This pamphlet gives step-by-step instructions to collect a 24-hour urine sample. Drop-off site locations are included.
Your primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) has ordered a test to check your stool (poop) for fat. You should eat 100 to 150 grams of fat each day for this test. Follow this plan for 6 days: 3 days before you collect your stool and 3 days during collection. Choose foods listed in this pamphlet. The pamphlet lists the number of grams of fat in a variety of foods and includes a sample menu. Drop-off site locations for samples are included.
This pamphlet gives instructions to collect a semen sample. The drop-off site location is included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a skin, hair, or nail sample to detect infection(s). Locations for drop-offs are included.
Your doctor has ordered a test to check your stool (poop) for fat. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to test for C. diff. Special rules you must follow for 5 days before you collect your stool are listed. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to test your stool's culture. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to detect the presence of occult blood. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a stool (poop) sample to find ova and parasites. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a urine sample for the following: catecholamines, 5HIAA, VMA, and metanephrines. Drop-off locations are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a urine sample to test for porphyrins. Locations for drop-offs are included.
Step-by-step instructions are provided to collect a urine sample to detect chlamydia. Locations for drop-offs are included.