset, or anxious. This is normal. This pamphlet explains what quality of life is. It lists common physical, social, mental, and emotional changes that can happen when you have advanced liver disease, as well as common worries you may have.…
This pamphlet explains how having a liver transplant may affect your mental health. Topics include: When will my life be back to normal? Are my feelings normal? When should I get help? How do I get help? If you need mental health help right away, important phone numbers are listed.
This guide will help you and your family learn about your care after a liver transplant. This guide will answer many of your questions about the transplant process. Members of the Multi-Organ Transplant Program Team (Transplant Team) are also available to talk with you about your concerns. Everyone is different, so you may not have or develop all of the conditions that you read about in this guide. Topics include: in the hospital, monitoring, possible complications, planning for discharge, foll…
Ce guide vous aidera, vous et votre famille, à en savoir plus sur ce que vous devez faire après une greffe du foie. Il répond aux nombreuses questions que vous avez sur le processus de transplantation. Si vous avez des préoccupations, vous pouvez vous adresser à l’équipe du programme de transplantation multi-organes (équipe de transplantation). Chaque personne étant différente, il est possible que certaines des situations présentées ici ne vous concernent pas. Les sujets traités sont les suivan…
Écrire à la famille de votre donneur ou donneuse est une décision personnelle. Ce dépliant fournit certains renseignements qui vous guideront si vous décidez d’aller de l’avant dans cette démarche. On y explique de plus comment envoyer votre lettre par la poste.] ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Writing to Your Donor's Family" pamphlet 1212. Choosing to write to your donor's family is a personal decision. This pamphlet outlines some information to guide you if you decide you would li…
Cette brochure explique ce à quoi vous attendre pendant que vous patientez pour votre greffe de foie. Les sujets abordés comprennent l'évaluation de votre transplantation, le soutien de l'équipe, la planification des coûts, les tests courants, les résultats de l'évaluation, la période d'attente et la recherche. On y trouve de l'information sur la préparation au jour du don d'un foie, sur l'appel et sur ce à quoi vous attendre avant, pendant et après l'opération. ; This pamphlet is a French tran…
It can be hard to reach out to possible living donors. You may feel many emotions. This is normal. This pamphlet expalins the benefits of a kidney transplant from a living donor, how to find a living donor, who you should ask to be a donor, and what will happen when a person says they may be interested in being your living kidney donor. Contact information for Atlantic Canada Living Kidney Donation Programs is provided. Resources are included.
A highly sensitized patient has a high amount of antibodies. This makes them more likely to reject an organ after transplant. This pamphlet explains how to know if you are highly sensitized, and how the Highly Sensitized Patient Program works.
This pamphlet gives information on how to heal and stay healthy after your kidney donation surgery. Topics include incision (cut) care, activity, feelings after surgery, medications, Post Donation Program, and symptoms that require a trip to the Emergency Department.
It can be confusing and scary to find out that you have advanced liver disease. You have been referred to a Liver Specialist at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre (QEII). A liver transplant is one of many treatments that may be used to treat advanced liver disease. You and the Liver Specialist will decide on the best treatment for you. This pamphlet explains where to go for your appointment, how the liver works, and how to manage your symptoms. A map of the QEII Health Sciences Centr…
This pamphlet explains what to expect if you are a patient in The Nova Scotia Home Parenteral Nutrition Program for Adults. This pamphlet explains what home PN (parenteral nutrition) is, who can get it, how it is given, benefits, what your body needs to stay healthy, and how you will learn to do PN at home. It also explains how long you can expect to be on PN, when you can go home from the hospital, emotions, how home PN will affect your lifestyle, possible complications, and how to teach your …
La greffe de rein est un traitement pour l’insuffisance rénale. L’insuffisance rénale est également connue sous le nom de maladie rénale chronique (MRC) et néphropathie chronique. Un rein en bonne santé provenant d’une personne (le donneur) est transplanté (greffé) chez une autre personne (le receveur). Le traitement est généralement très efficace. Ce guide explique ce à quoi vous attendre lors d'une greffe de rein. Les sujets abordés comprennent l'inscription sur la liste d'attente pour une gr…
This pamphlet explains what to expect while waiting for your liver transplant. Topics include your transplant assessment, team support, planning for costs, common tests, assessment results, waiting period, and research. Information about getting ready for the day a liver is donated, getting "the call", and what to expect before, during, and after surgery is provided. The French version of this pamphlet 1123, "Dans l’attente d’une greffe de foie," is also available.
The decision to write your anonymous (unknown) kidney transplant recipient is a personal choice. The decision is yours. You do not have to write to them if you do not want to. If you would like to write to your transplant recipient, this pamphlet will give information to guide you. The pamphlet explains when you should write, what you should say, where to send your card or letter, and if you will hear back from your transplant recipient. Information about Direct Contact is included.
The decision to write your anonymous (unknown) living kidney donor to thank them for their donation is a personal choice. The decision is yours. You do not have to write to them if you do not want to. If you would like to write to your donor, this pamphlet will give information to guide you. The pamphlet explains when you should write, what you should say, where to send your card or letter, and if you will hear back from your kidney donor. Information about Direct Contact is included.
Choosing to write to your donor's family is a personal decision. This pamphlet outlines some information to guide you if you decide you would like to write to your donor's family. Mailing instructions are provided. The French version of this pamphlet 1790, "Écrire à la famille de votre donneur ou donneuse", is also available.
Having a kidney transplant is a treatment for kidney failure. Kidney failure is also known as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). A healthy kidney from one person (the donor) is placed (transplanted) into another person (the recipient). Treatment is usually very successful. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you have a kidney transplant. Topics include getting on the kidney transplant wait list, what to do while you wait for a kidney transplant, what to expect when you get called for a kidney…