This pamphlet answers questions you may have after having a heart attack. Lowering your risk factors for heart disease, heart healthy eating, coping with stress, activity, exercises, checking your heart rate, warning signs you are doing too much, medications and how to use nitro spray are covered. Directions for managing chest pain or discomfort at home are given.
Ticagrelor is a medicine used along with low dose Aspirin to reduce your risk of having a heart attack. You should not take Ticagrelor if you have or had a current bleeding problem such as bleeding from a stomach ulcer or if you have severe liver disease. Instructions for how to take and store this medicine as well as drug interactions and foods to avoid are discussed. Missed dose instructions are given. This pamphlet also describes warnings and possible side effects.
Cette brochure fournit des instructions précises aux patients qui prennent de la warfarine et qui sont traités pour au moins un des problèmes médicaux suivants : fibrillation auriculaire ou atriale (rythme cardiaque irrégulier), valvule prothétique (artificielle), thrombose veineuse (caillot de sang dans une veine profonde) ou embolie pulmonaire (artère du poumon bloquée par un caillot de sang), infarctus du myocarde (crise cardiaque) ou autre problème connexe. Des instructions sont également f…