Birth control patches prevent pregnancy by preventing an egg from leaving your ovary each month. This prevents fertilization (when an egg and sperm join). This pamphlet explains how the patch works, how well it works, when it starts to work, pros and cons, how to use it, and possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2026, "Le timbre contraceptif", is also available.
Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing an egg from leaving your ovary each month. This prevents fertilization (when an egg and sperm join). This pamphlet explains how well the pill works, when it starts working, pros and cons, how to take it, and possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2027, "La pilule contraceptive", is also available.
A copper intrauterine device (IUD) prevents pregnancy by changing the lining of your uterus to stop sperm from reaching the egg. This pamphlet explains how well it works, pros and cons, what will happen when the IUD is put in, what happens after, movement or loss of the IUD, and removal. The French version of this pamphlet 2021, "Dispositif intra-utérin en cuivre (DIU)", is also available.
Depo-Provera® is a hormone used to prevent pregnancy. It is injected into your hip or arm using a needle. This pamphlet explains how it works, how well it works, how to get it, when it starts working, pros and cons, who should not take it, and things to remember when taking it. The French version of this pamphlet 2016, "Depo-Provera", is also available.
A hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made of flexible plastic with a hormone called levonorgestrel. The hormone changes the lining of your uterus to stop sperm from reaching the egg. This pamphlet explains how it works, how well it works, pros and cons, what will happen when the IUD is inserted, what happens after, movement or loss of the IUD, and removal. The French version of this pamphlet 2019, "Dispositif hormonal intra-utérin (avec lévonorgestrel) (DIU)", is also availabl…
An ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is when a fertilized egg attaches outside of the uterus. The egg often implants in 1 of the fallopian tubes. As the egg grows, it can cause the tube to rupture (break). This pamphlet explains why you may need to be tested for an ectopic pregnancy, how the test is done, symptoms to watch for when waiting for your test results, and how you will get your test results. The French version of this pamphlet 1964, "Grossesse ectopique (extra-utérine) possible : Clinique « W…