This pamphlet provides information about what to expect after having surgery to remove teeth. Pain and discomfort, controlling bleeding and swelling, what to expect with swallowing and opening your mouth wide, bruising, having a fever and feeling sick, hygiene, eating and drinking guidelines, signs of infection, stitches, sedation and anesthesia, activity, smoking, and what to do if you have a dry socket are discussed. Contact numbers for both urgent and non-urgent questions are also provided. …
This pamphlet gives information about your care at home after minor oral surgery. Topics include discomfort, activity, mouth care, controlling bleeding and swelling, food, and stitches. Contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are included. The French version of this pamphlet 1727, "Après une chirurgie buccale mineure - Site du VG", is also available.
La présente publication fournit des informations sur ce à quoi il faut s’attendre après une chirurgie d’extraction des dents. On y traite de la douleur et de l’inconfort, du contrôle du saignement et de l’enflure, du fait de ne pas pouvoir ouvrir grand la bouche, de se sentir souffrant et fiévreux, de l’hygiène buccale, de l’alimentation, des signes d’infection, des points de suture, de la sédation et de l’anesthésie, de l’activité, du tabagisme et de quoi faire en cas d’alvéolite. On y fournit…
Le présent dépliant fournit de l’information sur les soins à domicile après une chirurgie buccale mineure. On y traite de l’inconfort, de l’activité, des soins de la bouche, du contrôle de l’enflure et des saignements, de l’alimentation et des points de suture. Des coordonnées sont aussi fournies pour les questions urgentes et non urgentes. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 0405, "After Minor Oral Surgery - VG Site". This pamphlet gives information about your care at home a…
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also called the jaw joint. TMJ surgery is done to treat problems with your jaw joints (like diseases that cause pain and limit your jaw movement). This pamphlet includes what to expect after surgery (like recovery area, eating and drinking, swelling, stitches, pain, and physio sticks). A list of symptoms that require you to call the oral surgery resident are listed.
During your surgery, you were given a medication that affects how well birth control medications work. It is important that you know this if you are on any type of hormonal contraceptive (birth control medication). Sugammadex (Bridion®) is a medication that helps you recover faster from the muscle relaxant used during your surgery. Sugammadex may lower how well your hormonal birth control works for 7 days (1 week). Use a back-up birth control method for at least 7 days after your surgery. If yo…
Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing an egg from leaving your ovary each month. This prevents fertilization (when an egg and sperm join). This pamphlet explains how well the pill works, when it starts working, pros and cons, how to take it, and possible side effects. The French version of this pamphlet 2027, "La pilule contraceptive", is also available.
Dans cette brochure, vous trouverez des renseignements sur comment vous devriez vous brosser les dents et utiliser le fil dentaire, des conseils généraux sur le brossage des dents et l'utilisation du fil dentaire, et des conseils pour aider les enfants à se brosser les dents et à utiliser le fil dentaire. ; This is a French translation of the English pamphlet 1865, “Brushing and Flossing”. This pamphlet describes how to brush and floss your teeth. It also includes tips and information on helpin…
This pamphlet describes how to brush and floss your teeth. It also includes tips and information on helping children brush and floss. The French version of this pamphlet 1879, "Brosse à dents et fil dentaire," is also available.
Cleft lip and palate surgery is done to correct differences in the lip, nose, jaws, and roof of the mouth. Bone from the hip may be needed to make certain changes (cleft alveoli). This pamphlet explains what will happen on the day of your surgery and after your surgery. A Discharge Checklist is included. The pamphlet also includes contact numbers for both urgent and non-urgent questions once you are home.
Corrective jaw surgery corrects jaw deformities. This is done to prevent damage to your jaw joints, teeth, and muscles. Corrective jaw surgery is also used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This pamphlet explains what to expect on the day of your surgery, right after your surgery, and at home. Topics include prescriptions, oral (mouth) hygiene, eating guidelines, activity, lip and jaw exercises, elastics, nasal congestion, scissors, nosebleeds, infection, and vomiting. A discharge checkli…
Le misoprostol est une pilule qui contient un médicament appelé prostaglandine E1. La prostaglandine E1 assouplit le col de l’utérus pour le préparer au travail et déclencher des contractions. Cytotec® est le nom de marque de ce médicament. Le présent dépliant explique à quoi s'attendre si vous prenez du misoprostol, les complications possibles et quand informer un membre de votre équipe de soins de santé. ; This pamphlet is a French translation of "Induction of Labour and Cervical Ripening wit…
A facial bone fracture (break) must be treated to prevent future problems. Problems could include developing facial deformities, dental malocclusions (“bad bite”), jaw infection, or changes in facial growth. You will likely be admitted to a hospital room from the Emergency Department or from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. This pamphlet explains what to expect before and after surgery, and at home. A discharge checklist and contact numbers for urgent and non-urgent questions are incl…
Pendant votre chirurgie buccale (bouche), il se peut que l’on doive vous faire une greffe de tissu. Ce type de transplantation est appelé allogreffe. Cette brochure explique ce qui suit : origine des tissus greffés, types de tissus pouvant être greffés, critères de sélection des donneurs de tissus, risques liés aux greffes de tissus, consentement éclairé, à quoi s’attendre après une greffe de tissu, choses à faire si vous pensez avoir un problème lié à l’opération, ressources complémentaires su…
Misoprostol is a pill that contains a medication called prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 softens the cervix to get it ready for labour and to cause labour contractions. Cytotec® is the brand name of this medication. This pamphlet explains what to expect when you get misoprostol, possible complications of misoprostol, and when you should notify a member of your health care team. The French version of this pamphlet 1816, "Déclenchement artificiel du travail et maturation cervicale au moyen de c…
Depending on the type and place of cancer treatment, the mouth can be affected. This pamphlet details who is at risk for mouth problems, the symptoms, when to see your dentist and how to keep your mouth healthy. Includes care for dentures and information on foods to try and which to avoid.
Many people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have anemia (not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood). Taking oral irons will give you enough iron to make hemoglobin. The pamphlet explains what oral irons are, how to take and store them, and possible side effects.
Your body needs magnesium to keep your bones, muscles, nervous system and immune system healthy. Your health care provider has suggested you take an oral (by mouth) magnesium supplement. Helpful hints and a sample medication schedule are provided.
This pamphlet provides an overview of oral systemic therapy for cancer treatment. Includes how to get and take the treatment, for how long, what tests are needed, and what are the risks and side effects of the treatement.
La pilule contraceptive empêche la grossesse en arrêtant le cycle d’ovulation, en provoquant l’épaississement des sécrétions (mucus) du col de l’utérus et en modifiant la paroi intérieure de l’utérus. Le livret explique le fonctionnement de la pilule, le moment où elle commence son travail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients, la manière de la prendre et ce qui peut modifier son efficacité; on explique quoi faire si on oublie de prendre la pilule, les effets secondaires possibles, de même que le…