You are going to have a 24-hour pH monitoring test. This test checks if your symptoms are related to refluxing (coming up from your stomach) or regurgitating (bringing up) acid from your stomach (belly) into your esophagus (the tube in your throat connecting your mouth and stomach to swallow food). This pamphlet explains why and how the test is done, and how the test will feel. Information about medications, eating, drinking, and activity during the 24-hour pH monitoring test is given. A diary …
La colonoscopie est un examen du gros intestin (côlon). Le médecin utilise un endoscope (un tube souple muni d'une lumière à son extrémité) pour examiner l'intérieur du gros intestin. Nous décrivons comment vous préparer pour l'examen, comment l'examen est effectué, les soins après l'examen et les complications possibles. Des polypes peuvent être enlevés pendant l'examen. Si vous recevez un sédatif, il y a certaines activités que vous ne devez pas effectuer pendant 24 heures après l'examen. ; T…
A colonoscopy is a test to look at your large bowel. This pamphlet describes risks, getting ready for the test, how the test is done, and care after the test. The French version of this pamphlet 1506, "Colonoscopie", is also available. The Arabic version of this pamphlet, 1479, is also available. The Chinese version of this pamphlet 2431, is also available.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is an exam of the large bowel (also known as the large intestine or colon). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look for any changes on the inside of your large bowel. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, what polyps are, care after the test, and possible complications. If you are given sedation, you must not do certain acti…
This pamphlet is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet "Colonoscopy - VG Site" pamphlet 0211. A colonoscopy is a test to look at your large bowel. This pamphlet describes risks, getting ready for the test, how the test is done, and care after the test. The French version of this pamphlet 1506, "Colonoscopie", is also available. The Arabic version of this pamphlet, 1479, is also available.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0038. An ERCP is an examination of the common bile duct, gallbladder, and the duct of the pancreas. The doctor will do this test with an endoscope (a flexible tube with a light at the tip). We have described getting ready for the test, how it is done, care after the test, and possible complications. As you will be given sedation, you must not do certain activities for 24 hours after the test.
This test is done to look at your swallowing muscles and the pressure in your esophagus (tube that connects your mouth to your stomach). The pamphlet describes where you go for your test, how to get ready, how the test is done, and what will happen after the test. The Chinese version of this pamphlet 2430, is also available.
This pamphlet is a Simplified Chinese translation of the English pamphlet "Esophageal Motility Pressure Studies" pamphlet 0273. This test is done to look at your swallowing muscles and the pressure in your esophagus (tube that connects your mouth to your stomach). The pamphlet describes where you go for your test, how to get ready, how the test is done, and what will happen after the test.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0188. A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test of part of the lower bowel (also known as the lower large intestine or the sigmoid). The doctor uses a special tube (endoscope) with a small light and camera on the end that bends to look at the inside of your lower bowel and rectum. This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is doen, and care after the test. Possible complications and symptoms requiring immediate medical attenti…
A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test to look at part of your lower bowel and rectum (bum). This pamphlet describes getting ready for the test, how the test is done, and care after the test. The French version of this pamphlet 1505, "Sigmoïdoscopie à sonde souple", is also available. The Arabic version of this pamphlet, 1478, is also available.
Une gastroscopie est un examen de l'œsophage (gorge), de l'estomac et du duodénum (première partie de l'intestin grêle). Nous décrivons comment vous préparer pour l'examen, comment l'examen est effectué, les soins après l'examen et les complications possibles. Si vous recevrez un sédatif, il y a certaines activités que vous ne devez pas effectuer pendant 24 heures après l'examen. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0040, "Gastroscopy: VG Site". A gastroscopy is an exam of the…
A gastroscopy is a test of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This pamphlet describes possible risks, getting ready for the test, how it is done, and care after the test. The French version of this pamphlet 1504, "Gastroscopie", is also available. The Arabic version of this pamphlet, 1477, is also available.
This is an Arabic translation of the English pamphlet 0040. A gastroscopy is an exam of the esophagus (throat), stomach, and duodenum (the first part of the small bowel). We have described getting ready for the test, how it is done, care after the test, and possible complications. If sedation is given, you must not do certain activities for 24 hours after the test.
Le médecin utilise un tube souple (endoscope) muni d'une petite lumière pour examiner l'intérieur de la partie inférieure du côlon et du rectum. La brochure décrit la préparation en vue du test, ce qui se passe pendant le test et ce qui se passe après le test. Les complications et les symptômes possibles qui exigent des soins médicaux immédiats sont également mentionnés. Un adulte responsable doit vous ramener à la maison et prendre soin de vous. Si vous recevez un sédatif, il n'est pas sécurit…