La greffe de rein est un traitement pour l’insuffisance rénale. L’insuffisance rénale est également connue sous le nom de maladie rénale chronique (MRC) et néphropathie chronique. Un rein en bonne santé provenant d’une personne (le donneur) est transplanté (greffé) chez une autre personne (le receveur). Le traitement est généralement très efficace. Ce guide explique ce à quoi vous attendre lors d'une greffe de rein. Les sujets abordés comprennent l'inscription sur la liste d'attente pour une gr…
The decision to write your anonymous (unknown) kidney transplant recipient is a personal choice. The decision is yours. You do not have to write to them if you do not want to. If you would like to write to your transplant recipient, this pamphlet will give information to guide you. The pamphlet explains when you should write, what you should say, where to send your card or letter, and if you will hear back from your transplant recipient. Information about Direct Contact is included.
The decision to write your anonymous (unknown) living kidney donor to thank them for their donation is a personal choice. The decision is yours. You do not have to write to them if you do not want to. If you would like to write to your donor, this pamphlet will give information to guide you. The pamphlet explains when you should write, what you should say, where to send your card or letter, and if you will hear back from your kidney donor. Information about Direct Contact is included.
Having a kidney transplant is a treatment for kidney failure. Kidney failure is also known as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). A healthy kidney from one person (the donor) is placed (transplanted) into another person (the recipient). Treatment is usually very successful. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you have a kidney transplant. Topics include getting on the kidney transplant wait list, what to do while you wait for a kidney transplant, what to expect when you get called for a kidney…